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Observations on the Influence of Hydrogen on the Sintering of an Al-2Mg Alloy

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/4617
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한국분말재료학회(구 한국분말야금학회) (Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute)

Hydrogen, in even small quantities, is extremely deleterious to the sintering of aluminium. Understanding the cause of this effect is complicated by the multiple interactions that occur in multi-component systems. In this work, we examine the sintering rsponse of Al-2Mg (a simplified system) in pure nitrogen and nitrogen-hydrogen using dilatometry, differential scanning calorimetery, thermogravimetry and metallography.

  • J.Y.
  • Yao
  • G.B.
  • Schaffer