This study analyzes an economic efficiencies of apples, pears, and grapes farming. We evaluate an annual economic overall efficiency (OE), allocative efficiency (AE), technology efficiency (TE), pure technology efficiency (PTE), and scale efficiency (SE) using data envelopment analysis (DEA). We also measure returns to scale of farms, and the change of technical efficiency of frontier farms. Lastly we estimate the effects of some explanatory variables on allocative, pure technical, and scale efficiencies.
This study presents detailed emission of greenhouse gases of using Clean Energy Agriculture System according to a cradle-to-gate life-cycle assessment, including emission from energy use and leak of Biogas. Calculations were done with the PASS software and the covered gases are CH4, N2O and CO2, Total GHG fluxes of amount to 1719.03 kgCO2/day, 39.63 kgCO2/day (2.31%) are from facility house process, 0.19 kgCO2/day (0.01%) are from transport process, 696.72 kgCO2/day (40.53%) are from Anaerobic digestion process, 846.61 kgCO2/day (49.25%) are from Heating and cooling system, 135.88 kgCO2/day (7.90%) are from Fertigation production process. The results suggest that for effective reduction of GHG emissions from Facility house using clean energy. Reduction targets should address both the production process as defined by IPCC sectors and the consumption process. An LCA assessment as presented here could be a basis for such efforts.
This study was conducted to suggest ideal management system for organic materials. As the performing method of the study, surveyed results on understanding of related persons (organic farmer 846, organic materials manufacture 70 and Organic materials Auditors 7) with eco-friendly farming were used. And the opinion on unintentional pollution source contained in organic materials was surveyed additionally. The issues pointed out by organic farmers on product of organic materials were high price (60% to total), poor efficacy (16%), disorder on distribution system (13%) and containing chemicals as a pesticide (10%). And notification system for organic materials was accepted in general (positive and so so 76%) while most interviewees preferred (89%) unification of certification system dominantly. As unintentional contamination source, pollution on imported row material was indicated as major reason, and other causes were confirmed as insertion during manufacturing process, agricultural by-products using as product additive et al. Based on these surveyed results, authors suggest bellows as considerable methods for effective improvement of management system on organic material. First, establish new integrated certification system which contains standard of quality certification and notification system on organic material. Second, for evaluation ofefficacy, apply relative evaluation system of significance such as Duncan’s multiple test instead of existing absolute evaluation system. Third, constitute and operate selection of standard comparison subcommittee in organic Agro-materials committee in RDA.
The static status and dynamic trend of the market structure in the international wheat trade market are empirically analyzed. The export inequality level empirically proved to be high compared to import inequality level. And such states have been maintained since 2001 until 2014. Although the concentration level of export side seems to be easing, the international wheat market remains imperfect competitive market. Moreover, overall imperfect competitive status over 2002-2014 has been worsened compared to 2001 level. The main reasons are that the overall trends of the imports concentration is reduced more than those of the export concentration level.
A Linear Approximated Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System, suggested by Eales and Unnevehr, is estimated with monthly data set of Korean fruits consumption. LA/IAIDS consists of 6 demand equations which correspond to domestically produced Hanrabong, overwintering mandarin, strawberry, melon and tomato with imported orange. The results indicate that price and scale flexibilities are negative, as expected. And the significance is that a 10% increase in imported orange quantity is associated with 5.5% declines in the price of Korean Hanrabong while the price of other fruits is minimally affected. In addition, the estimate of scale flexibility of Hanrabong (-2.96) is much smaller than any other fruit. Hanrabong farmer might be in the face of deficit operation as a consequence of the substitution effect if orange would be imported in accordance with the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
The objective of this study is to estimate the relationship among perceived value, perceived risk, satisfaction, purchase intention for environmental-friendly agricultural products. For this, we separate consumer with two groups that one is the experienced, the other is the not-experienced. Four factors is respectively adopted in perceived value and risk with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study show that emphasizing the value of environmental-friendly agricultural products is important to the not-experienced. And to decease the risk is more effective to the experienced for activating market.
Main aims of environment-friendly agriculture (EFA) are increasing functions for environmental conservation of agriculture and building consumer confidence for agricultural products safety. The low-pesticide certification will be abolished in 2016, and this will give rise to much confusion to low-pesticide certification producers. The non-pesticide agriculture doesn’t mean organic farming, and the EFA standards of Korea don’t match up to international standards to organic agriculture. The system improvement directions for EFA are to devide into two types of organic farming and EFA, and EFA includes non-pesticide and low-pesticide farming both. These types must have legal grounds respectively.
This study aims at identifying the characteristics of family-owner firms from the business studies and searching for the usefulness of the concept for the farming research. From the 1980s, there have been a lot of studies on family business which found out its different features in term of management characteristics. Exploring the concept of the family business, this tries to figure out any kind of similarities of the family farm concept which could be applied for the studies on identifying novel characteristics of contemporary family farms in capitalised societies.
This study was considered chances of additional income, if farmers raised silkworms in unused mulberry leaves, after harvesting mulberry, investigated yields of mulberry leaves in vinyl-house and optimal amount in raised silkworms, First, the results was investigated productions of mulberry leaves in the mulberry tree-shape of vinyl-house, T-shape harvested 7.07 kg, Y-shape was 6.55 kg, in comparison with convention of it was harvested 4.75 kg mulberry leaves/1 mulberry tree, was harvested 49%, 38% more each. Also, yields of mulberry leaves was used 302 kg when was raised 1box of silkworms in the mulberry tree-shape of vinyl-house. In other hand, yields of raising silkworms was analysed in the mulberry tree-shapes of vinyl-house, mulberry leaves of 1,000 ㎡ vinyl-house mulberry tree was raised average of 3.74 boxs silkworms, in the concrete conventional-shape was 3.24 boxs, T-shape did 4.17 boxs and Y-shape was 3.83 boxs, Consequently, if the farmers of 1,000 ㎡ vinyl-house mulberry tree raised silkworms with unused mulberry leaves, could get 1~1.2 million won additionally.
The study was conducted to investigate the effects of organic matter application on soil microbial activities and diversities in a newly reclaimed soil. Soil chemical properties, population of microbe, microbial biomass, and properties of microbial community were investigated under 4 different treatment (animal manure compost+ green manure, chemical fertilizer, and without fertilizer). The experiment was conducted for 3 years from 2012 to 2014. The most of chemical properties in the animal manure compost+green manure treatment were increased continually compare to chemical fertilizer and without fertilizer. The population of bacteria and fungi were higher in the animal manure compost+green manure treatment, however, there was no difference on actinomyces. Soil microbial biomass C content was higher in the animal manure compost+green manure treatment than in chemical fertilizer and without fertilizer. Biolog examination showed that catabolic diversities of bacterial communities were higher in the treatment of animal manure compost+green manure. It was showed that principle component analysis of the Biolog data differentiated the organic matter amended soils from NPK and control. These results indicated that application of animal manure compost+green manure had a beneficial effect on soil microbial properties.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage and split irrigation on the growth of pepper plant under green house condition in Jeonnam province. Moisture content of soil at whole quantity irrigation in tillage was increased rapidly regardless of soil depth for initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. Deviation of moisture content in soil was decreased with increasing depth of soil. Moisture contents of top soil and subsoil (20 cm) at whole quantity irrigation in no-tillage were increased with sunrise, and then decreased with sunset. Moisture contents of top soil in tillage, and top soil and subsoil (20 cm) in no-tillage at half quantity irrigation indicated a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of soil was increased after initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. With increasing depth of soil, increases of salinity in soil was delayed. Salinity of top soil in no-tillage was increased between AM 11:00 and AM 12:00, and then showed the highest level between PM 2:00 and PM 6:00 on a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of subsoil (30 cm) in no-tillage was not measured a cyclic diurnal variation. Moisture content and salinity of soil was positive correlation regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. Growth of pepper in no-tillage cultivation was higher than that in tillage cultivation. Main branch Length and stem diameter of half quantity irrigation plot was higher than that of whole quantity irrigation plot regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. After harvesting, the number of pepper fruits of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 49% and47%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively. Pepper yield of no-tillage cultivation plot was higher by 8% than that of tillage cultivation plot. Pepper yield of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 36% and 39%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively.
This study was carried out to identify the control effect of entomopathogenic microagent against Spodoptera exigua on organic chinese cabbage. In laboratory condition, insecticidal activity of 4 commercial BT pesticides against S. exigua were lower than 10% against second instar S. exigua. The insecticidal activity of entomopathogenic nematode were 33.3%, 83.3% and 100% at the concentration of 1×102, 3×102, 1×103 nematodes/ml, respectively. Mixture of BT and nematode showed growth inhibition against S. exigua larvae. S. exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) of 105 PIBs/ml showed more than 70% insecticial activity. The yield of SeNPV was increased as in higher initial inoculation concentration of NPV, food supply, and growth temperature increased. In greenhouse experiment, the control value of BT and nematode mixture treatment was higher than BT and nematode treatment alone against S. exigua. In treatment of 107 PIBs/ml of SeNPV, S. exigua was controlled completely. In farm condition, mixture of microbial agent and organic agricultural material showed higher control value against lepidopteran pest including S. exigua than BT single treatment.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of organic inputs on soil properties in a newly reclaimed organic soils. The soil of the experiment site was very low in soil fertility and the physico-chemical properties were poor. Several organic input treatments with different source of nutrient were placed, including compost in combination with green manures for organic agricultural practices, chemical fertilizers for conventional agricultural practices, and control without fertilizer. The experiment was conducted with continuous cropping system during 3 years. The chemical properties concentration in compost+green manure treatment was increased continually compare to control and chemical fertilizer treatment, and closed to the recommended rate of fertilizer. The organic matter value for compost+ green manure treatment was increased from 0.86~0.96% to 2.00~2.29% by continuous nutrient supply of compost and green manure. However, further investigation on increasing of organic matter value for 3 years is necessary to monitor carefully during the long-term because it will help to clarify the all mechanisms of organic matter on organic input application way. The available phosphate value for compost+ green manure treatment was generally increased from 21.9~27.1 mg/kg to 182.0~ 394.1 mg/kg. In case of exchange cation, the concentration for compost+ green manure treatment was increased during 2 years within the range to the recommended rate of fertilizer, however, it is expected to cause a rather over supply for 3 years.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of organic fertilization rates on the nutrient accumulation and recovery in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as well as growth and yield of radish in Jeju island. An understanding the relationships between organic fertilization rate, crop nutrient recovery and crop yield can assist in making organic fertilizer recommendation which balances crop value and environmental risk in organic cultivation. Nitrogen (T-N), phosphate (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) were applied at 0, 115-35-40, 230-70-80 (standard application rate), 460-140-160, 230-200-100 (recommended application rate) and 158-53-35 kg/ha (customary application rate), respectively as the broadcast application of mixed organic fertilizer (N 4.5% - P2O5 1.5% - K2O 1%) in combination with langbeinite (K2O 22%), 100% at sowing period. The organic fertilizer was made of organic materials like oil cakes. Total yield of radish, as fresh weight of roots, increased with increasing organic fertilizer doses to a maximum at rate of standard or soil-testing application. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium accumulations of radish increased curvilinearly with increasing organic fertilization rate to a maximum at rate of N 460 - P2O5 140 - K2O 160 kg/ha. However, nitrogen, phosphate and potassium use efficiency of applied organic fertilizer decreased curvilinearly or linearly with increasing organic fertilization rate. Application of organic fertilizer in combination with langbeinite (as a potassium source) had significant effect on the yield of radish. Organic fertilization on a basis of standard or soil-testingapplication rate is recommended for maximun radish yield in organic cultivation.
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens GR4-5 was isolated from the rhizosphere soil of Korean ginseng and displayed broad-spectrum suppression of ginseng root rot pathogens. The survivability of B. amyloliquefaciens GR4-5 in soil was investigated under three different conditions; indoor, outdoor ─ of which soil was put in 14 mL tube after treatment ─ and field environments. Soil samples were collected over a fourweek period from three experimental designs, and assessed for 16S rRNA gene copy number by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In outdoor condition, the 16S rRNA gene copy number of Bacillus spp. was 8.35 log copies g soil-1 immediately after the GR4-5 treatment. Two weeks later, the 16S rRNA gene copy number of Bacillus spp. (6.70 log copies g soil-1) was similar to that of the control (6.38 log copies g soil-1). In indoor condition, the 16S rRNA gene copy number of Bacillus spp. maintained in a certain level for a longer period than those in outdoor and field. The 16S rRNA gene copy number of Bacillus spp. in field experiment was reduced faster than that of outdoor condition. Our results show that B. amyloliquefaciens GR4-5 can survive in bulk soil for 1 week, indicating its potential use as a biocontrol agent following 7 day application intervals. This study presents that outdoor microcosm system design could be a useful method to assess easily the survivability of beneficial microorganisms.
Virus disease surveys on barley cultivation areas in Jeonnam ․ Jeonbuk ․ Gyungnam ․ Gyungbuk-do were conducted during 2014-2015. In this study, we detected Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV), Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV) and Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) by RT-PCR from barley leaves. These viruses are of great economic importance for wheat and barley, causing significant quantitative and qualitative losses in yield. The result of investigation showed that the field incidence of BaYMV in Buan, Gimje was more than 90% in 2014. The infection field rate of barley virus including Boseong, Gangjin, Haenam, Jangheung in Jeonnam was ≈ 30%. In 2014, double infections by BaYMV and BaMMV was detected in Boseong, Gangjin, Haenam and Jangheung. Only as a low rate BaYMV occurred in various fields of Jeonbuk in 2015. At the same time high infection field ratio of 70% was observed in Gunsan. Also in Yeonggwang was double infection of BaYMV and BaMMV. BaYMV occurred single infection has been confirmed in all of the study area of Gyungbuk and Gyungnam except for Goseong during the investigation period.
The potential of nitrogen mineralization was studied by applying organic fertilizer to soil and incubating at 25℃ for 28 weeks. The organic fertilizers used in this experiment were oil-cake (CF-Ⅰ, CF-Ⅱ) and amino acid fertilizer (AAF-Ⅰ, AAF- Ⅱ). Accumulated mineralized nitrogen (N) fits the frist-order kinetics during incubation. The N mineralization potential (No) for organic fertilizers treated soil was highest at AAF-Ⅱ treatment with a value of 27.71 N mg/100g, then followed by CF-Ⅱ, AAF-Ⅰ, CF-Ⅰ. The pure N mineralization potential (N0 treatment - N0 control) for CF-Ⅰ, CF-Ⅱ, AAF-Ⅰ, AAF-Ⅱ were 2.55, 5.83, 3.66, 8.57 N mg/ 100g, respectively. The amount of N mineralized from organic fertilizers applied soil ranged from 46% to 61% of the total N content in organic fertilizer. The half-life (t1/2) of organic nitrogen in soil treated with oil-cake and amino acid fertilizer was 17-21 days. Therefore, half of nitrogen contained in oil-cake and amino acid fertilizer was mineralized after 3 weeks application.
The upland soils (56 samples) from organic farms in Gyeonggi-do (12 sites), Gangwon-do (8 sites), Chungcheong-do (14 sites), Gyeongsang-do (4 sites), Jeollado (18 sites) in Korea were collected and their physical and chemical properties were analyzed by RDA’s methods. In the results of physical property, the bulk density of soils averaged 1.14 Mg m-3 (surface soil), 1.38 Mg m-3 (subsoil), respectively. The porosity of them was 57%, 48%. Organically managed soil’s (OS) bulk density was lower than conventional soil’s but OS’s porosity was a little higher than conventionally managed soil in surface soil. The depth of plough layer in organically managed soils was 21.2 cm indicating that the organic farming had good effect on soil physical property. In the results of chemical property, the surface soil pH was 6.9 and the contents of organic matter (OM) was 26 g kg-1, available phosphate (Avail. P2O5) was 554 mg kg-1, exchangeable calcium (Exch. Ca) was 8.9 cmolc kg-1, exchangeable potassium (Exch. K) was 0.89 cmolc kg-1, exchangeable magnesium (Exch. Mg) was 2.0 cmolc kg-1. The subsoil pH was 6.8 and the contents of OM was 21 g kg-1, avail. P2O5 was 491 mg kg-1, exch. Ca was 7.9 cmolc kg-1, exch. K was 0.68 cmolc kg-1, exch. Mg was 1.8 cmolc kg-1. The nutrient accumulation emerged in organic farming. Compared to the optimum nutrient range for the conventional upland soils, the exceed rate of pH, OM, available phosphate, and exchangeable Ca, K, and Mg was 79, 52, 64, 84, 66% and 55%, respectively, which mainly resulted from the over-application of lime materials or livestock manure compost. With these results it is suggested thatorganic farm need to reduce the use of inputs, which make soil alkalification or nutrient accumulation. More study on effects of inputs on lowering soil pH from alkalification could help organically managed soil to be improved.
To develop environment-friendly agricultural products with anti-microbial activity against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum as a pathogen of sclerotium disease, Usnea longissima was extracted by methanol and its extract was fractionated into several solvent fractions. The chloroform fraction, which showed the highest antimicrobial activity, was separated by silica gel-column chromatography and obtained into nine group subfractions. The nine group fractions were searched the antifungal activities by bioassay. The most active No. 3 subfraction was analyzed by GC-MS. Each mass spectra, corresponding to each peak of chromatogram, was compared to database of Wiley library. As a result, Usnic acid was identified as main compounds. In conclusion, Usnic acid isolated from Usnea longissima was antimicrobial chemical against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum as a pathogen of sclerotium disease.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of weed control on disease incidence, plant growth and fruit quality, and to provide effective method to farmers at the vineyard. At the raincoat greenhouse cultivating ‘Campbell Early’, several weed controlling methods were compared to the control. Mean temperature of plots between soil covering (C.B., W.F., S.N., P.F. and R.H.) and non soil covering (M.W.2, M.W.3 and U.T.) were similar with 26.2℃ (July) and 25.8℃ (Aug.), but humidity of soil covering was sharply decreased in late-July under 40%. Soil water were all higher in soil covering plots than that of non-soil covering, however, soil temperature was recorded lower in soil covering plots. Disease incidence of Peudocercospora vitis according to soil coverings had effect on black plastic film mulching by decreasing grapevine leaf spot to 85% in July, 69% in August, compared to the control, with showing the smallest lesion incidence in FMB. Among growth characters, internode length and internode width of black plastic film mulching was higher than that of the control. SPAD value of black plastic film mulching was recorded the highest. It was not significant among the treatments, but brix was recorded highly in black plastic film mulching with 14~15°Brix.