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“X寶”族新詞類型探析 KCI 등재

An Analysis on Types of “X寶”

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438554
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,800원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

In recent years, the research on the new word family of modern Chinese and some morphemes with affixation like tendency has been continuous. Most of the research focuses on word formation, syllable characteristics, and the components in the sentence. However, the semantic evolution of some affixes is not very clear, or because the morpheme meaning of this type of affixes is relatively diverse, which leads to the fact that several word families with different sources and types seem to be confused. This brings some troubles to some specific language teaching practice. The new words “X寶” is such a typical example, Although it seems that the morphology is the same and “X” and “寶” form the noun of the fixed structure, in fact, “寶”, as a common morpheme, has various morpheme meanings. Therefore, “X寶” word family also has several different sources and types. This paper starts with the semantic evolution of the word “寶” and makes a classification study of the new words of “X寶”. This paper argues that the sources of new words of “X寶” in A (financial APP name) and B (general entity product name) are different from those in C (nickname of people) and D (gem). They not only have obvious differences in semantics, but also in syllable number, word formation, productivity and so on. Finally, this paper discusses the motivation of the extension of the new meaning of “寶” and the generation of the new words of “X寶” from the perspective of external and internal factors of language. Thus, the author summarizes several types of word families of “X寶” in modern Chinese.

1. 引言
2. “寶”的語義發展及分析 
    2.1 “寶”的本義與發展
    2.2 “寶”的類詞綴化傾向
    2.3 “X寶”族新詞的語義類型
3. “X”的結構與特徵分析 
    3.1 “X”的音節特徵
    3.2 “X”的詞性和結構特徵
4. “X寶”族新詞產生的動因 
    4.1 “寶”詞義引申的原因
    4.2 “X寶”族新詞發展的動因
5. 結語

  • 張梁(國立江原大學中語中文學科講師) | Liang ZHANG
  • 朴興洙(韓國外國語大學中語中文學科教授) | Heung-Soo PARK
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