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        검색결과 1,121

        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chemoresistance is one of the main problems to treat different kinds of cancers or cancer cells. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the strategies to make the cancer cells sensitive to chemotherapy along with optimal dosage of drugs. We examined sensitivity of MCF7 cells through pretreating with an epigenetic modulator, azacytidine (AzaC) to doxorubicin (Dox). The cells were treated with 5 and 10 mM of AzaC for a week, subsequently with 50, 100 and 500 nM of doxorubicin for 24 and 48h. It was found that pretreatment of AzaC significantly enhance the sensitivity of MCF7 cells to Dox, inducing cell death. After 24h 15% cells underwent apoptosis in 500 nM dox treatment group while 23.4% cells death occurred in AzaC pre treatment group. After 48h MCF7 cells treated with Dox showed 19.0% cell death while AzaC sensitized cells showed 50.0% cells death when exposed to 500 nM of Dox for 48h. Western blot analysis showed the upregulations in the expression of bax, caspase-3, caspase-9 and p53 in AzaC-sensitized MCF7 cells treated with Dox as compared to those treated with only Dox. There was no clear indication for pro-apoptosis genes in the cells treated with individual drugs. These results showed that pretreatment with the epigenetic modulator significantly increased the sensitivity of MCF7 cells to Dox. Therefore it is concluded that demethylation event might enhance the activity of DNA intercalating agents to induce DNA damage in breast cancer cells.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in organisms as the natural products of oxidative metabolism by environmental stress and pathogen invasion. ROS, such as superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide, can be toxic to cells and tissues to cause oxidative stress. Recent study revealed that olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been identified as a partial gene and strongly induced to benzoin[a]pyrene and it was deduced indicator of aquatic oxidative stress responses, but its transcriptional response against viral infection has not been investigated. In the present study, spatial and temporal expression profile was analyzed to investigate the function of Of-SOD in the anti-viral response. Of-SOD transcripts were ubiquitously detected in diverse tissues with variable levels using a real-time PCR. The expression of Of-SOD was significantly higher in the muscle, liver and brain, but extremely low in the stomach and spleen. Following VHSV challenge, the expression of Of-SOD increased within 3 hours and subsequently decreased to the original level at 2 days post-challenge in kidney. Although expression pattern and induction time are slight differences depending on the tissue, the transcript of Of-SOD was consistently increased in acute infection response, but expression is low in the chronic response. Collectively, Of-SOD expressions were inducible after VHSV infection and they were probably involved in the immune response against viral challenge. These results suggest that SODs may play important roles in the immune defense system of P. olivaceus and perhaps contribute to the protective effects against oxidative stress in this flounder.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers are useful for selecting to include superior character genetic like as strong immune system and rapid growth in fish. The marker is also very important part of breeding technology in Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) marker is already in use widely for genomic research and breeding. But this SNPs marker hardly has been validated for screening functional genes in Olive flounder. We study identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on Expressed sequence tag (EST) database, develop usable SNP marker and apply to wild sample and cultured of olive flounder. As a result, Out of total 4.327 ESTs, 693contigs and 514 SNP from total contigs were detected while these substitutions include 297 transitions and 217 transversions. 144 developed markers were applied in 16 samples (wild 8, culture 8), Out of total marker, only 32 markers had detected polymorphic in sample. Polymorphism of 32 markers was observed in the variety genes region involved in immunity and protein synthesis. And the 32 marker were identified 21 transitions, 11 transversions, and indel was not detected in polymorphic SNPs. The analysis on heterozygosity by sample showed 0.34 in wild sample and 0.29 in cultured sample. In conclusion, we was identified SNP and Polymorphism by designed new marker, it supports that development marker is suitable for SNP detection and diversity analysis in Olive flounder. The outcome of this study can be basic data for researches for immunity gene and characteristic with SNP.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Melatonin has several known physiological functions, the main one being synchronization of daily and seasonal rhythms. In addition, melatonin has been reported to influence reproduction and behavioral rhythms with varying results depending on the species. To date, it remains unknown how this rhythm in locomotor activity is controlled endogenously, although there must be coordination of chemical and molecular drivers. However, the species is poorly characterized at molecular level with little sequence information available in public databases. The aim of study was to clarify involvement of endogenous melatonin rhythms and locomotor activity in day-night activity of the eel, Anguilla japonica which is an economically important but endangered species. The levels during daytime (zeitgeber time; ZT 6) were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those during nighttime (ZT 18). A similar pattern was persisted under DD conditions, whereas it disappeared under LL conditions and ocular melatonin levels remained low. Therefore, it is likely that ocular melatonin levels of the nocturnal eel reared under LD and DD conditions fluctuate in a daily/circadian manner and night-related physiological processes are dependent on eel locomotor activities which is a nocturnal species. We found that similar number of genes were differentially expressed between day (ZT6) and nighttime (ZT18), suggesting that during the nighttime also important in differential gene expression with daytime. This work also provides essential information for further studies investigating the molecular basis of daily/circadian system in this species.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As a preliminary investigation into the effect of environmental factors control for gonadal development, we examined the involvement of photoperiod and water temperature in ovarian development of Epinephelus. akaara. For the induction of sexual maturation, E. akaara reared in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). During November 2013, the photoperiod and water temperature was adjusted to 12L:12D and 18℃, respectively. In the photo-thermal treatment group, every 3 weeks daylight was increased as follows a 13L:11D and 14L:10D, and control group was maintained under natural condition. After 9 weeks, water temperature was increased 23℃ in photo-thermal treatment group. The sampled fish every 3 weeks revealed increase in gonadosomatic index (GSI; 5.18±1.38), oocyte diameter and vitellogenic oocytes (423.9±36.1 ㎛) were observed in gonads 12 weeks under photo-thermal treatment group. However, ovarian development was maintained immature stage in control group. In this environmental factors manipulation trial, seventy one of the 95 females (578.4 ± 25.4 g in mean body weight, 31.0 ± 0.5 cm mean total length) treated with HCG injection (doses 500 IU/kg BW) were induced ovulation by artificial stripping. The total volume of ovulated eggs were 3,470 ml and the total volume of fertilized eggs was 3,295 ml. The fertilization rate and hatching rate were 95% and 98%, respectively. These results suggest that the photoperiod as well as water temperature are major environmental factors in triggering the gonadal development of E. akaara.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. This enzyme, present in the sperm as well as various tissue and cells, has been considered to be related to the fertility of human and mouse sperm. Therefore, we examined effect of aromatase inhibitor on viability and fertility of sperm, and quantity of aromatase in sperm groups with different density in pig. To analyze the effect of aromatase on sperm viability, we treated aromatase inhibitor to the sperm with different concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 μM) at different time (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 hours). After the treatment, the sperm viability was calculated by hypo-osmotic swelling test. We selected 0, 50, 100 μM concentration during 0.5 hour as inhibitor treatment condition before in vitro fertilization. Next, we examined fertility and quantified aromatase protein in sperms with different density. In the first experiment, viability of sperm was decreased following the increasement of inhibitor concentration. The aromatase inhibited sperm showed lower penetration rate and cleavage rate than those of non-treated sperm. Concentration of 50 μM inhibitor had no significant effect on the sperm viability, but it significantly reduced sperm fertility. Second, sperms with low density showed higher penetration rate, but no significant difference between sperms with high density. In conclusion, aromatase is responsible for viability and fertility of porcine sperm similar to mouse and human, however, density of sperm has no correlation with quantity of aromatase protein.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated the change mRNA expression of GtHs subunits (FSHβ, LHβ) in the pituitary, androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor (ERα) in gonad and histological observation of gonads in longthooth grouper Epinephelus bruneus by treatment Femara, an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Longtooth grouper (body weight 408±43.1 g; one year) cultured in Future Aquaculture Research Center, NFRDI were used in the experiments. The experiment was conducted for 12 weeks from 21 August 2013. Fish received intramuscular injection of AI at 5 mg/g BW dose in three times every 3 weeks. Fish were sampled pituitary and gonads at 3, 6, 12 weeks post-injection (n=50). The mRNA levels of FSH-β, LH-β in pituitary and AR, ERα mRNA in gonad were evaluated using qRT-PCR and qPCR. The histological change of gonads observed on light microscope. The gonads of control group contained most perinucleolus oocyte. At 3 to 6 weeks post-injection, the gonads of AI-treated group contained a few degenerated oocytes, spermatogonia and spermatocytes. At 12 weeks post-injection, gonads contained spermatids undergoing spermatogenesis. From 6 to 12 weeks post-injection, the expression level of GtHs subunits mRNA in pituitary was significantly higher than control group. The expression level of AR mRNA in gonad was higher than control group from 3 to 12 weeks post-injection. The expression level of ERα mRNA in gonad was lower than control group from 6 to 12 weeks post-injection. These results suggest that immature longtooth grouper with AI treatment induced masculinization via change of GtH subunits in pituitary, AR and ERα mRNA in gonad.
        2014.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pluripotent cells are categorized as either "naive" or "primed" based upon their pluripotent status. According to previous studies, embryonic stem cells and embryonic germ cells are identified as naive pluripotent stem cells and epiblast stem cells are identified as primed pluripotent stem cells. In a permissive species such as the mouse, naive and primed pluripotent stem cells can be derived from embryos without genetic manipulations. In non-permissive species such as humans and pigs, primed pluripotent cells are only established from embryos. However, previous studies have shown that the embryonic germ cells of non-permissive species share similar morphology and features with naive pluripotent cells. For these reasons porcine embryonic germ cells (pEGCs) may provide a useful cell source for comparative studies on naive pluripotent cells in non-permissive species. In this study, we attempted to establish and characterize porcine embryonic germ cells. Consequently, an embryonic germ cell line was derived from the genital ridges of a porcine dpc 30 fetus in media containing LIF and bFGF. After establishment, this cells were cultured and stabilized in LIF or bFGF contained media. This cell lines displayed a dome-shaped colony morphology in both culture condition. The cell lines were maintained in both condition over an extended time period and were able to differentiate into the three germ layers in vitro. Interestingly, cell lines cultured in LIF or bFGF expressed different pluripotency markers. LIF-dependent pEGCs expressed naive-pluripotency markers such as OCT4, SOX2, NANOG and SSEA1, while bFGF-dependent pEGCs expressed primed-pluripotency markers such as OCT4, SOX2, NANOG and SSEA4. However, as a result of analysis of XCI, two cell lines showed hemi-methylated pattern similarly in XIST promoter regions. In conclusion, we were able to successfully derive embryonic germ cells from genital ridges of a porcine fetus. Pluripotent state of pEGCs were regulated by modulation of culture condition. In LIF supplement, pEGCs showed naive-pluripotency expressing SSEA1, while pEGCs show primed-pluripotency expressing SSEA4 in bFGF condition. This cell line could potentially be used as naive pluripotent cell source for comparative study with porcine embryonic stem cells and other pluripotent cell lines. As porcine pluripotent cells, pEGCs could be useful candidates for preliminary studies of human disease as well as a source for generating transgenic animals.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper deals with the impact of the product distribution and information technology sectors on energy resource use, carbon emissions and economic growth by examining the long-run equilibrium relationships and Granger causal relationships among these variables in South Korea. The quarterly time series data from the first quarter of 1970 to the third quarter of 2010 (163 observations) are collected and retrieved from the Bank of Korea database. The paper examines the long-run equilibrium relationships using cointegration techniques and Granger causality using vector error correction models. Test results indicate a long-run equilibrium relationship exists among these variables. In testing directional causality, both the product distribution and the information technology sectors show direct effects on economic growth but only marginal effects on carbon emissions.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cell cycle process is regulated by a number of protein kinases and among them, serine/threonine kinases carry phosphate group from ATP to substrates. The most important three kinase families are Cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk), Polo-like kinase (Plk), and Aurora kinase. Polo-like kinase family consists of 5 members (Plk1-Plk5) and they are involved in multiple functions in eukaryotic cell division. It regulates a variety of aspects such as, centrosome maturation, checkpoint recovery, spindle assembly, cytokinesis, apoptosis and many other features. Recently, it has been reported that Plks are related to tumor development and over-expressed in many kinds of tumor cells. When injected the anti-Plk antibody into human cells, the cells show aneuploidy, and if inhibit Plks, most of the mitotic cell division does not proceed properly. For that reasons, many inhibitors of Plk have been recently emerged as new target for remedy of the cancer therapeutic research. In this paper, we reviewed briefly the characteristics of Plk families and how Plks work in regulating cell cycles and cancer formation, and the possibilities of Plks as target for cancer therapy.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) have been used as traditional medicine for the treatment of male sexual disorders in Asian countries. Recently, there are some reports about the effects of the clove on reproductive activities in mammals. Therefore, its effect on testicular function was examined in male golden hamsters whose reproductive activity is inhibited by photoperiod such as winter climate. The male animals were given by daily oral administrations (56 consecutive days) in three doses (4 mg, 20 mg, and 100 mg/kg BW) of the alcoholic extract of the clove. Generally lower dose (4 mg) of the extract continued to keep the reproductive activities of testes. The both middle and high doses (20 mg and 100 mg) of the extract completely inhibited the testicular activity in some animals. Taken together, these results suggest a possible biphasic action of alcoholic extract of Syzygium aromaticum flower bud on testicular function.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was investigated spawning behavior, structure of egg masses and egg development in Aplysia kurodai inhabiting the coastal waters of Jeju Island, Korea. The mating and courtship behavior of A. kurodai occurred in the form of unilateral copulating with chain formation. In chain copulation, only the first animal acted as a female; the second and succeeding animals acted as males (sperm donors) to the animals in front and as females to the animals behind. The fertilized eggs were packaged in capsules that are embedded in jelly to form a cylindrical string called an egg masses. The number of capsule per cm of the egg masses was 55 to 60 capsules and each capsule within the egg masses held 15 to 25 eggs. After spawning, the egg masses were bright yellow or orange in color. This egg masses color not changed until embryos developed into trochophore stage. Thereafter, as embryo developed from trochophore stage to veliger stage the egg masses color became brownish. The fertilized eggs were spherical, with a diameter of approximately 80±1 μm at spawning. At 5 to 6 days after spawning, the embryo developed into trochophore stage and began to rotate within the egg capsule. In the trochophore stage, the precursor of the velum, called the prototroch or prevelum, developed. At 10 days after spawning, the prevelum is transformed into the velum, and the trochophore developed into veliger stage. Between 10 to 15 days after spawning, the veligers broke out of the egg capsule, and hatched as free-swimming larvae.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Science in the 21st century does not consider participants’ welfare, safety and human rights in clinical studies, but modern science puts economic profits in its priority. This leads to a growing concern about social responsibility and professionalism ethics of companies, sponsors and scientists. Specifically, there is no way to control conflicts of participants’ welfare with economic profits, leading to simply relying on individual ethics, social responsibilities and audit. This paper helps relevant agencies and people involved understand conflict of interest. Also this study presents the guidelines as well as independence, autonomy, ethical imagination and phronesis required for scientists.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In mammals, puberty is a process of acquiring reproductive competence, triggering by activation of hypothalamic kisspeptin (KiSS)-gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neuronal circuit. During peripubertal period, not only the external genitalia but the internal reproductive organs have to be matured in response to the hormonal signals from hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (H-P-G) axis. In the present study, we evaluated the maturation of male rat accessory sex organs during the peripubertal period using tissue weight measurement, histological analysis and RT-PCR assay. Male rats were sacrificed at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 70 postnatal days (PND). The rat accessory sex organs exhibited differential growth patterns compared to those of non-reproductive organs. The growth rate of the accessory sex organs were much higher than the those of non-reproductive organs. Also, the growth spurts occurred differentially even among the accessory sex organs; the order of prepubertal organ growth spurts is testis = epididymis > seminal vesicle = prostate. Histological study revealed that the presence of sperms in seminiferous tubules and epididymal ducts at day 50, indicating the puberty onset. The number of duct and the volume of duct in epididymis and prostate were inversely correlated during the experimental period. Our RT-PCR revealed that the levels of hypothalamic GnRH transcript were increased significantly on PND 40, suggesting the activation of hypothalamic GnRH pulse-generator before puberty onset. Studies on the peripubertal male accessory sex organs will provide useful references on the growth regulation mechanism which is differentially regulated during the period in androgen-sensitive organs. The detailed references will render easier development of endocrine disruption assay.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Previous studies, including our own, have demonstrated that the intratesticular injection of hypertonic saline (20%) decreased serum testosterone level which was similar to the surgical castration in the rat, showing the state of chemical castration. In the present study, we further verify the efficacy of this less invasive method as an alternative of surgical orchidectomy in the andrological field. Sterilized 20% saline was directly injected into the adult male rats (750 μl per testis). The tested rats were divided into 3 groups including intact group (intact), orchidectomy group (ORX) and saline injection group (SAL) after bilateral orchidectomy was performed at the same day of injection. All rats were sacrificed at 4 weeks after injection. The reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles and prostates) were collected and used for DNA and protein pattern analyses. Also, patho-histological studies on the testes were performed. In contrast to the intact group, similar DNA damages of testis and seminal vesicle were appeared in ORX group and SAL group. The DNA degradations seemed to be the results of necrosis rather than apoptosis. In the protein pattern analysis, all the testing tissues exerted similar patterns in the ORX group and the SAL group compared to the those of intact group. Patho-histological studies revealed that severe degenerative changes in testicular seminiferous tubules and massive infiltration of immune cells in SAL group. The present study confirmed that direct injection of hypertonic saline into the testis caused the equivalent biochemical changes in the accessory sex organs as shown in the orchidectomized animals. These results suggest that hypertonic saline injection model could be a useful castration model which can substitute for surgical castration when its safety is secured through further study in the future.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the effects on fertilization rate (FR), hatching rate (HR), and normal individual rate after artificial fertilization using frozen thawed sperm according to the cryoprotectant (DMSO) concentration and the period of cryopreserved sperm of longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus. Performing artificial fertilization using frozen-thawed sperm, after freezing the sperm at different DMSO concentration of 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0% respectively, FR were (DMSO 5.0%: 99.5±0.8%, DMSO 7.5%: 99.5±0.7%, and DMSO 10.0%: 99.6±0.6%). The results are not significantly different from the control fresh sperm (100%). HR also (DMSO 5.0%: 96.2±2.3%, DMSO 7.5%: 95.3±3.6%, 10.0%: 96.6±1.8%) were not significantly different in each group. The normal individual rate after hatching using with control fresh sperm (98.4%±0.5) and DMSO concentration level of 5.0% (97.8±0.1%) were not significantly different. However, with 7.5% (97.2±0.6%) and 10.0% DMSO concentrations (95.9±0.2%) are lower than the normal individual rate after hatching observed in the control and 5.0% DMSO. Performing artificial fertilization using frozen-thawed sperm at different frozen period (2 days, 2 years, and 3 years), 10% DMSO FR and HR of 3 years (FR; 66.8±1.8%, HR: 82.0±12.9%) and 2 years (FR; 78.5±14.8%, HR: 79.3±0.6%) cryopreserved sperm were lower than control (FR; 100%, HR: 91.1±3.6%) and 2 days cryopreserved sperm (FR; 99.6±0.6%, HR: 96.6±1.8%). These results suggest suitable DMSO concentration ranges of cryopreservation sperm for E. bruneus is 5 to 10% and with 2 to 3 years cryopreservation period, cryopreservation sperm can be useful for seed production.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korea Ministry of Environment (Korea MOE) enacted the “Greenhouse Gas and Energy Target Management System (GETMS), which requires annual GHG reporting to establish GHG reduction targets for large-scale business places (458) emitting large amount of greenhouse gases (60% of total amount in Korea). The waste sector has higher potential for reduction of greenhouse gases compared to other sectors. Thus, this paper reviewed the methodologies modified based on national guidelines and estimated the greenhouse gas emissions for three categories of the waste sector in Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC), South Korea. Further analysis for basic unit, i.e., greenhouse gas emissions per ton of solid waste, wastewater, and purified water in the waste sector was conducted to figure out main contributors for GHG emissions. Direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2) of 11 environmental infrastructures managed by DMC were selected for quantifying and managing of regional GHG emissions. The annual estimation for greenhouse gas emissions in the waste sector in DMC with a population of 1.52 million people was 254,235 tons CO₂ equiv. per year, which includes the main contributor of wastewater treatment 78,063 tons CO2 equiv., waste incineration 76,186 tons CO₂ equiv., and managed waste disposal sites 70,455 tons CO₂ equiv. Basic unit showed that most contributors were waste incineration, followed by the waste disposal site, biological treatment of solid waste, wastewater treatment, and public water supplies. Solid waste treatment/ disposal has best potential role in reducing GHG emissions. In general, therefore, it seems that reduction strategies for the main contributor should be prior to other categories and lead to best practice for managing GHG emissions, especially considering annual budgets.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study characterized PM and VOC emissions from cow dung combustion in a controlled experiment. Dung from grass-fed cows was dried and combusted using a dual cone calorimeter. Heat fluxes of 10, 25, and 50 kW/m² were applied. The concentrations of PM and VOCs were determined using a dust spectrometer and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, respectively. PM and VOC emission factors were much higher for the lower heat flux, implying a fire ignition stage. When the heat flux was 50 kW/m², the CO₂ emission factor was highest and the PM and VOC emission factors were lowest. Particle concentrations were highest in the 0.23-0.3-μm size range at heat fluxes of 25 kW/m² and 50 kW/m². Various toxic VOCs including acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, benzene, and toluene were detected at high concentrations. Although PM and VOC emission factors at 50 kW/m² were lower, they were high enough to cause extremely high indoor air pollution. The characteristics of PM and VOC emissions from cow dung combustion indicated potential health effects of indoor air pollution in developing countries.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to rapid industrialization and population growth uncontrolled release of heavy metals are entered into the waters. Among these heavy metals Pb(II) is one of the major toxic metal and in recent years the production and consumption of lead is increasing worldwide. Pb(II) can be entered to aqueous streams from several industries and can enter into the humans food chain through drinking water and crop irrigation. Lead can causes severe damage to the kidney, nervous system, reproductive system, liver and brain. The permissible level for lead in drinking water is 0.05 mg/l. Thus in recent years a number of methods and materials were developed to removal Pb(II) from aqueous solutions. Among these material bio-chars obtained from plant materials have gained special attention due to their low-cost and abundant nature. In present investigation we have developed magnetic bio-char composite from pine bark. Pine trees are wide spread throughout the South Korea and the bark from pine tree has no commercial use and is available as waste. Thus we have utilized this waste inexpensive material from preparing bio-char composite. The pin bark obtained was initially made into fine powder and washed several times with water and was filtered. To this powder an appropriate amounts of nitrate salts of cobalt and iron dissolved in ethanol solution was added and stirred for 15 minutes. This solution was oven dried at 70℃ and this was further calcined at 900℃ in nitrogen atmosphere. As obtained material was washed several times with water and dried in oven over night. This was used as adsorbent for treating lead contaminated aqueous solutions. As obtained bio-char composite was used to remove Pb(II) from aqueous solutions. Various parameters influencing Pb(II) removal like initial pH, contact time and initial concentration were studied. Effect of pH on Pb(II) removal was studied in the pH range from 2-8 at Pb(II) concentration 10 mg/L using an adsorbent dose of 300 mg. At below pH 3 a lower percent removal was observed whereas above pH 4>90% removal was observed. Further effect of contact time on Pb(II) removal was studied from time range between 10-180 min. Two kinetic models pseudo-first, pseudo-second-order models were used to evaluated the kinetic data and found that the data was better fitted to the pseudo-second-order model. From the overall results it was found that as prepared magnetic bio-char composite prepared from pin bark waste was effective and economic for treating Pb(II) contaminated aqueous solutions.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to raise awareness about environmental protection, people are paying more attention now-a-days in reusing wastepaper. As a result, most countries in the world have already made significant progress related to wastepaper recycling technology. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of slow-release nitrogen fertilizer (SRNF) on the growth of radish plants. Wastepaper was deinked by alkaline solution and SRNF was produced from fertilizer impregnated wastepaper, which applied to an experimental plot compared with a urea fertilized plot. The plant height and total chlorophyll content of the radishes were higher while they were treated with SRNF than with urea. Some agronomic and chemical components were also observed and significant differences between the two fertilizers were found. When the soil was treated with SRNF, the pH, organic matter and total nitrogen content were higher than in the soil which was treated with urea.