본 연구에서는 한우 체외수정란의 이식에 있어서 수정란 측 요인들이 수란우의 임신과 유산에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 이식에 제공하는 배반포의 수량에 따른 임신율은 1개, 2개 및 3개 이식 군에서 각각 32, 44 및 였고, 유산율은 로서 2개 이식군의 임신율과 유산율이 가장 높았으나 유의차는 인정되지 않았다. 배반포 등급에 따른 임신율은 , 유산율은 로서 유사한 경향이었다. 배반포의 발생 단계에 따른 임신율은 로서 비슷하였으나, 유산율은 HB군이 LB
In this study, we investigated the effects of number, grade, stage and day of embryos on pregnancy and abortion rates of Holstein heifer recipients after transfer of in-vitro produced Korean Native Cattle (Hanwoo) embryos. When one, two or three blastocysts were transferred to recipients, pregnancy (32.0, 44.0 and ) and abortion (12.5, 13.6 and ) rates did not differ among treatments. The pregnancy and abortion rates of different grades of blastocysts were , respectively. However, they were not significantly different. According to the stage of blastocyst, the pregnancy rates were similar between . However, the abortion rate in hatched blastocyst stage was significantly higher than that in late blastocyst stage . The pregnancy rates in day and day blastocyst (47.1 and , respectively) was significantly higher than that in the day blastocyst (29.8 and , respectively). The abortion rate was the highest in the day blastocyst among treatments, and it was significantly different compared to that in the day blastocyst . Therefore, this study suggested that the pregnancy rate was affected by only day of embryos, while the abortion rate was affected by stage and day of embryos.