본 연구는 돼지 체외수정란의 생산에 있어서 체외배양체계를 확립하기 위해 정액의 차이와 보관시간에 따른 체외성숙난자의 체외수정 및 체외발달율을 조사하였고, NCSU23와 G1.3/G2.3 배양액으로 체외배양 시 분할율과 체외발달율을 조사하였고, 체외배양액에 GSH를 첨가 시 배발달율을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 액상정액과 동결정액을 사용하여 정액에 따른 체외수정율은 각각 46.2 및 39.7%로써 액상정액을 이용한 것이 수정
The objective of this study was to optimize the selection of sperm, optimal culture system of in vitro derived porcine embryos. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. When oocytes were inseminated with liquid sperm and frozen-thaw sperm, the cleavaged rate of liquid sperm (46.2%) was higher than that of frozen-thaw sperm (39.7%), however there were not show significant different each other. The blastocyst rates of liquid sperm (15.8%) was significantly higher than that of frozen-thawed sperm (9.3%)(P< 0.05). 2. When oocytes were inseminated with epididymal sperm after 1, 2 and 3 day storage, the cleavaged rate of epididymal sperm after 1, 2 and 3 day storage was 60.5, 61.0 and 56.8% respectively. The morulae (17.4, 19.9 or 17.3%) and blastocyst (8.7, 15.4, 11.3%) rate of epididymal sperm after 1, 2 and 3 day storage was no significantly respectively(P< 0.05). 3. In vitro developed to cleavaged rate of G1.3/G2.3 media used for culture was significantly(P< 0.05) higher as 62.1% compared with the results using the media NCSU23(52.8), however in vitro developed to blastocyst rate of NCSU23(11.6%) media was significantly(P< 0.05) higher than that'of G1.3/G2.3(4.7%). 4. When the fertilized oocytes were cultured with NCSU23 in addition to 1 mM glutathione(GSH), the cleavaged rate of treated groups of GSH(62.3%) was significantly higher than that of control(53.5%) respectively(P< 0.05). And in vitro developed to blastocyst rates of treated groups of GSH(15.6%) was higher than that of control(12.6%) however, there was no significant difference(P< 0.05).