A new powdery mildew resistant squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) ‘Miso' was bred from a cross between powdery mildew resistant true variety ‘Sangol’ and powdery mildew susceptible inbred line ‘Seoulmadi’ at National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS). The ‘Miso’ variety was vigorous and highly resistant to powdery mildew. It showed white green fruit color. The variety yielded 21.3MT/ha which is 52% more than control variety.
In order to produce the organic foods in accord with international standard, organic seeds should be used in organic farming. This study was conducted to establish the stable production of organic seed of waxy corn by examining the growing characteristics, seed yield, and the economy for seed production by organic farming. The optimal sowing timing for organic seed production of waxy corn hybrid was within 10 days of the 1st of May with yield of 88~90% of conventional seed production. The optimal planting density was 41,600 plants/ha (80×30 cm) for organic seed production of waxy corn. The weight of 100 seeds and seed productivity increased at the planting ratio of 2:1 mother plant:male plant. Growth and seed production were improved by removing male plant at 7~10 days after silking. Organic fertilizer (mixed oil cake) was applied at a rate of 4~6 Mg/ha before sowing. Black plastic mulching was used for weed control. In addition, sex pheromone trap and bio-control agents were used for safe pest control and low labour cost.
The occurrence of major pest infestation was compared between conventional tea plantation and organic tea plantation at Sulloc tea garden in Dosun-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do from 2002 to 2009. Tetranychus kanzawai was observed a lot in the second year, but it waned from late June. There was not much difference between conventional farming and organic farming in terms of pest density. Empoasca onukii was infested in the second year of organic farming compared with conventional farming, which highlighted the fact that second year of organic farming requires a special care. Scirotothrips dorsalis was highly dense in the second and third year of conventional farming, but its occurrence was lowered when the farming technique was shifted to organic farming. The number of Homona magnanima peaked 4 times each year. In 2008, the first year of organic farming, saw high occurrence of 771.2 per trap per year. In 2009, the second year, the population per trap dropped to 80, showing a great variance depending on year. The occurrence of Caloptilia theivora peaked 5 times annually. In 2008, the first year of organic farming, an average of 2,779 pests per trap was found, and in the following year, 4,143 pests were observed. It showed that density rose in organic growing period.
Plant biomass is a huge carbon-complex that has potential as a nutrient. Therefore we extracted and separated useful materials for plant growth from tea leaf and stem. The pre-treatment process including high temperature (200 °C) and pressure (20-40 kgf/cm2) was treated for several minutes and extracted at 120 °C for 30-60 minutes. After that the chemical compositions and ingredients were analyzed from that plantnutrient.
As a result of mineral contents, calcium and magnesium concentrations are higher than other minerals. Also the result of carbohydrates analyses has shown that the sugar oligomer consists of xylose(95.3%) and glucose(4.7%), and the sugar monomer consists in the order of xylose (52.7%) > manose (22.8%) > arabinose (10.8%) > galactose (10.2%) > glucose (3.5%). Before applied to field, in vitro plant growth system and formulation were examined. To evaluate the effect of the nutrients, both strawberry green-house and persimmon fields were used in this test. The treated persimmons were heavier than controls scored at 13-22%. In addition, the storageperiod was extended in the treated strawberries. Interestingly in the treated strawberry, the contents of polyphenols were increased (38-57%). These results suggest that the plant-nutrient can afford to help for plant growth and storage, and it can be substituted for other commercial nutrients. In conclusion, this plant-nutrient may help to extend eco-friendly or organic farming in Hadong-gun area.
This study was performed to analyze the improvement of soil physical property and soil biota characteristics through cultivation of green manure crops for a one-year period before creation of a tea plantation as follows. The study revealed that the contents of available phosphate tended to decrease after sod-culture by green manure cultivation and open-pollination, when compared to the level before cultivation. The ratio soil porosity increased by approximately 30% when Crotalaria juncea and Sorghum bicolar L. Moench were cultivated, while the soil bacteria and fungi also increased. In a research on microfauna using a pit fall trap, the population number of the microfauna was 174 of 27 species in the plot of open-pollinated sod-culture and no organic matter application, and 268 of 26 species in the plot of Sorghum bicolar L. Moench. Consequently, the culturing tool of Crotalaria juncea recorded the highest level of species diversity at 2.5, the evenness index at 3.7 and richness at 4.6, with the lowest level of a dominance index. The ecological quotient of microfauna was 0.76 in the plot of Sorghum bicolar L. Moench, and 0.63 in the plot of Crotalaria juncea.
A. arguta is found nationwide whether the altitude is low or high if good drainage is achieved with plenty of water. The distribution of A. polygama seems to be more limited to higher altitude than A. arguta so it can be found in deep valley of highland even in Mt. Halla. A. kolomikta seems rather limited to colder area than A. arguta to Mt. Jiri to the south. Meanwhile, A. rufa is very confined to southern islands including Jeollanamdo and Jeju islands. Some institutes still continue to utilize Korean native Actinidia plants commercially since early 1980"s. More collaborative efforts are needed for further development of these plants nationwide.
In order to cope wíth change of Korean and global consumptíon trend, ít ís forecast that GAP cultívated gínseng & íts processed products, Organíc cultívated gínseng & íts processed products, Sanyangsam & íts processed products as wel/ as exístíng whíte gínseng (products), red gínseng (products), Taekuksam (products), black gínseng (products) wíll enter ínto market and customer demands wíll create new consumptíon. Eventual/y, ít ís consídered that the tíme has come for consíderíng and carryíng out together for raw materíal cultívatíon and productíon, research and development of processed products and export and dístríbutíon of domestíc and overseas market.
This expe끼ment was conducted to evaluate the effect of two different organic acid products as antibiotic replacement in olive flounder paralichthys olivaceus . Fish averaging 3.5 ::!:: 0.05 g(mean ::!:: SD) were fed one of the ten semi-purified diets : Diet 1 ; Control , Diet 2 ; add antibiotics - 50mg OTC / kg body weight / day(OTC), Diet 3; Add organic acid bland A(OABA) - 4g/kg diet, Diet 4 ; add organic acid bland B(OABB) - 4g/kg diet for 10 weeks. Total gut microflora counts were significantly higher in the control group compared to the OTC and organic acid groups(P <0.05). Fish fed OABA, 。ABB and OTC had lower gut Vibrio counts compared to the control, but were not significantly different. Results from the challenge study indicate that mortality in the different treatment groups (50%) was significantly lower than those observed for the control group (100%). There were no differences in mortality between the OTC and organic acid groups. Overall findings from this study indicate that the organic acid blends A and B were as effective as oxytetracycline, an antibiotic, in regulating total gut bacterial numbers, Vibrio counts and providing protection against a pathogen such as Edwardsiella tarda.
An Intergenerational Horticultural Program in a rural community in Korea was tried out to enhance social interaction between elderly citizens and children, to promote the positive self-esteem of the elderly in a rural community, to change the attitude of children towards the elderly, and to create a rural community full of vitality. The clients were 20 elderly (60-80 years old) and 40 preschool children (6-7 years old). The activities in this program included seed of hope, round autumn garden, dish garden, in the vegetable patch, flower decoration for the Chuseok Festival, rainbow flower basket, heart card, fragrance of love, and a kimchi party. The results were a decrease in depression among the elderly from 44.0% to 33.7%. General satisfaction among the elderly was 100%. The desire to rejoin among the elderly was 100%. General satisfaction among the children was 100%. The desire to rejoin among the children was 93.5%.
In 2006, 41% of newly-married Korean men living in agriculture or fishery area were married to foreign wives. These foreign wives suffer social, cultural, and psychological maladjustment. They need support in understanding Korean culture & language, economic independence, and mental health. This horticultural therapy program (HT program) was practiced to help the foreign wives gain emotional stability, to help them adapt to rural society, and to help them improve the relationship with their families. The participants of this HT program were 10 foreign wives, 5 Chinese, 2 Vietnamese, 1Japanese, 1 Thai, and 1 Filipina. Total sessions were 12, and each session lasted for two hours. This program started April and ended July in 2007. After this program, selfesteem of participants increased from 29.6 to 33.5, and stress decreased from 77.3 to 64.7. Participants also expressed sense of satisfaction and accomplishment after the program.
The production practices, productivity and economic performance of organic and nonchemical rice farming were compared in Jeonnam Province, Korea. Korean organic rice farming showed a lack of use of resistant varieties and rotational cropping systems as well as less use of farm wastes and a high dependency upon external inputs. When compared with no-chemical rice production practices very little differences were found. However, organic rice farming showed 15% to 18% higher profits than no-chemical farming even though the productivity was arguably similar between the two farming types. This may encourage more farmers to convert to organic production rather than non-chemical farming as the farming practices are very similar, thereby resulting in increased supply of organic products and decreased prices for organic rice near future. There is a need to more greatly differentiate organic farming practices and products from those of no-chemical farming.
This study compares and contrasts the Wales and England Organic Action Plans (WOAP and EOAP) and a Korean regional Life-Food Development Plan (KLFDP) in order to facilitate the development of the organic sector in Korea. Early action plans, for example, the first WOAP (1999) focused support on developing the supply of organic products whereas later action plans focused on marketing and consumer. OAPs may not only provide specific issue-solving roles by proposing new policy measures but also perform a regulatory role as a controller for organic sector development as a whole. The current KLFDP seems to stick to the former role but hardly has the latter role such as setting priorities, harmonizing various conflicting p이ïcy measures and factors and performing evaluation process for further progress. To secure better harmonized and sustainable development of Korean organic farming sector, constructing comprehensive national-Ievel organic action plan, which has policy developing, implementing, regulating, evaluating and evolving functions, might be the most efficient choice.