
한국국제농업개발학회지 KCI 등재 The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture

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제36권 3호 (2024년 9월) 9

2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study compared the climatic conditions and fruit quality of the ‘Shiranuhi’ mandarin. This variety is expanding to inland areas due to climate change and global warming. The main producing area of ‘Shiranuhi’ mandarin is Jeju Island. In the inland areas where ‘Shiranuhi’ mandarin is grown, the average temperature is 12.9-13.9℃, which is 3-4℃ lower than the temperature in Seogwipo (16.9℃) on Jeju Island. In these inland areas, there are frequent critical minimum temperatures (below –3℃) in January or February, making the open field temperatures unsuitable for growing ‘Shiranuhi’ mandarins. However, farmers in these areas have managed to mitigate this risk by maintaining an average temperature of 18.3℃ inside plastic houses, which are actively heated from December to March. The earliest full bloom of ‘Shiranuhi’ was recorded in Jindo, Jeollanam-do on April 10. The earliest harvest date was observed in Seogwipo, Jeju on January 9, which indicates the shortest maturity period of 272 days. The cumulative temperature inside the greenhouse was highest in Wanju, Jeollabuk-do at 5,755℃. Buan, Jeollabuk-do (5,517℃) and Seogwipo, Jeju (5,518℃) had nearly identical temperatures. Significant differences in fruit quality were observed between the inland areas and Jeju Island. These differences were observed in fruit length, summit length, firmness, and the CIE b* value of the peel. The climate differences seem to have a greater influence on the factors that determine the fruit shape among the fruit quality characteristics. The yield per tree was higher in Seogwipo, Jeju (38.3kg) compared to the inland areas (30 to 34kg). Inland areas predominantly featured medium to small fruits (251-300g), while Jeju Island had a higher proportion of larger fruits (over 350g).
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was carried out to establish various physiological changes according to soil water stress and to compare the degree of water stress between two species of grapevines (‘Jinok’ as a new breeding cultivar and ‘Campbell Early’ as a control) using thermography. Soil water potentials were treated at -70, -30, and -5 kPa with waterlogging for 7 days. Regarding the photosynthetic rates (A) of the two cultivars, they showed an order of –30 kPA > -5 kPa > -70 kPa in order. With -70 kPa and waterlogging treatments, a decrease of photosynthetic rate was observed at 3 days after treatment, with a more significant decrease accumulating over time. At 7 days after treatment, photosynthetic rates of ‘Campbell Early’ (33.3, 45.6%) and ‘Jinok’ (56.6, 57.3%) grapes decreased compared to those with -30 kPa treatment. H2O2 and proline synthesis were the highest with the waterlogging treatment. In terms of proline synthesis, ‘Campbell Early’ had a relatively higher rate than ‘Jinok’. Leaf and stem water potential were the lowest with the -70 kPa treatment and the highest with the - 30 kPa treatment f or both cultivars. Crop water stress index (CWSI) showed the following order: waterlogging > -70 kPa > -5 kPa > -30 kPa, which was the opposite result of water vapor transfer (IG). As a result of correlation analysis between factors, photosynthetic rate showed negative correlations with the water potential of leaf and stem and crop water stress index but a positive correlation with the relative water content of leaves. Thus, tolerance to water stress of ‘Campbell Early’ was relatively stronger than that of ‘Jinok’ grape. It is possible to compare water stress using infrared imaging.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an essential crop in the Paraguayan diet. It plays a crucial role in food security. It is a source of income for family agriculture. It has a significant potential to adapt to various climatic and soil conditions in Paraguay, making it a promising crop for improving productivity. However, Paraguay faces a deficit in the development of sweet potato cultivation technology, resulting in a low productivity of 5.3 ton/ha. Efforts have been made to collect and characterize sweet potato genotypes, covering a diversity of native varieties. These efforts have laid the groundwork for future sweet potato research and development. Still, ongoing research and development of strategies are needed to address existing challenges of improving genetic resource traits and developing cultivation technology and to fully exploit growth opportunities in this sector. This review summarizes sweet potato cultivation in Paraguay, focusing on several key technical aspects. It analyzes current market situation and production conditions as well as the availability of genetic materials adapted to different ecoregions. Additionally, it explores prospects for the development of advanced sweet potato crops, including the production of high-quality, virus-free sweet potato plants with improved productivity.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The global coffee market has undergone several structural changes with power shifting from the International Coffee Agreement and its member countries to international coffee traders, multinational coffee corporations, and ultimately end-consumers. Despite these changes, the chronic issue of income disparity between coffee-producing and coffee-consuming countries remains entrenched. Although various international organizations and individual companies have initiated diverse sustainability movements, these efforts have shown limitations. In this context, it is essential to identify and analyze successful examples of prioritizing the development of marginalized tribal coffee producers and their community in the process of globalization. It is also essential to generalize factors contributing to their success. This study aimed to analyze the Araku Coffee Project led by the Naandi Foundation in India through lens of the cultural-political economy of the Global Production Networks (GPN). The Naandi Foundation rooted in the philosophy of sustainability has worked to enlighten the indigenous people of the Araku region while cooperating and building trust with smallholder farmers, cooperative, European carbon-fund, and international buyers. During this process, not only a platform of international coffee sales but a regional coffee festival called ‘Gems of Araku’ was initiated while marketing efforts using the name of ‘Araku’ were made. At the same time, organizational strategies of the global production network were put into practice. As a result, coffee production showed both quantitative and qualitative growths, leading to an improvement in the quality of life for the indigenous people.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Within the framework of a project entitled “Development of Advanced Sweet Potato Cultivation Technology for Smallholder Farmers in Paraguay” implemented by KOPIA Paraguay Center (Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture) in collaboration with Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural T echnology (I PTA) d uring the period 2021-2024, r esults o f four m ain e xperiments are described in this research: selection of suitable varieties, optimal planting and harvesting times, the use of ridges, and optimal chemical fertilization doses. In the selection of suitable varieties for Paraguay, 11 sweet potato varieties were evaluated in departments of San Pedro and Misiones. As a result, varieties Andaí, Jety Paraguay, and Chaco I showed the highest productivity in San Pedro, while varieties Jety Uruguayo, Chaco I, and Taiwanés showed higher productivity in Misiones. The other three experiments were carried out in San Pedro only. Optimal planting and harvesting times were determined with three varieties: Andaí, Pyta Guasu, and Jety Paraguay. For Andaí and Jety Paraguay varieties, they should be planted in December and harvested at 122 days post planting (DPP). For Pyta Guasu, it should be planted in October and harvested at 124 DPP. Regarding productivity response with soil preparation methods, the use of ridges showed higher yields in all planting methods, with the curved method planting being the most productive. Finally, optimal chemical fertilization doses were established in order to improve the total yield. The optimal nitrogen fertilizer dose (urea 45% N) was 40 kg/ha. The optimal phosphorus fertilizer dose (triple superphosphate 45% P2O5) was 80 kg/ha and the optimal potassium fertilizer dose (potassium chloride 60% K2O) was 120 kg/ha.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the food security situation in Cuba using the National Food Security Index (NFSI) and compare it with neighboring countries with geographic and environmental similarities in order to provide policy implications for strengthening food security in Cuba. According to the analysis, Cuba’s food security level is in the NFSI Red Level. It is one of the lowest in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. Analysis of factors affecting food security levels showed that extreme weather events (i.e. high temperatures, heavy rainfall), political instability, and uncertainties such as the COVID-19 pandemic were the main factors threatening food security in 9 LAC countries, including Cuba. Results of this study can be used as a basis for diagnosing and strengthening the food security situation in Cuba. They will be helpful for future international cooperation and linkages between Cuba and Korea, including food aid and agricultural technology cooperation.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Bio-efficacies of two different types of fungicides, Diniconazole and Paclobutrazol with their effects as plant g rowth regulators f or Kimchi Cab bage were e valuated o n February 4 to A pril 13, 2024 in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The experiment was done during the off-season planting of Kimchi Cabbage in the country. Yield and other horticultural characteristics were observed for seven different groups: group 1, untreated control; group 2, recommended rate of granular fertilizer (RR-G); group 3, recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus recommended rate of Diniconazole; group 4, recommended r ate of D iniconazole (alone); g roup 5 , recommended rate o f Paclob utrazol (RR-PBZ), group 6, RR-G plus RR-PBZ; and group 7, RR-G plus ½ RR-PBZ. Results showed that combination of recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus the full recommendation of Paclobutrazol (group 6) resulted in a significantly higher yield of 64.9 tons/ha than other groups with yields ranging from 23.3 to 55.3 tons/ha. Such significantly higher yield in group 6 was also attributed to the number of leaves produced by plants at the time of harvest. Regarding effects of two chemical treatments, the combination of Diniconazole a nd P aclob utrazol a s recommended granular f ertilizers h elped in t he heading of K imchi Cabbage during hot conditions with an average temperature of 32-35°C from March to April at the heading stage plus a f actor of b eing planted a t a lowland area i n the country. T he a dvantage o f Paclobutrazol aside from yield is its availability in the country as compared to Diniconazole (Binnari).
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted to analyze the productivity and economic feasibility of truss-limited tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) grown at a high density in Cambodia during the rainy season. During the rainy season in Cambodia, due to excessive rain and very high temperature, tomatoes cannot grow well in an open field, leading to a greatly reduced yield. High density truss-limited cultivation (HDTLC) of tomatoes can shorten the growing season and increase yields. In conventional cultivation (control), tomatoes were transplanted at a spacing of 70×40 cm and harvested up to the 4th fruit cluster. In HDTLC, tomatoes were transplanted at a spacing of 20×20 cm or 25×25 cm and harvested up to the 2nd fruit cluster. Plant heights in HDTLC were higher than those in the control at 22 days after transplanting (DAT). At 39 DAT, plant heights did not differ between 25×25 cm and control. At 60 DAT, plant height, stem diameter, leaf length, and leaf width of the HDTLC were lower than those of the control. Fruit length and width were also lower in HDTLC compared to those of the control. However, sugar content was more than 19% higher in HDTLC compared to that in the control. Yield per plant of the control was the highest, but yields per ha in HDTLCs were 99% (20×20 cm) and 38% (25×25 cm) higher, respectively, compared to that of the control. No pesticides were used for disease control in this experiment. However, to ensure yield, it is recommended to observe the disease status of plants and spray pesticides at the appropriate time. The disease index (1: disease-free; 5: all leaves were disease-infected) of late blight (Phytophthora indestans) was significantly higher for 20×20 cm (4.5) and 25×25 cm (3.6) groups compared to the control (2.0). Income with 20×20 cm (5,668 thousand KRW) and 25×25 cm (1,863 thousand KRW) were 4.9 and 1.6 times higher, respectively, compared to that with the control (1,149 thousand KRW). So, we want to spread the HDTLC technology, which transplanting of tomato seedlings at 20×20 cm intervals and harvests up to 2nd fruit cluster, to Cambodian farmers.
2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With medical use of hemp, many medicinal cultivars were bred worldwide. Propagating cultivar using seed has a high cost. On the other hand, vegetatively propagating cultivar has various merits including short breeding period and uniformity. This study aimed to determine optimal conditions for propagating hemp after cutting, including sterilizing of rooting media, rooting hormone, and mixing ratio of growing media and sand of rooting media. Korean landrace strain of hemp plant was grown in Wagner pot (size: 1/2,000 a) for 60 days. Its branches were cut to 70∼80 mm in length and used for cutting slips. The rooting medium, a horticultural nursery medium, was autoclaved for 3 hours at 120 ℃. The mixing ratio of sand and nursery media was 9:1, 7:3, 5:5, or 3:7 in weight. Cutting slips were coated with rooting hormone (1-naphthylacetamide 0.4%) just before planting. Cutting materials were planted in a tray pot of 72 cells and grown in a walk-in-chamber for 28 days with a temperature of 25 ℃ and an intensity of radiation of 800 μmol/㎡/sec. Seedling rates were 61.1%, 77.8%, and 63.0% for mixing ratios of 1:9, 3:7, and 5:5 of sand mixed with horticultural nursery medium. These seedling rates were significantly higher than a seedling rate of 31.5 % for a mixing ratio of 7:3. Root lengths were 97 mm, 91 mm, and 81 mm for mixing ratios of 1:9, 3:7, and 5:5 of sand mixed with horticultural nursery medium. These root lengths were significantly longer than a root length of 37 mm for a mixing ratio of 7:3. Rooting rates were 81.1 % and 91.2 % for slips coated with rooting hormone and sterilized rooting media, respectively. They were 40.0 % and 18.3 % for slips not coated with rooting hormone or sterilized rooting media, respectively. Thus, for vegetative propagating (cutting) of medicinal hemp, sterilizing of rooting media and coating slips with rooting hormone will be essential to conducting the propagation process.