The Influence of over Foraging, and Pollinating Activities on Tomato Fruits oy a Korean Native Bumblebee, Bombus ignitus S. (Hymenoptera : Apidae) in Cherry-tomato Houses
방울토마토에서 호박벌의 방화활동과 과도한 방화가 토마토 생산물에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과 호박벌의 최대 방화활동시각은 08:00였으며, 한 개의 꽃을 방문하기 위하여 걸리는 시간은 평균 11.7초였다. 일벌의 1회 외역활동시 총 방화시간은 평균 41분 37초였으며 평균 195.2개의 꽃을 방문하였다. 평당 2마리의 일벌이 활동한 24시간 소문개방구에서 꽃에 체류하는 시간은 8.85.4초로, 평당 1마리 호박벌이 활동한 1시간 소문개방구에서 체류한 4.03.1초에 비해 두 배 이상 길었다. 1시간 소문개방구의 토마토 수술의 색깔은 대부분 갈색인 반면, 24시간 소문개방구는 잦은 방화에 의해 흑갈색으로 변하였다. 1시간 소문개방구의 토마토 4-6화방의 평균 착과율은 48.9%로서 24시간 소문개방구의 착과율 43.3%와 유의한 차이는 없었으나, 과실내 종자 수는 24시간 소문개방구가 64.0개로 1시간 개방구 55.3개에 비해 많았다. 1시간 소문개방구와 24시간 소문개방구간의 과중은 각각 25.4g과 24.4g,과실의 당도는 모두 5.1%로 차이가 인정되지 않았다(P>0.05). 이상의 결과로 볼 때 방울토마토의 경우 호박벌 일벌의 과도한 방화활동으로 인하여 생산물에 미치는 영향은 없는 것으로 조사되었다.
This study examined the foraging activities and the Influence of excessive foraging activity by B. ignitus workers on the quality of cherry-tomato fruits in cherry-tomato green-house. The peak time of pollination by B. ignitus worker was recorded at 8:00 and the average of foraging time on each flower was 11.7 secs. The total pollinating time of B. ignitus was 41 mins and 37 secs and its total number of visiting flowers was 195.2. The average time of staying on flowers was 8.8 5.4 secs when two bumblebees were allowed to pollinate per Pyong (3.954 square yards) in the green house of tomatoes for 24 hours, but it was two times shorter (4.03.1 secs) compared with that when one bumble-bee was allowed to pollinate per Pyong for one hour. The stamen color of tomato flowers visited by the bumblebee for one hour was brown while the stamen color for 24 hours was dark brown due to the frequent visiting. The average fruit bearing rate of the 4th-6th clusters of tomatoes visited for one hour was 48.9%, which was not significantly different from those allowed to visite for 24 hours. However, the number of seeds of flowers visited for 24 hours was 64.0, which was more than 55.3 seeds of flowers visited for one hour. The weight of fruit was 25.4 g and 24.4 g, respectively. The sweetness was not different significantly between one and 24 hours of visit (P > 0.05). The result revealed that end pro-duct of cherry-tomato was not influenced by over foraging activity of B. ignitus workers on tomato flowers.