Studies on In Vivo Embryo Production by FSH-P and SUPER-OV in Korean Native Cattle I. The Factors Influencing In Vivo Embryo Production by Condition of Superovulation Treatment
I. The Factors Influencing In Vivo Embryo Production by Condition of Superovulation Treatment These studies were carried out to establish an effective and practical system for comrnercialization of embryo production techniques by analyzing several factors influencing in vivo embryo production on superovulation treatment in Korean native cattle. In vivo embryos were flushed 226 times from 128 donors.The results obtained from the studies on the factors influencing in vivo embryo production by superovulation treatment were as follows : FSH-P had a significiant advantage(83.0%) over SUPER-OV in the percentage of fertilized embryos(P<0.01). No difference was found loetween FSH-P and SUPER-OV in the percentage of transferable and freezable embryos.2. The response of superovulation by SUPER-OV was greater than that of FSH-P The donors having 8~9 and more than 10 of corpora lutea(CL) derived by FSH-P were 40.0%(most frequent) and 33%, respectively. The donors having more than 12 and 10 CL derived by SUPER -OV were 33.3% (most frequent) and 56.6%, respectively.3. Embryo production after treatment of repeated superovulation was remarkablely decreased at 3rd time by FSH-P but did not differ among 1, 2 and 3rd times by SUPER-OV. Embryo production on intervals of repeated superovulation was significantly different for the number and percentage of fertilized, transferable and free-zable' embryos in FSH-P (P<0.01) and rernarkablely decreased in repeated superovulation of 81~120 interval days. The SUPER-OV showed no differences in interval days of repeated superovulation and was found better than FSH-P in the response of repeated superovulation. (Key words : in Vivo embryo, superovulation, FSH -P, SUPER-OV)