电影教育做为行业人才培养的关键途径,伴随着电影的诞生而发展,既培养了一代又 一代电影人才,又通过影片提升了大众的美育素养与艺术鉴赏力。将气氛美学与电影教育 相关联,一方面突出电影的气氛对在场观众的感染力与引导作用,另一方面也是对电影专 业课程对学生的艺术、美育素养与审美能力与艺术鉴赏能力的培养作用的强调。本文从气 氛美学与电影的联系入手探讨电影教育的发展,从通识教育与专业教育两方面分析了高等教育中电影专业课程如何培养学生的审美素养、文化认知和艺术欣赏能力,进而总结电影 专业院校、艺术类院校、综合类院校等不同类型高等院校的课程教学方法与策略。新文科 建设着力推进文科专业的数字化改造,电影相关专业的课程设计也应更多注重交叉学科的 人才培养,影视的发展不仅需要高水平核心创作人才,也需要适应科技发展的复合型人 才,因此各类院校电影专业课程设计应转向跨学科、跨院系合作,打破专业限制,努力推 动未来影视行业的创新发展,这也是时代发展的根本需要。
Film education, as a key approach to cultivating industry talents, has developed alongside the birth of film, not only nurturing one generation after another of film professionals but also enhancing the aesthetic education and art appreciation of the general public through films. This paper examines the intersection of atmospheric aesthetics and film education, addressing two central aspects. First, it highlights the ability of cinematic atmosphere to elicit emotional resonance and guide the interpretive processes of the audience, emphasizing its role in shaping both affective responses and cognitive engagement. Second, it discusses the critical role of film curricula in fostering students’ artistic sensibility, aesthetic literacy, and competencies in both artistic appreciation and critical analysis. This study underscores how integrating atmospheric aesthetics into film education not only deepens students’ understanding of film as an artistic medium but also enhances their broader aesthetic judgment and evaluative skills. Furthermore, the paper explores the development of film education by examining the relationship between atmospheric aesthetics and film studies, analyzing how film-related courses in higher education can nurture students’ aesthetic literacy, cultural awareness, and artistic appreciation, drawing from both general and specialized educational perspectives. Finally, the paper provides an overview of teaching methods and strategies employed in film-related courses across various higher educational institutions, including specialized film schools, art schools, and comprehensive universities.