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晚清物理學譯詞考察——以三種物理學譯著爲中心 KCI 등재

Research on the Translation of Physical Terms in Late Qing Dynasty

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438552
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,600원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

Using three influential physical translations from the mid-19th century as the main materials, 54 groups of 81 physical translations were obtained. These translations are all free translation terms, mainly disyllabic and polysyllabic; there are 19 translations that use traditional terms, 6 translations that use physical terms selected or created during the Ming and Qing dynasty, and 56 newly created terms. Out of 81 translations, 22 were used in the later edition of “Physical Vocabulary” and 39 were used in “Physical Terms”. In addition, 33 newly created terms appeared in “Vocabulary”; there are 21 newly coined terms in “Terms”, and their meanings are more scientific, concise, accurate, and systematic. The features of physical translations in the late Qing Dynasty are distinct, including the frequent occurrence of multiple translations with one meaning, significant differences in term usage, loose structure of some translations, strong systematic nature, and a high proportion of newly created terms.

1. 引言
2. 譯詞概貌 
3. 譯詞的來源 
    3.1 借用傳統物理學名詞的譯詞
    3.2 利用移植手法創造的新詞
    3.3 沿用明末清初選用或創製的物理學名詞的譯詞
    3.4 創製的新詞
4. 譯詞的演變 
    4.1 譯詞的沿用情況 
    4.2 《語彚》中的新出譯詞 
    4.3 《名詞》中的新出譯詞
5. 譯詞的特點 
    5.1 一義多譯現象多見
    5.2 用字差異明顯
    5.3 部分譯詞結構鬆散
    5.4 系統性強
    5.5 新造詞佔比高 
6. 結語

  • 牛振(鄭州大學漢字文明研究中心、“古文字與中華文明傳承發展工程”協同攻關創新平臺副教授) | Zhen NIU
  • 李婉玉(鄭州大學漢字文明研究中心、“古文字與中華文明傳承發展工程”協同攻關創新平臺碩士研究生) | Wanyu LI
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