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120 Years of Reflection - Chinese Primary School Writing Curriculum from 1902-2022 -

寫字教學百廿年回顧與反思 - 以1902-2022 小學語文課程檔為例 -

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438287
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

This study reviewed Chinese primary school writing curriculum from 1902 to 2022 to reflect on its strengths and weaknesses. The review came to the following conclusions: 1) The teaching of writing should be done independently from general Chinese language education; 2) Teaching objectives should not be limited to skills training but should also include emotional literacy; 3) Teaching methods should be connected to the mental and physical developmental stage of students; 4) The teaching process should not be random, but should be standardized, and; 5) Evaluation of teaching should be measured on an objective and detailed evaluation scale.

通過對1902至2022年間小學語文課程檔中寫字教學的梳理與回顧, 認為, 寫字 教學不應是識字教學的附庸, 應有自己獨立的課程地位;寫字教學目標不應僅囿於技能 培養層面, 還應對情意素養加以關注;寫字教學方法不應簡單機械, 而應遵循學習者的身 心發展規律;寫字教學過程不應隨機隨意, 而應以足夠的時間為保障和規範的教材為依 託;寫字教學評價不應籠統模糊, 而應制定一個科學精細的評價量表。

1. Introduction
2. Review of 120 Years of Writing Education
    2.1. Late Qing Government
    2.2. People’s Republic of China
    2.3. Early Years of People's Republic of China
    2.4. Early Days of Reform and Opening of the People's Republic ofChina
    2.5. The Early 2000s
3. Conclusion
    3.1. Writing education should have its own curriculum independent ofliterary education
    3.2. The goal of writing education should not only be confined to thelevel of skill training, but also should pay attention to emotionalliteracy
    3.3. Writing education method should not be simple and mechanical,but should follow the physical and mental development of learners
    3.4. The teaching of writing should be focused, and there should besufficient time to complete the carrying-out of standard curriculum
    3.5. Writing education evaluations must be specific and perform againsta scientific and detailed evaluation scale
  • Huai Ling SHAO(School of Education Science Liaocheng University, China) | 邵懷領 (聊城大學 教育科學學院)