
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to seek some characteristics of Korean translation of Chinese idiomatic expressions. The paper uses an intermediate-level Chinese conversational textbook titled New Speaking Chinese. The data consist of 90 Chinese idiomatic expressions. Whether a Chinese expression is replaced with a Korean idiom, Chinese idioms can be classified into the two major types: 1) mutable idioms, and 2) immutable idioms. Then mutable idioms are further divided into two subtypes: 1A) identical/similar images, and 1B) substitutional images. Likewise, immutable idioms can be divided into two subtypes: 2A) idioms with general explanations requiring no ethnic information about China, and 2B) idioms with special explanations requiring special background knowledge about Chinese cultures and history. The results show that type 1 is only responsible for 39% of all the Korean translations. Type 2 is responsible for 61% of the translations. For further analysis, type 2A has been most frequently used, with 55% of all data, and type 2B has been least used, with 6% only, but draws particular attentions of translators. For the other two types, there were type 1A with 26% and type 1B with 13%, respectively. Pedagogical skills for appropriate translation of Chinese idioms along with classroom activities are suggested.