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百年來玄應《大唐眾經音義》研究概述 KCI 등재

The Research Review of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi over the Past Century

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438310
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,800원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

The study of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi originated in the Qing Dynasty and has yielded rich research results to this day, involving multiple academic fields. By reviewing over 200 relevant research papers, theses, and academic monographs both domestically and internationally, and categorizing them from the perspectives of philology, linguistics, and comprehensive research, the overall research situation of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi in the academic community over the past century can be systematically organized. It can be found that the research focus of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi has changed under the influence of disciplinary specialization. Promoting the construction of Chinese Phonology and Semantics that combines form, sound, and meaning is beneficial for the further development of the study of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi.

1. 研究緣起 
2. 文獻學研究
    2.1 《玄應音義》版本相關研究
    2.2 《玄應音義》引書相關研究
    2.3 《玄應音義》的校勘研究
3. 語言學研究
    3.1 《玄應音義》的訓詁學研究
    3.2 《玄應音義》的文字學研究
    3.3 《玄應音義》的音韻學研究
4. 綜合性研究
5. 總結

  • 賀穎(西安石油大學) | Ying HE
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