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奇經八脈의 流注와 交會穴및 病症에 대한 考察

Study on the Running, Cross Points, and Symptoms of the Eight Extra meridians

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/46043
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,300원
한국전통의학지 (The Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine)
한국전통의학연구소 (Research Center of Traditional Korean Medicine)

There are Governor Vessel(督脈), Conception Vessel(任脈), Thoroughfare Vessel(衝脈), Belt Vessel(帶脈), YIN Heel Vessel(陰蹻脈), Yang Heel Vessel(陽蹻脈), Yin Link Vessel(陰維脈) and Yang Link Vessel(陽維脈) in the category of the Eight Extra Channels. They keep the equilibrium state by controlling the unbalance between qi and blood(氣血), Yin and Yang(陰陽), and irrigate the Twelve Regular meridians(十二經脈). They are independent of the Twelve Regular meridians(channels) in running(流注), and, therefore, have their own running, and symptoms of disease. We have bibliographically studied the running, cross points, and symptoms of the Eight Extra meridians, and described the results as figures. By this study, we could confirm that the Eight Extra meridians have their own running, and symptoms of disease. We'll have to study further the application of this conclusion and the correlation between the Extra meridians(奇經) and the Regular meridians(正經).

  • 李弘揆(圓光大學校韓醫科大學經穴學敎室) | 이홍규
  • 金炅鍾(圓光大學校韓醫科大學經穴學敎室) | 김경종
  • 邊基元(圓光大學校韓醫科大學經穴學敎室) | 변기원
  • 孫仁喆(圓光大學校韓醫科大學經穴學敎室) | 손인철