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뉴질랜드 마누카 꿀 등급제 현황 분석을 통한 우리나라 벌꿀 등급제 적용방안 KCI 등재

Perspective of Honey Grading System Application in Korea Considering New Zealand’s Manuka Honey Case

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438478
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한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

This study was conducted to analyze New Zealand’s beekeeping industry and Manuka honey grading system to suggest characteristics and development plans for Korea’s honey grading system. Manuka honey in New Zealand is harvested from the Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). It is known for its various bioactive properties, including antimicrobial activity and antioxidants. Since 2017, the New Zealand government has been implementing national certification and grading for all exported Manuka honey. For this purpose, compositions of Manuka honey across New Zealand have been investigated and four chemical indicators and one biological indicator have been established. Currently, Korea has been fully implementing a honey grading system since September 2023, which divides honey (acacia honey, chestnut honey, and miscellaneous honey) into 1+ grade, 1 grade, and 2 grade according to Enforcement Rules of the Livestock Act. The following seven indicators are used: carbon isotope consumption, moisture content, sugar ratio, hydroxytmethylfurfural, flavor, chromaticity, and defects, similar to Codex standards or European standards. However, details are modified to suit Korean conditions. To make the Korean honey grading system more stable, it is necessary to develop and introduce different indicators for honey functionality and honey grading system maturity. In addition, it is necessary to expand the participation of farmers in the honey grading system, secure consumer trust in the honey grading system, and continue to promote it.

서 언
뉴질랜드 양봉 산업 현황
뉴질랜드 마누카 꿀 등급제 현황
    마누카 꿀의 특징 및 등급제 도입 배경
    마누카 꿀 등급 기준 및 특징
우리나라 벌꿀 등급제 현황 및 특성
    국내 벌꿀 등급제 현황 및 기준
제 언
    벌꿀 등급제 숙성도 및 기능성 지표 도입
    벌꿀 등급제 농가 참여 확대
    벌꿀 등급제 소비자 신뢰 확보 및 홍보
적 요
  • 이왕열(축산물품질평가원) | Wang Yeol Lee (Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation, Sejong, 30100, Korea)
  • 안세웅(한국농수산대학교 원예학부) | Sewoong An (Department of Horticulture, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries, Jeonju 54874, Korea)
  • 길주애(축산물품질평가원) | Juae Gil (Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation, Sejong, 30100, Korea)
  • 김혜경(한국농수산대학교 농수산융합학부) | Hye Kyung Kim (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Convergence, Korea National University of Agriculture and Fisheries, Jeonju 54874, Korea) Corresponding author