It is hypothesized that changing from conventional to organic production is an investment because specific capital items are necessary for such a step. It is further hypothesized that in view of the limited experience and the very restricted availability of extension materials such investment is particularly prone to risk. The conversion to organic farming has proven to be an economically interesting alternative for a large portion of the converted farms in the past. This contribution will consider the question of which factors influence the success of organic farming. A discussion of the most important consequences for politics and agricultural practice conclude this paper, drawn on the important factors identified in the study.
Hansalim is a cooperative organization dealing with environmental-friendly/organic products(EFOP), which is pursuing both movement and business. Hansalim consists of producer"s organizations and consumer’s organizations, and always talks over organization structures and management directions all together. Hansalim has the movement goal of values and a world view for all lives, and so produces, distributes and consumes the EFOP as a way of achieving the goal. Hansalim was founded in 1986, and has about 130,000 members, the total sales of about 93.6 billions, 19 regional hansalims and one logistics center in 2006. Product strategy and promotion strategy are remarkable among green marketing mix of hansalim. Product strategy focuses safety, the environmental intimacy, differentiation and superiority of products. And the characteristics of promotion strategy are spontaneity, the self-control, cooperative spirit, mutual trust and close relationship among producers, consumers and staffs in charge.
This study was carried out to present the measures for the stable environmentfriendly rice’s production, farm income increase and consumption revitalization and so on by analyzing economic effects of the environment-friendly rice’s production complex by certification type, cultivation type and distribution type. Data were collected from the environment-friendly rice’s production complex in Kyunggi, Kangwon, Chungnam and Chunnam provinces. Survey was conducted with sorted by organic and no-pesticide farming. Of the samples 5 types of organic farming and 4 types of no-pesticide farming were surveyed in 17 and 18 complex, respectively. The farmers income of organic and no-pesticide farming per 10a were individually about 29~68% and 50% higher than the conventional farming. Base on the above results, the reasonable measures for the stable environment-friendly rice’s production and distribution and consumption revitalization were to secure partnership among business, universities, government and research institutes sectors, to organize farmers group and production complex, to establish RPC for environment-friendly rice and to introduce certification system for the distribution dealers.
This experiment was conducted to study the spring productivity and feeding value of hairy vetch varieties. We also measured DM yield and feeding value by analyze CP and CF that authors made possible to calculate TDN and RFV. The results can be summarized as follows; Dry matter yield were increased earlier autumn seeding date and later cut in spring. Differences of dry matter yield in earlier cut in spring was high in order of Ostsaat, Welta, Vv4712, Penn-02, Common and Minnie. Crude protein(CP) yield was increased when earlier autumn seeding date and later cut in spring. Total digestible nutrient(TDN) yield of hairy vetch varieties was decreased when later autumn seeding date, and was increased when later cut in spring. TDN yield was highest in Ostsaat and Welta varieties had highest dry matter yield. Acid detergent fiber(ADF) content was decreased when later autumn seeding date and was increased when later cut in spring. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content was decreased when later autumn seeding date. Average values for relative feed value(RFV) were 157% and 132% in both cut. It shows that a high feed value in all of hairy vetch varieties. Above all, the results presented that the optimal seeding date for cultivating hairy vetch in the central region of Korea is between the 10th to the 20th of September. Because Ostsaat and Welta had significantly high dry matter yield we expected Ostsaat and Welta have a higher wintering ability.
Predicting plant responses to changing atmospheric CO₂ and to the possibility of global warming are important concerns. The CO₂ concentration of the global atmosphere has increased during the last decades. This increase is expected to result in changes of global temperatures and this will also affect the growth and development of bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) and other crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of atmospheric CO₂ enrichment and high temperature on the growth and development of bell pepper under three temperature regimes. There was no statistical difference in the days required from seeding to flowering between CO₂ treatments, whereas among three temperature regimes, high temperature plots of 35/25℃ showed the shortest days (52.5 days) required from seeding to flowering. The plant height of bell peppers 15 weeks after emergence showed no statistical significance, while plots of 30/20℃ showed the highest plant height among the three temperature regimes. Time-course response of plant height to CO₂ enrichment was restrained in high CO₂ concentration (800ppm), at the same time higher temperature promoted plant height. Average leaf area per plant of 400ppm was 6,008.8㎠ and it was 5,225.1㎠ in the plots of 800ppm, showing 15% more leaf area compared to 400ppm CO₂ concentration. Leaf dry weight between CO₂ concentration and among temperature regimes showed a statistical significance. The average leaf dry weight in the plot of 800ppm showed the highest (44.1g), which was 18.5% higher compared to that of 400ppm (37.2g) and among temperature regimes, it was the highest (49.8g) in the plot of 35/25℃. Above-ground dry weight showed statistical significance between CO₂ concentration and among temperature regimes. The average above-ground dry weight of 800ppm CO₂ concentration was 141.4g, 17.9% higher compared to 400ppm CO₂ concentration (119.9g). Among three temperature regimes, plots of 30/20℃ showed the highest average above-ground dry weight (168.9g), while plots of 35/25℃ were the lowest (102.3g). In the average bell pepper dry weight, 800ppm of CO₂ concentration showed higher bell pepper dry weight (59.5g) than that (44.3g) of 400ppm of CO₂ concentration. It was judged that high CO₂ concentration was profitable for bell pepper yield and there was a tendency that when there was high CO₂ concentration (800ppm), low temperature (25/15℃) was profitable for bell pepper dry weight, whereas it was the reverse (30/20℃), in the case of ambient CO₂ concentration (400ppm). In the specific leaf area according to CO₂ concentration, 800ppm showed 117.4, which was 35.5% higher compared to that (159.1) of 400ppm, showing that leaf becomes thicker as CO₂ concentration increases. Regarding correlation coefficients among crop characteristics, leaf area was negatively correlated with the number of bell peppers per plant and bell pepper dry weight, showing that the higher the leaf area, the lower the bell pepper yield. Bell pepper dry weight per plant showed positively significant correlation with the number of bell peppers per plant and total above dry weight, which showed that the higher the number of bell peppers and the total above dry weight, the higher the bell pepper yield.
광범위하게 집중적으로 채소 재배에 이용되고 있는 강원도 태백산맥 지역의 고랭지를 대상으로 유기물 시용이 토양의 비옥도를 비롯한 화학적 성질에 미치는 영향을 조사했다. 또한 이런 조건에서 재배되는 배추의 생장과 수확량, 그리고 품질을 평가했다. 토양에 첨가한 많은 양의 돈분과 톱밥, 계분과 톱밥, 계분, 퇴비 등의 유기물질과 화학비료가 토양 유기물 함량에는 결과적으로 거의 영향을 미치지 못했다. 토양의 pH에도 마찬가지로 별 영향이 없었다. 그러나 K와
In order to find a solution to protect pigs from bacterial diarrhea and the nasty smell in stalls which are the most trouble, we composed a bio-formula with Stretococcus thermophilus, Bacillus amyloliquifaciens and Bacillus subtilis. The antagonistic microbe Bacillus amyloliquifaciens can control the growth of Salmonella typhimurium KCTC 1926, Escherichia coli O-157, Listeria and Staphylococcus. S. thermophilus from pig’s stomach can live in gastric juice so it also control germs. They worked in its living cell state and its culture fluid. As a result of feeding with piglings, it showed effects of preventing diarrhea and increasing the weight.
For developing standard method for diease, pest and weed control in environmental friendly ‘Ssam’ vegetable cultivation, this study was carried out to investigating agriculture material use in organic agriculture and no pesticide cultivation for lettuce, kale, leafy perilla and korean cabbage. The 28.6% of investigated farmer carried out seed sterilization by seed selection with salt solution and soaking in chitosan that not validated. For raising seedling periods, the 55.6% of farmer did not use environmental-friendly agriculture material for, diease control and the 50% of farmer used one time for. pest control. Therefore, the control of disease and pest could be achieved with one or two times use of environmental-friendly agriculture material. Seed sterilization was carried out by soil solar sterilization, one time per year in 71.4% of farmer. Weed was controled by black PE film for weed germination of furrow in many farmer, by man-power weeding for weed of ridge in 85% of farmer and by machine weeding and mulching in some farmer. During cultivation period, the major pest were Aphis gossypii in lettuce, Plutella xylostella in kale, Plutella xylostella and Phyllotreta striolata (Fabricius) in korean cabbage and Pyrausta panopealis (Walke) in leafy perilla. The many farmers used environmental-friendly agriculture material for control of pest over 10 times for spring season, and more used sold materials in market than home-made materials. In result, it needs to develop standardized method and validate cultivation methods for control of disease and pest, and seed sterilization treatment environmentalfriendly ‘Ssam’ vegetable.