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Sustainable Development Goals and Logistics Performance: Insights from ASEAN countries

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438842
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국제이네비해양경제학회 (International Association of e-Navigation and Ocean Economy)

Sustainable development is a critical global priority, as showed by United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Effective logistics are crucial for achieving several SDGs so that improvements in Logistics Performance Index (LPI) often align with progress in SDG scores. For ASEAN countries, they may fall short of achieving 90% of their targeted SDGs and struggle to challenges of LPI fluctuations. By calculating the correlation between LPI and SDG scores in R software, this study seeks to explore the relationship between logistics performance and progress toward the SDGs in ASEAN countries from 64 secondary observations. As a result, the increasing logistics performance can greatly impact on the population well-being, accessibility, new energy approach, infrastructure formation, and sustainable production and consumption (G1, G3, G7, G9, G12) in ASEAN countries. The study contributes a background for national policymakers in the region to develop the sustainable logistics.

1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Discussions
  • Manh Hung LE(Dept. of Logistics, Vietnam Maritime University, Vietnam) Corresponding author