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Development of Sweet Potato Cultivation Technology Suitable for Paraguay KCI 등재

파라과이에 적합한 고구마 재배기술 개발

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436648
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한국국제농업개발학회지 (The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture)
한국국제농업개발학회 (The Korean Society Of International Agriculture)

Within the framework of a project entitled “Development of Advanced Sweet Potato Cultivation Technology for Smallholder Farmers in Paraguay” implemented by KOPIA Paraguay Center (Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture) in collaboration with Paraguayan Institute of Agricultural T echnology (I PTA) d uring the period 2021-2024, r esults o f four m ain e xperiments are described in this research: selection of suitable varieties, optimal planting and harvesting times, the use of ridges, and optimal chemical fertilization doses. In the selection of suitable varieties for Paraguay, 11 sweet potato varieties were evaluated in departments of San Pedro and Misiones. As a result, varieties Andaí, Jety Paraguay, and Chaco I showed the highest productivity in San Pedro, while varieties Jety Uruguayo, Chaco I, and Taiwanés showed higher productivity in Misiones. The other three experiments were carried out in San Pedro only. Optimal planting and harvesting times were determined with three varieties: Andaí, Pyta Guasu, and Jety Paraguay. For Andaí and Jety Paraguay varieties, they should be planted in December and harvested at 122 days post planting (DPP). For Pyta Guasu, it should be planted in October and harvested at 124 DPP. Regarding productivity response with soil preparation methods, the use of ridges showed higher yields in all planting methods, with the curved method planting being the most productive. Finally, optimal chemical fertilization doses were established in order to improve the total yield. The optimal nitrogen fertilizer dose (urea 45% N) was 40 kg/ha. The optimal phosphorus fertilizer dose (triple superphosphate 45% P2O5) was 80 kg/ha and the optimal potassium fertilizer dose (potassium chloride 60% K2O) was 120 kg/ha.

    Variety selection
    Alternative planting and harvesting periods
    Use of ridges
    Fertilizer determination
    Variety selection
    Alternative planting and harvesting periods
    Use of ridges
    Fertilizer determination
적 요
  • Arsenio Insaurralde(Centro de Investigación para la Agricultura Familiar – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIAF-IPTA) Choré, San Pedro)
  • Cosme Gimenez(Centro de Investigación para la Agricultura Familiar – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIAF-IPTA) Choré, San Pedro)
  • Jenny Barreiro(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIHB-IPTA) Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé)
  • Betania Fernandez(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIHB-IPTA) Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé)
  • Bong Nam Chung(KOPIA Paraguay Center, Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIHB-IPTA) Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé) | 정봉남 (KOPIA 파라과이 센터, Centro de Investigación Hernando Bertoni – Instituto Paraguayo de Tecnología Agraria (CIHB-IPTA) Caacupé, Ruta 02 Km. 48.5, Caacupé) Corresponding author