Preliminary Study on the Hymenopterous Parasites of Rice Stem Borers with Description of Two Previously Unrecorded Species from Korea
1973-75년까지 5개년간 수도에서 채집한 표본과문헌을 통하여 이화명충의 기생봉만을 중점하여 조사분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Trichogrammatidae 2종, Scelionidae 1종, Braconidae 5종, Ichneumonidae 7종 등 모두 15종이 발견되었다. 2. 이중 Apanteles chlonis와 Microgaster russata 등 2종은 한국미기록종임이 밝혀졌다. 3. Trichogramma chilonis, Eriborus terberans 그리고 Gambrus ruficoxatus 등의 3종은 문헌에만 기록되었을 뿐 본조사기간중 실제로 표본을 확인할 수 없었다.
An intensive survey of rice insect pests and their natural enemies with special references on parasites of rice stem-borers was made during the last 5 years(1973-77). The results were obtained as follows: 1. 15 species of hymenopterous parasites from the rice stem-borers were identified, Trichogrammatidae-2 spp, Scelionidae-1 sp, Braconidae-5 spp, Ichneumonidae-7spp. 2. The two Trichogrammatids species, Apanteles chilonis and Microgaster russata are first records from Korea. 3. Museum presence specimens of the 3 species: Trichogramma chilonis, Eriborus terebrans and Gombrus ruficoxatus, we previously identified in Korea, could not be located in this periods of study.