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도로 잔존염분량 기반의 염화물계 제설제 사용량 저감을 위한 기초 연구 KCI 등재

Reducing Chloride-Based Deicer Usage via Analysis of Residual Road Salinity Content

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/439412
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

This study aims to reduce the use of chloride-based deicers by analyzing their residual quantities on road surfaces. The freezing conditions of road surfaces were quantitatively defined using needles of consistent weight and diameter, and indoor experiments were conducted to observe changes in surface conditions caused by residual deicers under various temperatures. To validate the equipment, a deicer currently used in Korea was applied to granite plates, and the correlation between the application rates and salinity measurements obtained using the SOBO3+ device was analyzed. Subsequently, the device was employed to measure salinity changes over time by assessing the variations in residual deicer quantities on roads with different traffic volumes and application rates. To identify issues in current reapplication methods, the deicer was reapplied at 2-h intervals, and the resulting changes in salinity were monitored. Results of laboratory experiments revealed that the interval for surface state changes decreases with the temperature despite increased deicer usage, and that similar surface change patterns are presented at higher (-2 °C, -4 °C) and lower temperatures (-6 °C, -10 °C). Across all temperatures, the coefficient of determination for the surface-change graph is approximately 0.90. Equipment verification shows that 10% of sodium chloride is underestimated, whereas aqueous calcium chloride is accurately measured and no correlation is indicated between measurement accuracy and road surface temperature. Field experiments confirmed that the deicer dispersion rates increases with the traffic volume. Furthermore, the final salinity increases after the reapplication of the deicer, except in cases of high traffic volume, and that repeated applications with reduced spray amounts are more effective than single applications with higher spray amounts under low traffic conditions. Based on the findings obtained, a plan to reduce deicer usage is proposed. Future research should incorporate additional variables that affect deicer loss and surface condition changes to further refine the results.

1. 서론
2. 실험방법
    2.1. 실험재료
    2.2. 실내 실험
    2.3. 현장 실험
3. 실험 결과
    3.1. 실내 실험 결과
    3.2. 제설제와 측정 장비와의 상관관계 분석 결과
    3.3. 현장 측정 결과
4. 결론
감사의 글
  • 고태준(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 석사과정) | Ko Taejun
  • 임치수(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사후연구원) | Lim Chisu
  • 장대성(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사후연구원) | Jang Daeseong
  • 조형천(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원, 에너지공학부 박사과정) | Cho Hyeongcheon
  • 이재준(전북대학교 토목/환경/자원·에너지공학부 교수) | Lee Jaejun Corresponding author