본 연구는 소 체외성숙, 체외수정 유래 배반포의 초자화 등결 시 동해방지제의 평형방법과 응 해 후 동해방지제의 희석방법이 수정란의 생존성에 미치는 영향을 검토하고자 실시하였다. 초자화 동결액은 20% FBS(Gibco)가 첨가된 D-PBS에 20% glycerol, 20% ethylene glycol, 3/8 M sucrose, 3/8 M deftrose 가 함유된 GESD를 사용하였다. 동결 전 평형방법은 3단계 (El), 2단계 (E2), 1단계(E
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of equilibration and dilution methods on the survival rate of vitrified IVM-IVF bovine blastocysts. Vitrification solution was composed with 20% glycerol, 20% ethylene glycol, 3/8 M sucrose and 3/8 M dextrose in D-PBS supplemented with 20% FBS (GESD). Embryos were equilibrated in 1 of 3 methods: 3-step (El), 2-step (E2), or 1-step (E3), and after loading into 0.25-ml straws, were plunged into liquid nitrogen. After warming in water bath at 2, cryoprotectants were diluted in 1 of 3 methods: 1) D1(VS+1/2 M sucrose, 1/2 M sucrose and l/4 M sucrose), 2) D2 (1/2 M sucrose and 1/4 M sucrose), or 3) D3(1/2 M sucrose only). All procedures except warming were conducted at room temperature. Survival and hatching rates of blastocysts and expanded blastocysts following equilibration methods were 50 and 83.6%, and 27.8 and 67.3%, respectively in El, which were significantly higher (P〈0.01) than those of E2 (16.7 and 23.2%, and 7.4 and 12.5%, respectively) and 23 (0 and 3.7%, and 0 and 0%, respectively). Survival and hatching rates of expanded blastocysts were significantly (P〈0.01) higher than those of blastocysts in El. Survival rates of blastocysts and expanded blastocysts following dilution methods were 52% and 80.6% in D2, which were significantly higher (P〈0.05) than those of D1 (29.6 and 48.3%) and D3 (47.2 and 63.8%). Hatching rates of blastocysts were similar in D1, D2 and D3, however in expanded blastocysts, that of D2(61.3%) was significantly higher (P〈0.01) than that of D1(34.5%). Survival rates of expanded blastocysts in D1 and D2, and hatching rates in D2 and D3 were significantly higher(P〈0.01) than those of blastocysts. These results indicate that the viability of vitrified blastocysts was improved by the several steps of equilibration, and by 2-steps dilution after warming, independently of their stage of development. The results also indicated that the expanded blastocysts are more profitable to vitrification than blastocysts.