The Korea-China cooperative partnership model achieved the dual goal of working-level cooperation between the two countries and effective control over structural contradictions and guaranteed the rapid development of bilateral relations. but structural conflicts between the two countries, the two systems, and the two security systems still persist. These structural conflicts have been hampered by factors such as changes in the dynamics of the two countries, widening the gap in strategic perceptions, and deteriorating cooperation environment. This study summarized the achievements and limitations of the Korea-China strategic cooperation partnership as follows. First of all, economic cooperation between Korea and China is shifting from a complementary relationship to a competitive phase. Next, the progress of the Korea-China strategic partnership has prepared a strategic environment for the development of bilateral relations. However, there is a gap between the official regulations and the actual situation.hird, it is the expansion of humanities exchanges and sluggish understanding between the people of the two countries. Humanities exchanges have been actively conducted between Korea and China based on geographical proximity and historical and cultural similarities.The mutual feelings of the people of the two countries cannot follow the development trend of bilateral relations, but on the contrary, they are showing a deteriorating atmosphere. This paper argues that China and Korea should make the following efforts in the future. First, Korea and China should actively promote the momentum for cultural exchange. Second, Korea and China should maintain and improve the safety of supply chain cooperation. Third, Korea and China should improve the sustainability of the communication mechanism between the two countries.
1992年中韩两国正式建立了外交关系,中韩合作伙伴关系模式实现了务实合作和有效 控制结构性矛盾的双重目标,为两国关系的快速发展提供了保障,实现了双边关系的全面 发展。但是,两国之间存在的结构性的矛盾依然存在,成为阻碍两国关系健康发展的障 碍。目前,双边之间的经济关系呈现从互补走向竞争的态势。此外,人文交流规模在不断 扩大,国民之间却出现了不解不谐之音。在新的战略环境中,如何建构筑新型的战略合作 伙伴关系,成为两国政府和学界关注的焦点问题。本文认为,今后中韩两国应积极推进文 化交流势头,着重致力于推进人文纽带的强化事业,深化两国国民之间的相互理解;在经 济层面,通过加强战略联系、促进贸易投资融合发展、共同开拓第三方市场,推动两国经贸合作迈上新台阶。