This study was conducted to examine the viability of Korean native striped cattle (Bos namadicus Falconer, Chikso) clone embryos after embryo transfer. Chikso somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos were produced by fusion of ear skin cells derived from a female Chikso with enucleated oocytes matured in vitro for 18-24 hr. After in vitro culture of SCNT embryos for 7 to 8 days, fresh or vitrified blastocysts derived from SCNT were transferred into a uterine horn of recipient cows. Fifteen of total 43 recipients were pregnant at Day 50 and 4 recipients were maintained to term. Three IVF-derived calves and 1 clone Chikso calf were born. Pregnancy rate was higher when fresh embryos were transferred to recipients compared to vitrified embryos, but development to term was not different between both groups. The clone Chikso calf died at 5 days after birth due to the fullness of amniotic fluid in rumen and the infection of umbilical cord. The result of the present study shows that clone Chikso calf can produced from the embryo transfer of SCNT embryos, however, solution of abortion problem is necessary to improve the cloning efficiency.