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        검색결과 17

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to propose an operational concept for a ship in a fleet equipped with an interceptor missile system, a naval surface to air defense system, and to develop a simulation program that reflects it. The results of the defense activities of other ships in the fleet can be reflected by receiving information about the status of the enemy missiles. The allocation of defensive assets is based on the survival probability of the ship, not on the destruction of enemy attacks, which can be obtained as the product of the expected survival probability for each enemy missile. In addition, the concept of predicted survivability was introduced to assess the loss of future defense opportunities that would result from assigning a new command. A simulation program was also developed as a tool for realizing the proposed concept of operations, which generated cases.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Development of a long-range artillery intercept system to counter the threat of enemy long-range artillery is in progress. This intercept system is a complex combination of several components. In addition, the ability to engage simultaneously is emphasized due to the characteristic of having to respond to numerous enemy bullets. In this study, the performance according to the arrangement of the detection asset and missile launchers, which are key components of the system, is analyzed. A simulation experiment was performed assuming the enemy attack at various azimuth and launch angles. As a result of the analysis, the radar seems to provide sufficient detection capability in any situation, but in the case of the launcher, the effect of the enemy's launch angle can be critical. It is recommended to place both radar and launchers behind the protection target.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As Deepfakes phenomenon is spreading worldwide mainly through videos in web platforms and it is urgent to address the issue on time. More recently, researchers have extensively discussed deepfake video datasets. However, it has been pointed out that the existing Deepfake datasets do not properly reflect the potential threat and realism due to various limitations. Although there is a need for research that establishes an agreed-upon concept for high-quality datasets or suggests evaluation criterion, there are still handful studies which examined it to-date. Therefore, this study focused on the development of the evaluation criterion for the Deepfake video dataset. In this study, the fitness of the Deepfake dataset was presented and evaluation criterions were derived through the review of previous studies. AHP structuralization and analysis were performed to advance the evaluation criterion. The results showed that Facial Expression, Validation, and Data Characteristics are important determinants of data quality. This is interpreted as a result that reflects the importance of minimizing defects and presenting results based on scientific methods when evaluating quality. This study has implications in that it suggests the fitness and evaluation criterion of the Deepfake dataset. Since the evaluation criterion presented in this study was derived based on the items considered in previous studies, it is thought that all evaluation criterions will be effective for quality improvement. It is also expected to be used as criteria for selecting an appropriate deefake dataset or as a reference for designing a Deepfake data benchmark. This study could not apply the presented evaluation criterion to existing Deepfake datasets. In future research, the proposed evaluation criterion will be applied to existing datasets to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each dataset, and to consider what implications there will be when used in Deepfake research.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems and the sources of defective products and draw improvement plans in a small plastic boat manufacturing process using TOC (Theory Of Constraints) and statistical analysis. TOC is a methodology to present a scheme for optimization of production process by finding the CCR (Capacity Constraints Resource) in the organization or the all production process through the concentration improvement activity. In this paper, we found and reformed constraints and bottlenecks in plastic boat manufacturing process in the target company for less defect ratio and production cost by applying DBR (Drum, Buffer, Rope) scheduling. And we set the threshold values for the critical process variables using statistical analysis. The result can be summarized as follows. First, CCRs in inventory control, material mix, and oven setting were found and solutions were suggested by applying DBR method. Second, the logical thinking process was utilized to find core conflict factors and draw solutions. Third, to specify the solution plan, experiment data were statistically analyzed. Data were collected from the daily journal addressing the details of 96 products such as temperature, humidity, duration and temperature of heating process, rotation speed, duration time of cooling, and the temperature of removal process. Basic statistics and logistic regression analysis were conducted with the defection as the dependent variable. Finally, critical values for major processes were proposed based on the analysis. This paper has a practical importance in contribution to the quality level of the target company through theoretical approach, TOC, and statistical analysis. However, limited number of data might depreciate the significance of the analysis and therefore it will be interesting further research direction to specify the significant manufacturing conditions across different products and processes.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여름 사료작물 피에 대해 톱밥 발효돈분의 비료효과를 구명하기 위하여 1998년 5월부터 10월까지 제주대학교 생명자원과학대학 사료작물 포장에서 시험이 수행되었다. 실험은 난괴법 6처리 3반복으로써 처리 1: 화학비료 정량, 처리 2: 화학비료 정량의 +톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 1/2 (N 100kg/ha), 처리 3: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 1/2(N 100kg/ha), 처리 4: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량(N 200kg/ha), 처리 5: 톱밥 발효돈분 정량의 2
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze the affecting factors-construction of collaborative planning process and effect on Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project. To this end, targeting the 36 districts which were selected for 2004 Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project and completed their 2010 5-year projects, components of collaborative planning process and planning effect will be drawn and the affecting factors-construction of collaborative planning and effect on Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project will be analyzed below. According to the results of this study, the affecting factors of collaborative planning process of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project on planning effect, The level of effect of individual component on endogenous variable appeared greatest mostly in the upper groups. In terms of the level of individual component effect, social learning process and interaction among participants affected greatest. The process of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project is evaluated that it reflected collaborative planning theory of Healey enough. Therefore, in the course of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project progress, collaborative planning model must pass social learning process and interaction among participants which are the most important components out of collaborative planning process as we saw in the upper groups. And in order to maximize the performance and results of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project, the following sequential affecting factors model as Figure 7 must be suggested as optimal collaborative planning models of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project. Based on the results of the study, the policy implication was drawn as follows. First, systematic supplementations in the form of a consultative body are required to perform Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project efficiently. Second, network needs to be built among different participants in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project process. Third, systematic mechanism is required to improve social learning among different participants. Fourth, systematic rearrangement is required to guarantee the residents' realistic participation in the course of Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project process.