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中级汉语会话课程中问题中心教学法的应用研究 KCI 등재

A Case Study on the Application of PBL in Intermediate Chinese Conversation Classes

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438862
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,600원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Intermediate Chinese Conversation is an elective course offered by the Department of Chinese Studies for second- and third-year students at our university. It aims to help students learn basic sentence structures and grammar, familiarize them with intermediate-level Chinese conversational expressions, and naturally engage in everyday Chinese conversations. Most class activities involve speaking, but there are difficulties, such as students being relatively passive in class and not actively presenting. Using class models presented in previous literature, the present study develops a problem design, teaching-learning activity design, process evaluation, and outcome evaluation for Intermediate Chinese Conversation. By applying this design in class, this study identifies the differences between the traditional lecture-centered method used before and the new teaching method used after four weeks. It shows that the latter method — PBL helps students learn Chinese conversation more effectively. In conclusion, this study effectively tackles two issues: First, it encourages students to adopt an active learning attitude. Students who were previously not interested in Chinese conversation classes and were left out began to take interest in the class using the PBL method. Second, it helped enhance students’ problem-solving ability. Through group activities, students collaborated with each other, reaffirmed the value of working together, and sufficiently solved the problems given to them.

本文研究了问题中心教学法在韩国四年制大学中文专业汉语教学中的应用。“中级汉 语会话”是我校汉语言文学专业为二、三年级学生开设的专业选修课。虽然大部分学习活 动都要通过汉语口语进行交流,但存在学习者在课堂上比较被动、不积极发言等困难。与 以教授为主体进行授课的方式相比,引进能发挥学生自主性的问题中心教学法是当务之 急。本文首先分析了问题中心教学法应用于“中级汉语会话”课程的教学可行性,然后提 出了在中级汉语会话课程中实施问题中心教学法的教学设计方案,并进行了实践研究。通 过课堂观察和问卷调查发现,在“中级汉语会话”课程中采用问题中心教学法能够有效激 发学生的思维,提高他们的学习兴趣,增加了他们使用汉语解决问题的机会,达到了更好 的学习效果。研究结果对于改进汉语教学方法具有一定的指导意义。

1. 绪论
    1) 研究目的和必要性
    2) 理论背景及研究方法
2. 应用于“中级汉语会话”课程的教学可行性分析
    1) 准备阶段
    2) 进行阶段
    3) 收尾阶段
4. 评价和反思
  • 钱兢(国民大学中国学部教授) | 전긍
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