
한국유기농업학회지 KCI 등재 Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.10 No.4 (2002년 12월) 7

2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
CODEX의 유기농업기준에 대하여 기본적으로는 공감하고 있으나, 아시아적 기후의 특성과 농가당 소유면적이 유럽이나 미주․오세아니아 지역에 비하여 상대적으로 너무 협소한 점을 감안하여 아시아의 유기벼 재배농가들에게 과중한 부담을 주지 않을 수 있는 선에서의 유연성을 부여해야 할 것이다. 윤작이나 휴경의 경우, 지역에 따라 벼󰠏딸기 등의 과채류󰠏벼󰠏토마토 등 과채류󰠏벼 행태나, 벼󰠏보리 또는 호밀 등의 사료 또는 녹비작물󰠏벼󰠏자운영 등의 사료
2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
현행 유기식품생산에 관한 국제규격인 IFOAM Basic Standard와 Codex guidelines이 지나치게 유럽과 미주의 밭농사 위주에 적합하도록 규정되어져 있어, 논농사 위주의 아시아 유기농업에 얼마나 불공정한 국제규약인가를 지적하고 있으며, 가까운 장래에 이러한 불공정 유기농업 국제규격이 대폭 수정 개정되어야 함을 주장하고 있다. 또한 세계3대 식량 작물의 하나인 벼에 대한 유기식품생산규격이 없는 까닭에 소농규모 및 논농사 중심의 아시아 유
2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of natural materials such as GB₁₀, chitofarm, chaff charcoal, and chaff charcoal sap, on quality and yield of chinese cabbage. Natural materials were treated on seeds, soil, and leaves. The total plant weight, head weight, head length, head width, leaf length, leaf width, and sugar content of chinese cabbage in treatment with natural materials showed significant difference compared with control. The yield of chinese cabbage in GB₁₀ soil treatment and 1% GB10 leaf treatment was increased 53% compared with control. The total nitrogen, P₂O₅, K₂O, CaO, MgO, Na₂O, and Mn in total plant were analyzed. The chemical components were increased in total plant of chinese cabbage treated with natural materials compared with control natural materials increased the quality of chinese cabbage.
2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
‘Probiotics’ as a live microbial feed supplementation which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its microbial balance and it is known to as a substitute for antibiotics in livestock feed industry. Lactic acid bacteria as a Lactobacillus sp. is formed acid and decrease pH in gastro󰠏intestine that is result in suppress harmful microorganism. Lactobacillus sp. also produces vitamin and a variety amino acids. Yeast as a saccharomyces sp. secretes digestive enzymes, decreases ammonia emission and increases feed palatability by alcohol and glutamic acid. The effects of dietary probiotics in monogastric animals that improve weight gain and feed efficiency ratio and decrease diarrhea occurrence frequency in pigs. Also, probiotics increase egg production ratio and beneficial microorganisms in laying hens. In broiler, they have more gain weight and lower blood cholesterol concentrations by probiotics. However, the other study reported probiotics supplementation in animal diets has no effect on ADG, G/F or performance. Thus, future study in these area will allow for more efficient use of the probiotics, selection of more superior microorganism and development of more efficient environment󰠏friendly probiotics like a photosynthetic bacteria.
2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The effect of the Penicillium sp. PS󰠏113 with high phosphate solubilizing activity and Lactobacillus sp. was studied on cucumber growing test in green house. Inoculation of Penicillium sp. PS󰠏113 5.0×10⁶cfu/㎖ and Lactobacillus sp. 6×10⁶cfu/㎖ were longer than control about 3cm length of cucumber. The average weight was also increased 89.2g more than control. Total product of cucumber was 10,681.7g and it was increased 4517.3g as compared to control. Thus, Inoculations of high phosphate solubilizing microorganism increased in productivity on cucumber.
2002.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This experiment was conducted to investigate the changes of sugar contents and chip color during 104days storage after harvesting of five potato varieties. The potato varieties were planted on 1st april in 1999 and harvested on 10. July in 1999. NO₂⁻ contents in potato petiole tended to decrease rapidly at tuber maturing stage. K⁺ contents in potato petiole tended to in crease at 70 days ofter planting on medium maturing varieties, and at 90 days after planting on late maturing variety. Snowden variety was no desirable cultivar for processing on spring cultivation due to long growth period. Contents of solid and sugar in potatoes affected on potato chip color. Higher contents of solid in potato varieties showed low sugar contents and no change on chip color during storage.