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日本江戶時代漢字文本《小野篁歌字盡》的試驗論證 KCI 등재

An Essay of the Japanese Edo-Period Kanji Text “小野篁歌字盡” in Popular Education

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438317
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,100원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

This article focuses on the kanji learning textbook “小野篁歌字盡”, which was published in the Edo period. This textbook was used by the learning and education institution Terakoya. However, the kanji it contains are complicated for beginners. In addition, the book has a training pronunciation, so it is clear how the words were pronounced at that time. Although “小野篁歌字盡” was complex, it was revised repeatedly and used until the end of Edo period. These revisions were made in accordance with the educational requirements of the time. In other words, the revisions of “小野篁歌字盡” and its contents reflect the educational and living conditions of Japan at that time. The kanji learning materials of Terakoya include “名盡” (a kanji learning material for names), “千字文”, and “国盡” (a kanji learning material for regional names). In addition, moral education is conducted using “the Analects of Confucius” and “Daxue”. So, what role did the “小野篁歌字盡” play in education? In this article, we will also introduce “小野篁歌字盡”, which was collected by Shiga’s Jishusai and Sakai City’s Seigakuin. The Edo period in Japan was the period when the Tokugawa Shogunate ruled the country after a long period of war and lasted for about 260 years. In particular, after the Shimabara Rebellion (1637), the samurai lost their role as warriors and the structure of rule changed. Ruling required political power rather than force. This created a particular need for education. Against this backdrop of the times, “小野篁歌字盡” was published.

1. 《小野篁歌字盡》的概述
2. 小野篁 的概要 ②
3. 小野篁歌字盡的成立
4. 小野篁歌字盡的變遷背景
5. 清學院與時修齋
6. 結語

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