Customary agriculture seeks to increase production and supply people with safe foods. Thus, the promotion and establishment of organic agriculture are required to reduce water and soil pollution caused by customary agriculture.
Although organic agriculture is an agricultural technology system whose basic principle is organic water circulation in agronomic agriculture and livestock industry, the livestock raising sector has not been developed in Korean organic agriculture;hence the limited development of agronomic agriculture. This study therefore sought to develop a standardized model connected with organic livestock raising and organic agronomic agriculture to secure symmetric and continued development. Specifically, this study reviewed the technological and economic problems related to the development of a naturally circular standard model where organic agronomic agriculture and organic livestock raising are connected. Likewise, a model for calculating the appropriate quantity of fertilizers to be applied and appropriate number of livestock to be bred was proposed as important factors in the development of a regionally circular agriculture model, and an alternative to a system connecting the two factors suggested.
The study must have standpoints for the stable market construction of the EnvironmentalFriendly agricultural products of the qualitycertificated which has rapidly grown due to a discussion of the environment and agriculture, income increase and the interests on foods stability. The survey was conducted through facetoface interview of 200 adults who are in their twenties or more in Cheonancity. In this research, the EnvironmentalFriendly agriculture was a clean agriculture not using a fertilizer or chemicals and the agriculture which protects the environment by preventing the environmental pollution. In the analyses of the consumer"s willingness to pay, the rice showed 69,851 won, and a lettuce and beancurd showed 947 won and 1,412 won respectively. In terms of current issues of the policy, to establish the stable circulation structure and consumption strategy, there must be a clearness raise of the Quality Authentication (QA) Mark. To raise the trust through quality authentication, there must be transparency raise of information by distribution stages and the thorough post management of the official institutes. Also, to persue the competitive product differentiation, there must be the settlement of the product brand on the market, development of the new production technology and a classification of consumers by incomes. Finally to construct stable distribution and price system, there must be active participation of the local agricultural cooperatives in the distribution of the EnvironmentalFriendly agricultural products of the qualitycertificated and the understanding of the proper price of the consumer market and flexible strategy of the price change.
Recently, together with consumers’ increasing concerns on food safety and environmental issues, there is increasing demand on the environmentally friendly agricultural products such as organic products. At present, Japan, as a biggest net importing country of the agricultural products, is a market of the international-scale in the organic product marketing. Also, it is expected that the possibility of market expansion in the future is very high.
According to the 2000 agricultural census in Japan, the number of the environment-friendly agricultural farmers were 501.556 householders. This number is about 145 percent higher than that of the 1996 results of 204,600 householders. Organic products in Japan were mainly marketed through the producer and consumer cooperation, producers" cooperation, specialized marketing company etc. However, along with the department store, big supermarket and others" participation in the market recently, the marketing channels are diversified.
As of October 1999, market sales of the organic products were estimated about 350 billion yen. It is expected that organic certification system, organic products import, resturant industry scale and others will be more influential factors on the market expansion of the organic products in the future.
This study compared the levels of North Dakota and South Korean conventional and sustainable farmers’ participation in community organizations. The North Dakota data were collected in 1990 from a sample of 568 farm and ranch operators, and the South Korean data were collected in late 1999 and early 2000 from a sample of 147 farmers through interviews and surveys. The data were analyzed using the SPSS ANOVA computer program.
The sustainable farmers in both countries were more likely to participate in community organizations than the conventional farmers. Nevertheless, through this comparative study it was found that some differences between two countries exist due to their different cultural backgrounds. Whereas Americans were oriented more to morality and ethics influenced by church, farmers in Korean were more influenced by civil movements. Whereas the reduced tillage farmers in Americans were more likely to be sustainable farmers, the mixed farmers in Korea were more likely to belong to conventional farmers. While individuals in community organizations focused on the economics of agriculture, sustainable farming and farmers" social participation were social matters, which were used to develop sustainable community.
A study was conducted to investigate the effect of supplementing earthworm meal on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of feed in broiler chicks. A total of 120 broiler chicks at 7 days of age were fed the experimental diets containing 0%(Control), 0.2% and 0.4% of earthworm meal for 6 weeks.
When fed on both starter and finisher diets, the body weight gain and amount of feed intake were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the chicks fed 0.4% of earthworm meal than those fed 0% and 0.2% of earthworm meal. There were no significantly differences in feed conversion ratio and mortality among the treatments. When fed on both starter and finisher diets, digestibility of dry matter of feed was not affected by the dietary treatment, but crude fat and crude ash digestibilities of feed were tend to increased in chicks fed earthworm meal Digestibility of crude protein of feed in chicks fed 0.4% of earthworm meal was significantly(P<0.05) improved as compared with those in 0.2% or control group.
These results indicated that the dietary supplementations of 0.4% earthworm meal were effective in improve digestibility of crude protein of diet resulted improved broiler performance in broiler chicks.
This study was tried to examine the efficacy of apples that had grown with agrochemical alternatives in an apple orchard. The chlorophyll content of apple leaves was a little higher in the plot of Charcoal powder, Chitosan, and Peat moss treatment among the other agrochemical alternatives. On the contrary, the sugar content of apple fruits was higher in the plot of Amino acids, and Green ion calcium treatment, but there was quite a difference among them. Vitamin C content of apple fruits was high at the cell division period. It became lower at the hypertrophic period and then got higher again at the harvest. Vitamin C content was the highest in the chemical fertilizer plot as well. In an apple orchard where agrochemical alternatives were used only, the commercial grade of ripened apples had declined by 25%, compared to those in customary cultivation. The commercial grade of ripened apples with agricultural chemicals using fertilizers and pesticides was over 90% with over 250g of its weight in the plot of Charcoal powder, Amino acids, and Vitamin C treatment. Therefore, we guessed the environmentfriendly method of cultivation in an apple orchard shall be established by reducing the usage of agricultural chemicals gradually and increasing the agrochemical alternatives at the same time.
The chemical properties of oak tree wood vinegar and the effect of wood vinegar on the tomato seedling were investigated to apply wood vinegar efficiently to the organic and natural farming system. On the basis of the results from chemical properties of the oak tree wood vinegar, mineral nutrient contents of wood vinegar was low. Therefore, wood vinegar could not be a suitable nutrient source for the plant growth at 500~1000 times dilution level, which commonly used in the farming, if only wood vinegar is supplied for the nutrient source for the plant growth. The application of wood vinegar increased root growth up the 500 times dilution level while decreased shoot growth. Furthermore, the anion concentrations such as nitrate and phosphate of the plant were decreased by the application of wood vinegar while cation concentrations such as K, Ca, and Mg were increased. Phenolic compounds of wood vinegar such as chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid enhanced the root growth. Interestingly the application of ferulic acid increased both root and shoot growth at the level of 10⁻⁴M concentration. It indicated that the effect of wood vinegar on the production of healthy plant seedling may be due to the beneficial root growth by phenolic compounds such as chlorogenic acid and/or ferulic acid of the wood vinegar. However, the effect of the wood vinegar on the plant growth could be influenced by synergism or antagonism of different phenolic compounds in wood vinegar used. In addition, drench in the soil of wood vinegar may be more beneficial compared to foliar application for the improvement of root activity and plant growth.