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        검색결과 2,998

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이름은 사회를 공동체로 만드는 기능이 있다. 지명을 붙이는 방법에는 ‘문화적 유산’, ‘언어적 이름 붙이기’, ‘자연적 ․ 지각적으로 이름 붙이기’, ‘어원적 이름 붙이기’ 등4가지가 있다.이 이름들은 자연적 위험, 정치적 ․사회적 움직임이 나타나면 변할 수 있는데,이름은 이러한 지역의 정보를 담고 있다. 즉, 지명의 변화는 통시적, 공시적으로 변화한다는 것이다. 이것들을 바탕으로 상호적으로 이해 가능한 새 유형을 만들기 위한 행정, 정치와 상관된 문화 ․역사적 결과를 연결시켜 바라볼 수 있다.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        α-Acaridial [2(E)-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)butenedial] is a novel monoterpene secreted from the house dust mites. Because of its molecular nature of a highly reactive, small lipidic compound, we addressed whether α-acaridial might function as a haptenic allergen that induced allergic contact dermatitis. Mice sensitized with α-acaridial were challenged by the same antigen on the ear skin. After 2 days, significant ear swelling with a prominent infiltration of CD4+ T lymphocytes was observed. In vitro, α-acaridial exhibited an outstanding ability to quickly interact with and chemically modify a reference protein. Virtually all cysteine residues and a sizable fraction of lysine residues were found to be selectively modified, suggesting that α-acaridial could potentially interact with any proteins. Previously, numerous mite-derived proteinaceous allergens have been associated with contact dermatitis. Our study now emphasizes that small lipidic compounds released from mites comprise a new class of mite allergens, and therefore, is of significant medical implications.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To establish a rapid diagnosis method for the monitoring of acaricide resistance in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, we evaluated the performance of residual contact vial (RCV) method as a routine bioassay for T. urticae by using two widely used acaricides, abamectin and tebupenpyrad. Appropriate concentrations of test acaricides were dissolved in acetone and evenly coated (100 μl) onto the inside wall of a 4-ml glass vial using a rolling machine. The average survival times in untreated control vial was longer than 12 hrs in the absence of food or water regardless of cap being closed or open. Webbing behavior of mites inside the vial, which may interfere with maximum chemical contact, began to be observed from 8 hrs post treatment. The minimum concentrations causing 100% mortality within 8 hrs posttreatment in a susceptible strain of T. urticae were determined to be 30 and 60 ppm in abamectin and tebupenpyrad, respectively. Dose-response curve was significantly affected by temperature in both acaricides, in which the knockdown rate increased greatly as temperature increased. The endpoint mortality at 6-8 hrs posttreatment, however, was not significantly affected by temperature. Nymphal stage of mites showed more rapid intoxication response than adults but endpoint mortality at 6-8 hrs posttreatment was not substantially different between developmental stages. When compared with the results from conventional spray method, RCV method showed moderate to high correlation coefficients (r=0.51~0.98), suggesting that it is a reliable in determining susceptibility of T. urticae. The vial-coated pesticides were stable at least one year when stored at -20°C as determined by LC-MS/MS analysis. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the bioassay results in repeated experiments with three different persons, indicative of high reproducibility of RCV. The RCV diagnostic kit, when used by farmers on site, should provide crucial and essential information for the selection of most suitable acaricides for different field populations of T. urticae.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Female ticks require a blood meal for vitellogenesis to occur. Vitellogenin (Vg), a precursor of yolk protein, is essential for egg development and Vg synthesis appears to be regulated by ecdysteroids in ticks. To better understand the regulation of Vg synthesis in ticks, the Vg gene was identified from Orinthodoros moubata. OmVg is composed of 5,502 bp encoding a 1,834 aa protein with Vg specific characteristics. OmVg gene showed the highest homology with the hard tick Dermacentor variabilis and was included in the same clade of a phylogenetic tree as the hard tick and crustacean Vg genes. OmVg gene expression was observed in females but not in nymphal stages and during molting. Both mated and virgin females showed OmVg expression approximately 3 days after engorgement. However, as time passed, mated females showed significant increases in OmVg expression whereas virgin females didn’t. OmVg expression is thought to be regulated by ecdysteroids functioning through a complex with an ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR). EcR and RXR expression increased in both mated and virgin females soon after engorgement. However, ecdysteroid titer only increased in mated females indicating a high titer of ecdysteroids in mated females up-regulates OmVg expression. The OmVg gene was expressed in the fat body and midgut of O. moubata. Further studies are underway to determine other factors that may explain differences between mated and virgin O. moubata females. Understanding the regulation of reproduction in ticks may lead to the development of better mechanisms for controlling ticks and preventing the spread of tick vectored diseases.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Eczema due to contact allergy is usually produced by simple chemicals with the molecules less than 500 KD. A total of 100 cultivated house dust mites (HDM) were extracted with their lipid components in hexane, and they were analyzed by mass measuring gas chromatography. The same components were mixed in petrolatum at 5% or less, and patch tested using Finn Chambers, and the results were read by ICDRG standards. α-Acaridial, contained in Tyrophagus putrescentiae, turned out to have been a primary sensitizer, and could make prurigo reactions. Geranial, a main lipid component in dermatophagoides, showed positive rates at 58.8% at 5% concentration in atopic dermatitis and was expected to cross react to geraniol in cosmetics and soaps. It means that when one is sensitized by HDM, eczema can be provoked and maintained by the usage of ordinary soaps, shampoos and cosmetics, containing geraniol.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The life cycle of ticks is characterized by alternate off-host and on-host conditions. The life span is estimated at several years and most ixodid ticks spend more than 95% of their life off the host. They seem to have a unique strategy to endure the off-host state for a long period. By electron microscopy, isolation membrane-, autophagosome- and autolysosome-like structures were found in the midgut epithelial cells of unfed ticks. Therefore, we focused on autophagy which is well-conserved from yeast to higher eukaryotes and induced by starvation. We have identified homologues of autophagy-related (ATG) genes (ATG3, ATG4 and ATG8) from cDNA libraries of the 3-host tick Haemaphysalis longicornis. Each expression profile of H. longicornis ATG (HlATG) genes and HlAtg proteins at the stages of nymph and adult were examined by real-time PCR and immunoblotting. Moreover, autophagy is known to be induced by inactivation of target of rapamycin (TOR), a phosphatidylinositol kinase. To examine the effect of TOR function on the expression of HlAtg protein(s), rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of the signal transduction mediated by TOR, was injected to unfed adults. It was revealed that the expression of HlAtg protein(s) was enhanced in response to the rapamycin. This result indicates that tick have the nutrient-sensitive TOR signaling pathway which regulate autophagy.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Incheon Intern'l Airport Regional Office of the National Plant Quarantine Service got the nematode separating funnel improved for the imported seedlings & tubers on 2007. In the Bermann's funnel method, the nematode separating apparatus consist of funnel, tube and clips. The funnels used in our plant quarantine are bigger than those used in the general nematode lab. And the bigger funnels need the bigger tubes. As a result, the thick tubes and the weak clips are made uneasy for the holding and releasing of the water in funnel. So the office changed the funnel into the better model in order to get rid of the tiresome handling for the clips. The main improving point is the replacement of clip & silicon tube with blocking apparatus in funnel bottom's end. On the other hand, the check on nematode has been very high at the Incheon Inertn'l Airport Regional Office up to 50~250 frequency daily at season. In the consideration of the 7,800 inspection frequency annually, this improvement is expected to bring the effect of 400 working hour's reduction and the convenient work.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus californicus was newly found from Jeju citrus orchards in Korea and it is a polyphagous predator of mite and small insect pests as well as plant pollens. Recently in Korean apple orchards, Tetranychus urticae and Panonychus ulmi are imposing similar pest pressure. Even with ample information of this predator interacting with T. urticae, little is known on the interaction with P. ulmi. We investigated temperature effects on life history parameters of N. californicus when feeding on P. ulmi as prey in the laboratory condition to check the possibility to use this predatory mite in apple mite biological control. So, the development, survivorship and life-table parameters of the predator were studied by given mixed stages of P. ulmi as prey under the range of temperatures (15-34°C), RH 75±10%, and photoperiod 16L:8D to determine the effects of temperature. Temperature had a significant effect on mean development time from hatching to adult emergence and other life-history parameters. The results specified that the developmental time is decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 30oC. Female development times were shorter at 25, 30 and 34°C (3.83±0.07, 3.37±0.24 and 3.53±0.11d, respectively) and were longest at 15°C (15.61±0.22d). Male developmental times were shorter than females ones at each temperature. The highest adult female life span (70.42±3.06d) and oviposition period (35.83±1.43d) observed at 15oC whereas the shortest at 34oC (13.06±1.03 and 7.3±0.94d, respectively). At 25oC, females laid maximum number of eggs (63.94±2) while minimum (16.59±0.98) was at 34oC. In sex ratio, utmost number of females (0.77±0.01) was counted at 25oC and lowest (0.67±0.01) at 34oC. Survivorship during immature development varied from 78.78 to 93.75% with the lowest value recorded at 20 and 34oC. From life table analysis, the shortest generation time (T=10.7d) resulted at 34oC. The highest net reproductive rate (R0=44.31; expected progeny per female) was found at 25oC. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.29) and the finite rate of increase (λ=1.33) per day was estimated highest at 30oC. From this study, we found that N. californicus could successfully develop and oviposit vital eggs. Based on these results, we cautiously expect that N. californicus could be used as a biocontrol agent of spider mites in apple orchards when P. ulmi or T. urticae occurs singly or mutually.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To find effective native natural enemies of spider mites in the surrounding vegetation of citrus orchards, we investigated the species composition and seasonal occurrence of phytoseiid mites on Podocarpus macrophyllus, which is one of the major windbreak tree species surrounding citrus orchards in Japan, in Nagasaki prefecture, south-western Japan, from 2006 to 2007. Six species were found: Amblyseius eharai, Euseius sojaensis, Okiseius subtropicus, Typhlodromus vulgaris, T. kishimotoi, and Typhlodromus sp. Amblyseius eharai was the most dominant species and formed more than 60% of the phytoseiid species collected in both years. Typhlodromus vulgaris was the second most dominant species. The other species were rare, except that Okiseius subtropicus was abundant in February in 2006. The density of A. eharai showed two peaks in late June and from late August to early September. The density of T. vulgaris also peaked in late June. However, the density declined thereafter, and remained low, unlike the seasonal occurrence of A. eharai. Podocarpus macrophyllus blooms from early to mid-June and produces a great deal of pollen. Both A. eharai and T. vulgaris developed and oviposited well when they were reared on pollen of Podocarpus macrophyllus as food. Therefore, the increase of these phytoseiid species in June was thought to be due to the supply of pollen of Podocarpus macrophyllus as food.