여름 사료작물 피에 대해 톱밥 발효돈분의 비료효과를 구명하기 위하여 1998년 5월부터 10월까지 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 사료작물 포장에서 시험이 수행되었다. 실험은 난괴법 6처리 3반복으로써 처리 1: 화학비료 정량, 처리 2: 화학비료 정량의 +톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 1/2 (N 100kg/ha), 처리 3: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 1/2(N 100kg/ha), 처리 4: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량(N 200kg/ha), 처리 5: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 2
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of swine liquid manure(SLM) and phosphorus fertilizer from September, 1998 to July, 1999 on the soil fertility on Italian ryegrass field, Cheju volcanic ash soil. pH(lst investigated), Mg (2nd investigate
This study was conducted to determine the effects of organic fertilization rates on the nutrient accumulation and recovery in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) as well as growth and yield of radish in Jeju island. An understanding the relationships between organic fertilization rate, crop nutrient recovery and crop yield can assist in making organic fertilizer recommendation which balances crop value and environmental risk in organic cultivation. Nitrogen (T-N), phosphate (P2O5) and potassium (K2O) were applied at 0, 115-35-40, 230-70-80 (standard application rate), 460-140-160, 230-200-100 (recommended application rate) and 158-53-35 kg/ha (customary application rate), respectively as the broadcast application of mixed organic fertilizer (N 4.5% - P2O5 1.5% - K2O 1%) in combination with langbeinite (K2O 22%), 100% at sowing period. The organic fertilizer was made of organic materials like oil cakes. Total yield of radish, as fresh weight of roots, increased with increasing organic fertilizer doses to a maximum at rate of standard or soil-testing application. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium accumulations of radish increased curvilinearly with increasing organic fertilization rate to a maximum at rate of N 460 - P2O5 140 - K2O 160 kg/ha. However, nitrogen, phosphate and potassium use efficiency of applied organic fertilizer decreased curvilinearly or linearly with increasing organic fertilization rate. Application of organic fertilizer in combination with langbeinite (as a potassium source) had significant effect on the yield of radish. Organic fertilization on a basis of standard or soil-testingapplication rate is recommended for maximun radish yield in organic cultivation.