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廣西舊志“物產”類方俗語詞選釋五組 KCI 등재

Explanation of Folk Words in the “Product” Category of Guangxi Old Records

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438311
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,200원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

Guangxi is located in the southwest, with multi-ethnic settlements and complex language components. Chinese is mainly spoken in Southwest Mandarin and Cantonese, while also including small dialects of Min, Xiang, and Hakka. The Zhuang language is the most widely used minority language. This language pattern is also widely reflected in various volumes of Guangxi local chronicles, where dialects and language contact can be seen in many places. The article selects five sets of famous objects and words from the volume of “Products” in Guangxi Old Gazetteer, and comprehensively uses methods such as character recognition, comparative analysis, and contextual interpretation to conduct research. The conclusion is helpful for reading local chronicles, studying Chinese history, and revising Chinese dictionaries.

1. 刺竹;棘竹 ; 竻竹; 筋竹 ; 筋竹 ; 刺竹
    1.1 刺竹 ;箣竹;棘竹
    1.2 竻竹 ;簕(勒)竹 ; 筋竻
    1.3 刺勒 (竻);棘勒 ;澀勒 ;𥯨簩
    1.4 刺勒(棘竻);蒺藜 ;茨
2. 黎檬子;宜檬子 ;  宜母子 ;   黎母 ; 里木
3. 鐵稜 ;鐵力 ;鐵梨 ;石鹽
4. 鳧茈;荸薺 ; 馬蹄;慈菇
    4.1 鳧茈;荸薺; 馬蹄
    4.2 慈姑(茨菇)
5. 玉蜀黍;包穀 ; 苞粟

  • 楊宗育(四川大學) | Zongyu YANG
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