선충기생(線蟲寄生)곰팡이(Paecilomyces lilacinus)를 이용(利用)한 당근뿌리혹선충(線蟲)(Meloidogyne hapla)의 생물학적방제(生物學的防除) 가능성(可能性)을 규명(糾明)하기 위(爲)하여 Telone II, Telone C-17, Dowfume MC-II 등(等) 3종(種)의 토양훈증제(土壤燻蒸劑)와 함께 밀양(密陽)의 시설원예포장(施設園藝圃場)에 처리(處理)하여 상치와 고추를 전후작실험(前後作實驗)한 결과(結果), 뿌리혹선충(線蟲) 밀도(密度)는 처리후(處理後) 25일(日)에 P.lilacinus 처리구(處理區)는 22마리, Telone II, Telone C-17, Dowfume MC-II구(區)는 각각(各各) 2, 24, 0마리로 무처리구(無處理區)의 685마리에 비(比)해 현저(顯著)히 낮았으며 처리후(處理後) 350일(日)에는 P. lilacinus, Telone II, Telone C-17, Dowfume MC-II구(區) 각각(各各) 2,917, 173, 180, 361마리로 무처리구(無處理區) 8,635마리에 비(比)해 각각(各各) 66%, 98%, 98%, 96%의 방제효과가 있었다. 전작물(前作物)인 상치는 P.lilacinus, Telone II, TeloneC-17, Dowfume MC-II구(區)에서 각각(各各) 49, 43, 31, 109% 증수(增穗)되었다. 고추의 생체중(生體重)과 초장(草長)은 훈증제(燻蒸劑) 처리구(處理區)에서는 모두 높게 나타났으나 P. liacinus처리구(處理區)는 무처리구(無處理區)에 비(比)하여 차이(差異)가 없었다.
Effects of nematode-parasitic fungus, Paecilomyces lilacinus, on root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, and growth and yield of consecutively grown lettuce and pepper were evaluated and compared to three soil fumigants, Telone II, TeloneC-17 and Dowfune MC-II, in greenhouse plots from 1983 to 1984 at Milyang, Korea. The number of nematodes in fungus plots, Telone II plots, Telone C-17 plots, and Dowfume MC-II plots at 25 days after treatment were 22, 2, 24 and 0, respectively, while untreated control plots were 685. At 350 days after treatment, 66%, 98%, 98% and 96% control of root-knot nematodes were observed in fungus plots, Telone II plots, Telone C-17 plots, and Dowfume MC-II plots, respectively. Lettuce yields were increased 49%, 43%, 31% and 109% and pepper yields were increased 33%, 49%, 37%, and 95% in fungus plots, Telone II plots, Telone C-17 plots, and Dowfume MC-II plots, respectively. Fresh weight and plant height of pepper were higher only in fumigant treated plots than untreated control plots.