멕시코와 네팔에서 도입된 고추 유전자원 50점과 대조품종 등을 포함한 총 130여점에 대하여 풋마름병과 역병에 대한 저항성을 검정하였다. 풋마름병에는 KC897, KC939, KC936가 KC126, KC350, KC351, KC353에 더하여 새로운 저항성 재료로 나타났다. 역병에는 저항성이 발견되지 않았다.
Above 130 accessions of pepper consisting of 50 introductions from Mexico and Nepal, and resistant and susceptible controls were tested for resistance to bacterial wilt and to Phytophthora root rot at seedling stage by artificial inoculation. Aa the results, KC897, KC939, KC936 were newly found resistant to bacterial wilt in addition to already known resistance sources such as KC126, KC350, KC351, KC353. No new sources of resistance to Phytophthora root rot were found among the introductions from Mexico and Nepal.