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아스팔트 포장 보수공사 시 택코트 부착성능 확보를 위한 기초연구 KCI 등재

Ensuring adhesion performance of tack coat during maintenance and repair of asphalt pavement

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/439411
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

This study evaluates adhesion strength under various conditions to ensure adhesion performance during asphalt-pavement maintenance. The adhesion performance of a tack coat varies under various conditions. Therefore, to evaluate its curing behavior, several tests, i.e., evaporation residue rate, tracking, tack-lifter, and shear bond strength tests, were conducted based on the type, amount, and curing time of the tack coat.The result of the evaporation residue rate test shows that, except for the SSC tack coat, RSC-4 and modified tack coats require similar curing times, even though the modified tack coats have a lower moisture content. Additionally, based on the evaporation residue rate, the tracking and track-lifter test results show that approximately 75% curing is required to prevent the loss of the tack coat during asphaltpavement maintenance. After maintenance work is completed, the shear bond strength was measured to evaluate the curing properties of the tack coat. The results show that the amount applied, curing degree, and shear bond strength are proportional, whereas the modified tack coat indicate a significant difference in the strength increase rate depending on the curing degree. Additionally, when dust is attached to the surface of the tack coat, the difference in strength exceeds 20%, depending on the attachment ratio.To achieve the best adhesion performance by the tack coat during maintenance work, the loss of the tack coat should be prevented by implementing the exact curing time determined experimentally, regardless of whether the tack coat is modified, and the surface where the tack coat is applied should be cleaned before application.

1. 서론
    1.1. 논문개요
2. 실험방법
    2.1. 사용재료
    2.2. 증발잔류율
    2.3. Tracking Test
    2.4. Tack Lifter Test
    2.5. 전단부착강도
3. 실험결과
    3.1. 증발잔류율 실험결과
    3.2. Tracking Test 검토결과
    3.3. Tack Lifter Test 검토결과
    3.4. 전단부착강도 검토결과
4. 결론
감사의 글
  • 임치수(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사 후 연구원) | Lim Chisu
  • 장대성(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사 후 연구원) | Jang Daeseong
  • 조형천(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사과정) | Cho Hyeongcheon
  • 이문섭(한국건설기술연구원 도로교통연구본부 연구위원) | Lee Moonsup
  • 이재준(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 교수) | Lee Jaejun Corresponding author