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3D digital fashion design using Vivienne Westwood’s punk fashion characteristics KCI 등재

비비안 웨스트우드의 펑크 패션 특성을 활용한 3D 디지털 패션디자인

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438669
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,400원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study explored the development direction of punk fashion through 3D digital fashion design by analyzing the expressive characteristics and inherent meanings of the punk fashion expressed in Vivienne Westwood’s creations. To this end, the concept underlying punk and its expressive characteristics were examined, and the eco-friendly expressive attributes of punk fashion were scrutinized through photos of Vivienne Westwood’s collections. The analysis focused on 10 seasonal collections showcased over the past five years, from the designer’s 2018 S/S to 2022 F/W collections. The results revealed that Westwood’s punk expression was characterized by traditionality, eco-friendliness, playfulness, resistance, and deconstruction. Traditionality appeared in the form of a harmonious redesign of classics to create new works, while eco-friendliness was manifested through the use of slogans and eco-friendly materials and methods. Playfulness conveyed positive messages through comedic situations or characters, and resistance emerged as a means of delivering messages for improving social issues. Finally, the deconstruction of punk was reflected as resistance, boldly destroying fashion structures to express dissatisfaction with society. Punk design in fashion is one of the avenues in which designers effectively express the messages that they want to communicate to society. This study is significant, as it provides foundational data for exploring punk characteristic design strategies to be used in future fashion. The scope of application for 3D virtual clothing programs is expected to expand in the fashion industry, and continuous research on digital fashion design is anticipated.

I.􀀃 Introduction
II.􀀃 Literature􀀃 Review
    1.􀀎 Background􀀎 of􀀎 punk􀀎 fashion
    2.􀀎 Characteristics􀀎 of􀀎 punk􀀎 fashion
    3.􀀎 Vivian􀀎 Westwood􀀎 and􀀎 eco-friendliness
III.􀀃 Eco-Friendly􀀃 Characteristics􀀃 of􀀃Vivian􀀃 Westwood􀀃 Punk􀀃 Fashion
    1.􀀎 Eco-friendliness
    2.􀀎 Traditionality
    3.􀀎 Playfulness
    4.􀀎 Resistance
    5.􀀎 Deconstruction
IV.􀀃 Development􀀃 of􀀃 3D􀀃 Digital􀀃 Fashion􀀃Design
    1.􀀎 Production􀀎 intention
    2.􀀎 Development􀀎 of􀀎 3D􀀎 digital􀀎 fashion􀀎 design
V.􀀃 Conclusion
  • Yannan Ly(Master, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University, Korea) | 이연남 (한양대학교 의류학과 석사)
  • Yujin Oh(한양대학교 의류학과 겸임교수) | 오유진 (Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Hanyang University, Korea) Corresponding author