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미군 점령시대 한국 체육교육 연구

A Study on Korean Physical Education during the Period of US Occupation.

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/45215
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학교보건체육연구소 논문집 (The Journal of Institute of School Health & Physical Education)
한국교원대학교 학교체육연구소 (Institute of School Physical Education Korea National University of Education)

The purpose of this study was to analyze post-liberation Korean Physical Education (P.E) and the effect of US forces' occupation on the P.E curriculum development and delivery. Physical Education during the US Army-occupied era has had positive and negati

  • 임영무 | Lim, Young-Moo
  • 백기종 | Baek, Ki-Jong