
한국국제농업개발학회지 KCI 등재 The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture

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제36권 4호 (2024년 12월) 15

2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aimed to examine the relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth of ASEAN countries. This study also discovered impacts of other factors such as labor force, trade openness, gross fixed capital formation, domestic credit, and pandemic on economic growth. We used country panel data during the period of 1998-2021 from nine ASEAN countries including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Data were collected from world development indicators of the World Bank and UNCTAD database. Estimation results from fixed effects models showed a consistency in terms of impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth between two outputs (GDP per capita and national GDP). This study found that foreign direct investment had a positive and significant effect on economic growth in the ASEAN region. Moreover, control factors also impacted economic growth positively, except for COVID- 19 v ariable, w hich h ad a n egative impact. Labor force had the strongest impact, followed by gross fixed capital formation, COVID-19, and bank credit. Based on these results, some implications for ASEAN policymakers are suggested.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Coffee is a major traded item worldwide. Uganda, where the coffee sector provides a livelihood to 1.8 million households, is Africa’s second-biggest coffee exporter. Pests and diseases are significant constraints affecting coffee production. Although the Ugandan government has implemented strategies to assist farmers in addressing these constraints, coffee pests and diseases continue to affect the yield and quality of coffee crops. This ongoing issue highlights the need for more effective and sustainable solutions to protect coffee production in Uganda. This review examined two prevalent diseases and two major pests known to significantly impact Uganda’s coffee systems. It explored strategies that pathogens and pests would utilize to invade and colonize coffee plants. Furthermore, this review evaluated current challenges and prospects for improving coffee pest and disease management. By offering valuable insights and recommendations, it aims to equip agricultural stakeholders with the knowledge needed to develop and implement more effective strategies for combating these persistent threats to coffee production in Uganda.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article aims to compile key information to describe the current production situation of potatoes f or c onsumption and v irus- free s eed potatoes i n Paraguay, and to identify the main challenges for developing a self-sufficient production system. The study describes the climatic conditions of the production of potatoes and the national production and distribution situation, highlighting the dependence on imports for more than 90% of market demand. It analyzed the issues surrounding the production and supply of virus-free seed potatoes, which depend on imports from Argentina, averaging 799.9 tons per year. Additionally, this study collects information on virus detection in local potatoes and the risks associated with introducing viruses through imported seeds. To address these issues, the Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture (KOPIA) and the Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology (IPTA) cooperation project promoted the production of virus-free seed potatoes for their distribution to smallholder farmers across various country regions, strengthening the foundations for future virus-free seed potato production and distribution systems. Improving self-sufficiency in potato production in Paraguay requires an integrated strategy that includes analyzing suitable regions for seed potato production, implementing advanced technologies, and strengthening farmers’ technical capacity. Establishing virus-free seed potato production areas and securing governmental and legal support are crucial steps toward achieving sustainable seed potato production and reducing dependence on imports.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In Cambodia, rubber is an important agricultural industry crop that produces latex and rubber wood. Cambodia exports most of its natural rubber to Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, China, and Spain. This study aimed to assess export competitiveness of Cambodian rubber using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Trade Specialization Index (TSI) and to explore strategies for enhancing exports. This research analyzed secondary data from Trade Map and the General Directorate of Rubber (GDR) from 2002 to 2022. Findings show that Cambodia has a significant comparative advantage globally in natural rubber, with an RCA of 18. Particularly, Cambodia demonstrates substantial comparative advantages in its rubber exports to Vietnam, Malaysia, and China. Additionally, it has a high TSI, indicating a strong potential for expanding exports to these markets. However, Cambodia’s reliance on Vietnam for its rubber exports is high, highlighting the need for efforts to diversify its export markets.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted to analyze New Zealand’s beekeeping industry and Manuka honey grading system to suggest characteristics and development plans for Korea’s honey grading system. Manuka honey in New Zealand is harvested from the Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). It is known for its various bioactive properties, including antimicrobial activity and antioxidants. Since 2017, the New Zealand government has been implementing national certification and grading for all exported Manuka honey. For this purpose, compositions of Manuka honey across New Zealand have been investigated and four chemical indicators and one biological indicator have been established. Currently, Korea has been fully implementing a honey grading system since September 2023, which divides honey (acacia honey, chestnut honey, and miscellaneous honey) into 1+ grade, 1 grade, and 2 grade according to Enforcement Rules of the Livestock Act. The following seven indicators are used: carbon isotope consumption, moisture content, sugar ratio, hydroxytmethylfurfural, flavor, chromaticity, and defects, similar to Codex standards or European standards. However, details are modified to suit Korean conditions. To make the Korean honey grading system more stable, it is necessary to develop and introduce different indicators for honey functionality and honey grading system maturity. In addition, it is necessary to expand the participation of farmers in the honey grading system, secure consumer trust in the honey grading system, and continue to promote it.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims to propose new grading standards that can be applied to AI-based automatic sorting machines, reflecting current distribution and consumption trends. The current domestic grading standards for onions in South Korea are based on the “Agricultural and Fishery Products Quality Control Act”. They classify onions based on criteria such as uniformity, shape, color, and the presence of foreign matter. Onion grading standards are divided into four categories based on bulb diameter and weight. However, in the actual domestic market, onions are distributed according to a five-grade classification based on bulb diameter. Therefore, this study classified onions into eight grades, reflecting current distribution and consumption trends in the domestic market. These grades are applicable to AI-based automatic sorting machines. Marketable onions were classified into A1 (extra large) to A5 (extra small) based on the diameter of a single bulb. Onions used for non-marketable purposes (processing) were classified as grade B. Additionally, grade C and grade D were designated for processing and disposal, respectively. By establishing quality grading classifications that align with current distribution and consumption market trends as well as the operational characteristics of AI-based automatic sorting machines, we can expect improvements in work efficiency and reductions in distribution costs. Following this study, it will be necessary to establish comprehensive quality grading standards that include both external criteria (such as bulb weight and size) and internal criteria (such as detection of internal decay and disease occurrence).
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For domestic companies to enter the market, Vietnam’s rice industry value chain and strategies face the following problems. First, farmers outside the Mekong and Red River deltas suffer from low productivity and quality due to a lack of access to new varieties and technology. Second, quality control is difficult because of the small scale of milling companies and collectors. The double milling system increases distribution margins, leading to price hikes. Additionally, low margins for distributors further exacerbate this issue. Third, the government’s export price controls and advance purchase system result in losses and fluctuations in domestic rice prices, negatively affecting exports. The lack of branding and the perception of low-quality rice also diminish international competitiveness. Fourth, the annual import of one million tons through the southeastern border impacts domestic rice prices. To develop rice market in Vietnam, it would be beneficial to integrate production, milling, and distribution. Additionally, collaborating with organizations such as the KOPIA Center to provide cultivation technology support and establish large-scale demonstration complexes should be considered. Additionally, to increase domestic market share, it is necessary to prioritize marketing efforts such as enhancing promotions and building brands, while emphasizing urban consumers’ preferences for high quality and flavor rather than focusing on exports.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Agriculture plays a critical role in Uganda’s economy, contributing to 24% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and serving as the primary source of livelihood for a large portion of the population. Organic horticulture presents a promising pathway for sustainable development, offering economic opportunities through access to niche markets both locally and internationally. However, effective management for pests and diseases remains a major challenge in organic horticulture. This review addresses pest and disease issues affecting non-traditional export crops in Uganda, such as pepper, bitter gourd, and aubergine. Additionally, it provides an overview of botanical pesticides currently used in Uganda, along with approved organic fungicides (e.g., lime sulfur, copper) and insecticides (e.g., paraffinic oils, pyrethrum). This review explores physical and chemical properties, target pests, benefits, drawbacks, and active ingredients of these substances. The ultimate aim is to offer Ugandan farmers expanded options for managing pests and diseases in organic horticulture.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted in the San Pedro Department to determine the impact of different soil management practices on sesame productivity. Different tillage methods (conventional deep tillage, minimum tillage, and no-tillage), crop rotations (monoculture, double, and triple rotation), various combinations of green manure, and appropriate doses of chemical fertilizers were studied. The results revealed that the no-tillage method combined with crop rotation (corn-cotton-sesame) and fertilization had the highest productivity of 1,548 kg/ha. In contrast, the conventional deep tillage method without fertilization showed the lowest productivity with 614 kg/ha. Incorporation of summer green manures (Mucuna pruriens) in minimum tillage methods with fertilization significantly improved productivity (1,010 kg/ha) in comparison with the same tillage method and fertilization but without Mucuna (720 kg/ha), which highlights the synergistic effects of combining green manures with chemical fertilizers. The treatment of winter green manures consisting of black oat + white lupine and black oat + radish has also significantly improved the productivity of sesame with 904 and 900 kg/ha, respectively, compared to the non-use of winter green manure and the use of chia, which had productivities of 695 and 298 kg/ha, respectively. The best chemical fertilization doses of nitrogen (urea 45% N), phosphorus (46% P2O5), and potassium (60% K2O) were determined through tests with increasing doses of each nutrient, maintaining 40 kg/ha as the base for the other two. The highest productivity was obtained with N, P, and K levels of 70 kg/ha each, resulting in productivities of 1,421, 1,522, and 1,486 kg/ha. However, the maximum profit compared to the input is obtained with doses of 50 kg/ha for N and 60 kg/ha for P and K, giving a productivity of 1,390, 1,510, and 1,421 kg/ha, respectively.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most consumed vegetables in Paraguay, playing a crucial role in the daily diet of the population. Onion production is mainly concentrated in the Eastern Region, especially in the departments of Caaguazú, Paraguarí, and Itapúa. However, despite its importance, Paraguay continues to rely on onion imports from Argentina and Brazil to meet the growing domestic demand. This dependence is concerning, as national yields are approximately 40% lower than those obtained in these neighboring countries. There are several problems affecting onion production in Paraguay. Among them, the most important problem is the lack of local varieties adapted to the country’s climate conditions. Another problem is the absence of adequate and well-defined agricultural practices. This study aims to review the agroclimatic conditions of the main production areas, as well as the production technologies currently employed and local research efforts. A significant aspect of the research is the KOPIA-IPTA (Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural Technology) cooperation project, which sought to promote innovation in onion cultivation by transferring technologies and technical knowledge. Trials of different onion varieties were conducted at three IPTA regional institute of Caacupé, Choré, and San Juan Bautista across three planting seasons. Additionally, demonstration fields in Cordillera, Paraguarí, Misiones, and San Pedro showed an increase in gross income between 145% and 438% compared to the national average. This project has demonstrated that developing appropriate technologies and farmer training are essential to improving onion production and quality in Paraguay. Furthermore, the prospect emphasizes the need for the implementation of an internal program where the main focus is the development o f appropriate technologies and their transfer to farmers to ensure sustainable and high- quality local production.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L,. var. cerasiforme Mill.) is small fruits with a bright red color resembling a cherry and having an excellent taste, sweet and juicy ambience. So far, no cherry tomato variety was registered in Ethiopia. Consequently, six genotypes were imported from National Institute of Horticulture and Herbal Sciences (NIHHS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) Republic of Korea, and field experiment was conducted in RCBD with three replications at six Ethiopian testing sites, with irrigation, during off-seasons of 2021 and 2022 to identify high yielding, well adapted and good quality varieties. The overall analysis of variance across locations and years showed non-significant difference among the genotypes for marketable and total yields. But separate analysis for each site has revealed significant differences among genotypes at Melkassa, Koka, Adami- Tulu and Fogera, unlike that of Kulumsa and Woramit. There were significant differences (P < 0.05) among these genotypes for fruit numbers per plant, average fruit weight, fruits per cluster, plant height, skin thickness, juice volume and total soluble solid. Wonhong No.3 gave higher marketable (24.49 t/ha) and total (26.19 t/ha) yields, and generally Wonhong Nos.3 and 5 had higher yields and good qualities across these tested locations and years. Hence, Wonhong No.3 (designated as Jorgie-1) was registered for its higher yield, non-cracking, good TSS and color, while Wonhong No.5 (renamed as Jorgie-2) was preferred for its smaller fruit size, reasonable yield and quality (TSS, color, non-cracking). Hence, both varieties were officially registered in 2023 season for commercial production in different agro-ecologies of Ethiopia, and they are believed to add more economic and nutritional values for the tomato producers and the consumers. They can also support the intensification of tomato cultivation in peri-urban and urban agriculture, where demands and thus government focus are increasingly growing.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Climate change and human activities have significantly threatened plant diversity in Nigeria, leading to the imminent extinction of plant genetic resources (PGR). The collected and conserved PGR are insufficient to slow the rate of diversity loss. To address this challenge, plant breeders have initiated various improvement programs aimed at utilizing available PGR to enhance plant resilience against the severity of climate change. Despite these efforts, several limiting factors hinder the sustainable conservation of PGR in Nigeria. The lack of up-to-date information on PGR in Nigeria restricts our understanding of crop diversity. This review explores these constraints and outlines the diverse strategies employed by relevant research institutes over the years to conserve PGR. It also evaluates both in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts in the country. Collaborations and interactions between research institutes in Nigeria focused on managing PGR are highlighted. Establishing more ex-situ fields across all ecological zones of Nigeria is emphasized as a crucial step to enhance effective conservation measures. Additional recommendations are provided to encourage the conservation and sustainable production of PGR in Nigeria.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a significant cereal crop from the Gramineae family, serves as a vital source of protein, essential minerals, B-group vitamins, and dietary fiber. However, its productivity is often hindered by issues such as poor seed germination, which can adversely affect yield and crop quality. This study investigated the effects of different silicon concentrations and priming durations on wheat germination and seedling growth. Analysis of variance revealed that silicon treatment significantly influenced key parameters of germination and growth, including germination percentage (GP), germination index (GI), vigor index (VI), radicle length (RL), plumule length (PL), and seedling dry weight (SDW). Priming with silicon at a concentration of 1 mM resulted in notable improvements, increasing GP, GI, VI, RL, and PL by 10.6%, 65.5%, 29.4%, 18.6%, and 28.6%, respectively, after 6 hours of priming. Certain germination traits demonstrated strong positive correlations, particularly GP and GI (r = 0.96) and VI and RL (r = 0.94), after 4 hours of priming. These improvements in seed germination and seedling development may result from enhanced water uptake, stimulated cell division, and increased hydrolytic enzyme activity, which facilitate the mobilization of seed reserves and accelerate the growth of embryonic tissues.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Pepper is one of the most important vegetables in South Korea. It is a key ingredient in kimchi, the nation’s staple dish, and serves as the primary raw material for producing gochujang, a commonly used condiment in Korean cooking. As a result, numerous pepper varieties have been developed, including those that yield more fruit or have milder pungency. However, farmers who grow peppers tend to prefer varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases. Bacterial wilt (BW) is one of the most devastating diseases affecting peppers and is transmitted through the soil. To breed pepper varieties resistant to bacterial wilt using molecular breeding techniques, it is essential to first identify the Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) that confers resistance to this disease. This requires conducting locus analysis with resistant cultivars. In this study, an F2 population was developed by selfing F1 hybrids, which were obtained by crossing a resistant cultivar with a susceptible cultivar, to identify QTLs associated with bacterial wilt resistance. Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) analysis will be performed using the F2 population, and the results will be utilized for QTL mapping.
2024.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The world population is rapidly increasing; over the past 40 years, it has risen by 3.3 billion, reaching 7.8 billion people. Globally, Solanaceae plants contribute more than 6.5 million tons of food to the world’s diet, with potatoes being the fourth most produced crop, cultivated in over 300 countries. However, caution is necessary when consuming plants from the Solanaceae family, as they contain toxic substances known as alkaloids. While alkaloids can offer beneficial effects, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and anti-cancer properties, tolerance to these compounds varies among individuals, meaning even very small amounts can have fatal effects.Among the major crops in the Solanaceae family, potatoes contain solanine and chaconine; tomatoes contain tomatine; and eggplants contain solasonine and solamargine. The concentration of these substances varies depending on the part of the plant, its developmental stage, and its variety. Additionally, levels can increase significantly due to environmental stress. The environment profoundly impacts the synthesis of secondary metabolites related to survival and defense. Research has confirmed that environmental conditions-such as high-temperature cultivation, low-temperature storage, drought and rainfall, strong light, weak light (shade conditions), and excessive fertilizer application-can increase alkaloid synthesis. Therefore, this study reviews research on alkaloids in Solanaceae crops.