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兩漢亡佚字書輯佚研究——以《凡將》《訓纂》《蒼頡訓詁》《勸學》爲中心 KCI 등재

Research on the Collection of Scattered Writings of Ancient Language Philology Books in HAN Dynasty:Centering on Fan Jiang, Xun Zuan, Cang Jie Xun Gu and Quan Xue

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438544
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 7,000원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

The Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi recorded a wide range of dictionaries in Han Dynasty, only Cang Jie, Ji Jiu and Analytical Dictionary of Characters had been passed down. Apart from these, scholars of the Qing Dynasty collected the lost content of Fan Jiang, Xun Zuan, Cang Jie Xun Gu, Quan Xue, which can help us to recognize and deepen the understanding of the Han Dynasty dictionaries. There are eleven kinds of books of them, reflecting the strict paradigm of editing in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, Ma Guohan’s edition contains the largest number of articles, with the strengths of detailed evidence and fine proofreading. His weakness is that it mistakenly compiles character sequences of anonymous texts as sequences of Analytical Dictionary of Characters. The disagreement among the people is whether the references to Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong in Analytical Dictionary of Characters claim should be subsumed in Fan Jiang and Xun Zuan. The second difference lies in the collection of scattered writing style of the exegesis of Fan Jiang, Xun Zuan, Cang Jie Xun Gu, Quan Xue.

1. 引言
2. 輯佚書目與版本
3. 各篇輯佚概況 
    3.1 司馬相如《凡將》 
    3.2 揚雄《訓纂》
    3.3 杜林《蒼頡訓詁》
    3.4 蔡邕《勸學》 
4. 馬國翰輯佚本之優劣 
5. 結語

  • 王潔鈺(同濟大學人文學院中文系碩士研究生) | Jieyu WANG
  • 趙成傑(同濟大學中文系副教授) | Chengjie ZHAO Corresponding author
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