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Potato Cultivation Status and Prospects in Paraguay KCI 등재

파라과이의 감자 재배현황과 전망

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438476
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

This article aims to compile key information to describe the current production situation of potatoes f or c onsumption and v irus- free s eed potatoes i n Paraguay, and to identify the main challenges for developing a self-sufficient production system. The study describes the climatic conditions of the production of potatoes and the national production and distribution situation, highlighting the dependence on imports for more than 90% of market demand. It analyzed the issues surrounding the production and supply of virus-free seed potatoes, which depend on imports from Argentina, averaging 799.9 tons per year. Additionally, this study collects information on virus detection in local potatoes and the risks associated with introducing viruses through imported seeds. To address these issues, the Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture (KOPIA) and the Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology (IPTA) cooperation project promoted the production of virus-free seed potatoes for their distribution to smallholder farmers across various country regions, strengthening the foundations for future virus-free seed potato production and distribution systems. Improving self-sufficiency in potato production in Paraguay requires an integrated strategy that includes analyzing suitable regions for seed potato production, implementing advanced technologies, and strengthening farmers’ technical capacity. Establishing virus-free seed potato production areas and securing governmental and legal support are crucial steps toward achieving sustainable seed potato production and reducing dependence on imports.

적 요
  • Jenny Bareiro(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro De Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé, Republic of Paraguay)
  • Beatriz Gómez(Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB del Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km 48.5, Caacupé, Republic of Paraguay)
  • Hugo Zarza(Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB del Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km 48.5, Caacupé, Republic of Paraguay)
  • Betania Fernández(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro De Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé, Republic of Paraguay)
  • Seong-Bin Kim(Rural Development Administration, Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture Division, 300, Nongsaengmyeong-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do 54875, Republic of Korea) | 김성빈 (농촌진흥청 국외농업기술과, 전라북도 전주시 덕진구 농생명로300, 54875)
  • Bong Nam Chung(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro De Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé, Republic of Paraguay) | 정봉남 (KOPIA 파라과이 센터, Centro De Investigación Hernando Bertoni - CIHB - IPTA Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé, 파라과이) Corresponding author