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관용으로서의 이중언어교육 담론 비판 KCI 등재

Critique of bilingual education discourses as tolerance

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/439447
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,300원
사회언어학 (The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea)
한국사회언어학회 (The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea)

This study questions whether bilingualism in Korean multicultural education is constructed, perceived, and practiced as a discourse of ‘tolerance’. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions, practices, and implications of bilingual education by analyzing policy documents and field research texts related to multicultural language education. Five major discourses on migrants’ languages in Korea are identified: Korean language as the key for migrants to succeed; Korean language for migrants vs. English language for Koreans; migrants’ languages as a sign of problems and deficiencies; and migrants’ languages for global recognition of Korea. This paper argues that bilingualism in Korea works as tolerance because the discourses and practices of bilingual education, which seem to recognize diverse languages, in effect, discriminate against migrants’ languages, positioning migrant students and their languages as the objects of tolerance, and delimiting the boundaries of tolerance and intolerance. Further, bilingual education discourses depoliticize language discrimination and educational inequality that migrants face.

1. 들어가는 말
2. 연구 배경
    2.1. 한국 사회의 언어다양성과 그 특성
    2.2. 다문화정책과 이중언어교육
3. 연구 방법
    3.1. 연구방법론
    3.2. 자료 수집 및 분석
4. 이주민 언어와 이중언어교육에 대한 담론
    4.1. 이주민 언어교육은 ‘당연히’ 한국어교육
    4.2. ‘다문화학생은 한국어, 한국학생은 영어’라는 이분법
    4.3. 문제, 결핍, 교정의 대상으로서 이주민 언어
    4.4. 글로벌 자원이자 결핍, 이중언어에 대한 이중잣대
5. 관용으로서의 이중언어교육: 통치성과 탈정치화
    5.1. 이주민 언어의 타자화, 관용의 전제
    5.2. 정체성 정치, 관용의 경계선
    5.3. 이중언어교육의 통치성, 관용의 현장
    5.4. 문제의 개인화, 미덕으로서의 관용
    5.5. 불평등의 위장, 관용의 탈정치화
6. 나가는 말
  • 장은영(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Seoul National University of Education, 96 Seochojoongang-ro, Seoul 06639, South Korea) | Eun-Young Jang