
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 지구온난화에 대한 우려가 증가되면서 농업분야에도 저탄소 녹색성장에 대한 필요성이 대두되고 있으며 친환경 유기 농산물에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 친환경 유기농업을 위하여 녹비작물로 헤어리베치를 재배하여 이앙 1개월 전에, 트랙터 부착형 진압기로 진압하여 녹비작물을 피복하였다. 피복 직후 물을 관수하여 헤어리베치를 부숙시킨 후 경운작업 없이 이앙할 부분만 경운 동시에 이앙하여 녹비작물 피복 논에서 부분경운효과를 분석하였다.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The cultivation area of rice as staple grains is decreasing in the domestic situation in Korea. Import volume of a duty in foreign rice is 409,000 tons for a year regardless increasing of production per unit area and decreasing of rice consumption. The total stock of rice is increasing cumulatively despite the effort for production mediation of rice. Therefore, maintenance of cultivation area and reduction of production are necessary for national foodstuffs security problems. Development of environment-friendly and low-carbon technology as alternative of global warming and aging of farm labor power is very important responsibility for descendants with creation of sustainable agriculture environment. As alternative for demand and supply stabilization of rice from all angles, first stage: extension of environment-friendly cultivation area as 17% Jeollanam-do level with maintenance of cultivation area under the present circumstances, second stage: extension of environment-friendly cultivation area as 25%, third stage: extension of environmentfriendly cultivation area as 35%. From above mentioned scenario, reduction of rice production (60,000 tons), increases of production cost (59,200,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (201,500,000,000 Won) are estimated in first stage. Reduction of rice production (90,000 tons), increases of production cost (122,100,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (313,700,000,000 Won) are estimated in second stage. Reduction of rice production (380,000 tons), increases of production cost (222,000,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (464,500,000,000 Won) are estimated in third stage. From analysis results for partial tillage in transplanting cultivation complex (10ha), rice production is decreased 1.3~1.5 ton by complex. Production cost of rice is decreased and increases of income cultivation type. Gradual extension of environment-friendly agriculture and low-carbon partial tillage could be expected for environment maintenance of the territorial integrity, confidence of consumer, and high-efficiency of low-cost.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 한국형 무경운 재배 토양에서 유기물 투입과 분할 관수가 고추 생육 및 수량 과 토양 화학성, 생물다양성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 추진하였다. 시험 후 토양에 화학 성을 조사한 결과 토양 pH는 5.6~6.2, 유기물 함량은 32~42 g ㎏-1, EC는 1.0~2.7 dS m-1, 치 환성 K은 0.08~0.24 cmol+ kg-1, Ca은 9.5~12.8 cmol+ kg-1, Mg은 2.7~3.2 cmol+ kg-1 수준이었 으며, 유효인산은 1,011~1,137 mg kg-1 수준이었다. 무처리에서 토양에 미소동물은 톡토기와 응애류 등 5종 54개체가 포획되었으나, 대두박을 투입한 처리는 9종 271개체가 포획되어 되었다. 토양환경의 지표가 되는 자연도 점수가 대두박 투입 처리는 11점으로 무 투입 5점 에 비하여 2배 정도 증가되었다. 대두박 투입은 무 투입에 비하여 고추의 수확과수의 감소 로 수량이 감소되는 경향이었다. 그러나 대두박 무 투입 조건에서 표준시비량의 33~66% 수준에서고추 수량은 증수되었으며 대두박 투입에서는 표준시비량의 33% 수준에서 증수 되었다. 2회 분할관수는 1회 전량관수에 비하여 고추의 수확 과수가 12.5~34.9% 증가되었 고, 수량은 13.5~34.4% 정도 증수되었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        두둑과 고랑을 재활용한 한국형 무경운 농업에서 유기물 투입과 관수 효과를 구명하고 자 무경운 토양에서 시험을 수행하였다. 1. 토양 미생물상 1회 전량관수 조건에서 대두박 투입 처리구의 토양 세균과 곰팡이 수는 대두박 무 투입 구에 비하여 많았다. 그리고 유기질비료 투입량이 표준시비량 66%까지 증가되면 세균과 곰팡이 수는 증가되었으나, 그 이상에서는 세균과 곰팡이 수가 감소되는 경향이었다. 곰팡 이/세균 비율은 관수 방법과 관계없이 대두박 투입 처리에서 0.6과 1.1로, 무투입 처리의 0.2와 0.5보다 2배 이상 높았다 1회 전량 관수 조건에서 유기질 비료 시비량이 증가되면 대두박을 투입한 처리는 방선균 수는 감소되는 경향이었으나, 대두박 무투입에서는 증가되었다. 2회 분할 관수는 1회 전량 관수에 비하여 대두박 무 투입 조건에서 세균과 곰팡이 수가 증가되었으나, 대두박 투입 조건에서는 방선균 수가 증가되었다. 2. 토양 효소 유기질 비료의 시비량이 증가되면 토양 내 Chitinase 활성은 대두박 투입 토양에서 감소 되고, 대두박 무 투입에서는 증가되는 경향이었다. 그러나 대두박을 투입에 관계없이 2회 분할 관수는 1회 전량관수에 비하여 Chitinase 활성이 증가되었다. 1회 전량관수 조건에서 대두박 투입 처리구의 β-Glucosidase 활성은 무투입에 비하여 높 았으며, 유기질 비료 투입량이 증가되면 표준시비량의 66%까지는 β-Glucosidase 활성이 증 가되었으나, 표준시비량에서는 감소되었다. 대두박 무투입 조건에서 2회 분할관수 토양 내 β-Glucosidase 활성은 1회 전량관수에 비하여 현저하게 증가되었다. 1회 전량관수 조건에서 대두박을 투입한 처리의 N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase의 활성은 무투입구에 비하여 높았다. 대두박 투입 처리에서 유기질 비료 투입량이 표준시비량의 66 %까지 증가되면 N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase의 활성은 증가되었으나, 표준시비량에서는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 대두박 무투입 조건에서 2회 분할관수는 1회 전량관수에 비하여 N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase의 활성은 증가되었다. 대두박 무투입 조건에서 유기질 비료 시비량이 표준량의 66% 수준에서는 토양 내 산성인 산가수분해효소(Acid phosphatase)의 활성 높았다. 대두박 투입 조건에서는 유기질 비료 시비 량이 증가되면 산성인산가수분해효소(Acid phosphatase)의 활성은 증가되는 경향이었다. 3. 토양 AMF 대두박 무투입 조건에서 유기질 비료의 투입량이 표준시비량의 66%까지 증가되면 토양 의 내생균근균의(AMF) 포자수는 증가되었으나, 유기질 비료 투입량이 표준시비량에서는 근균의 포자수는 감소되었다. 그러나 대두박 투입에서 근균의 포자수는 유기질 비료 투입 량에 따른 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 그리고 내생 근균의 고추 뿌리에 정착률은 대두박 투 입량에 따른 유의적인 차이가 없었으며, 2회 분할 관수도 같은 경향이었다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        두둑을 재활용한 무경운 재배 토양의 고추의 생육량은 관행경운 토양에 비하여 22% 정 도 증가되었고, 무경운 3년차는 12% 정도 증가되었다. 무경운 재배 2년차 토양에서 생산된 풋고추 건물중은 348.4 kg 10-1으로 관행 경운 토양에 비하여 16% 증가되었으나, 무경운 3 년차는 감소되었다. 무경운 2년차 토양의 세균은 관행 경운 토양에 비하여 유의적인 증가를 보였으나, 무경 운 3년차에서는 관행 경운 토양과 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 방선균도 경운 토양에 비하여 무경운 2년차 토양은 유의적인 증가를 보였으나 무경운 3년차는 감소되었다. 곰팡이는 경 운토양에 비하여 무경운 2~3년차 토양에서 1.3~1.7배 정도 증가되었다. 무경운 재배 토양의 CO2 발생량은 경운재배 토양에 비하여 41% 수준으로 발생량이 현저 하게 감소되었다. 고추 생육 초기 관행 경운 토양의 미소동물은 톡토기목과 응애목 2종 6개체가 포획되었 으나, 무경운 1년차 토양에서는 지네강 등 5종 11개체가 포획되었고, 무경운 2년차는 딱정 벌레와 지네강 등 3종 5개체가 포획되었다. 고추 정식 46일 후에 조사한 경운재배 토양은 보라톡토기 등 4종 40개체를 포함 큰집게벌레 등 8종 97개체가 포획되었다. 무경운 재배 토양은 9~10종 101~107개체가 포획되었다. 지표생물로서 환경의 변화의 기준이 되는 자연도 점수는 관행경운양 19점에 비하여 무 경운 토양의 자연도 점수는 33점으로 1.74배 정도 높았다. 따라서 두둑과 고랑을 재활용한 한국형 무경운 농업은 관행 경운토양에 비하여 작물의 생육과 토양 미생물, 토양 곤충을 포함한 토양생물 다양성, 온실가스 발생량 감소에 긍정적 인 역할을 하는 것으로 판단되었다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage on sequential cropping supported from recycling of first crop ridge on the productivity of crop and physical properties of soil under green house condition. This study is a part of “No-tillage agriculture of Korea-type on recycled ridge”. From results for distribution of soil particle size with time process after tillage, soil particles were composed with granular structure in both tillage and no-tillage. No-tillage soil in distribution of above 2 mm soil particle increased at top soil and subsoil compared with tillage soil. Tillage and one year of no-tillage soil were not a significant difference at above 0.25 mm~below 0.5 mm, above 0.5 mm~below 1.0 mm, and above 1.0 mm of water-stable aggregate. Two years of no-tillage soil was significantly increased by 8.2%, 4.5%, and 1.7% at above 0.25 mm~below 0.5 mm, above 0.5 mm~below 1.0 mm, and above 1.0 mm of water-stable aggregate, respectively, compared with one year of no-tillage. Bulk density of top soil was 1.10 MG m3 at tillage and 1.30 MG m3 at one year of no-tillage. Bulk density of top soil was 1.14 MG m3 at two years and 1.03 MG m3 at three years of no-tillage, respectively. Bulk density of subsoil was a similar tendency. Solid phase ratio in top soil and subsoil was increased at one year of no-tillage compared with tillage soil, while soil phase ratio decreased at two and three years of no-tillage. Pore space ratio in tillage top soil (58.5%) was decreased by 8.5% at compared with no-tillage soil (51.0%). Pore space ratio was 56.9% and 61.2% at two and three years of no-tillage soil, respectively. Subsoil was a similar tendency. Gaseous phase ratio was decreased at one year of no-tillage soil, and increased at two and three years of no-tillage soil compared with tillage soil. Liquid phase ratio in top soil was increased at one year of no-tillage (28.3%), and decreased at two years (23.4%) and at three years (18.3 %) of no-tillage soil compared with tillage soil (24.2%). Subsoil was a similar tendency. Liquid phase ratio in subsoil was increased than top soil.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage on sequential cropping supported from recycling of first crop ridge on the growth of pepper plant and physical properties of soil under green house condition.1. Degree of crack on soil by tillage and no-tillageSoil cracks found in ridge and not found in row. At five months of tillage, crack number and crack length in length ridge were 3 and 37~51 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in length ridge were 30 mm and 15.3cm in tillage. Crack number and crack length in width ridge were 7.5 and 7~28 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in width ridge were 29 mm and 15.3 cm in tillage. At a year of no-tillage, crack number and crack length in length ridge were 1.0 and 140~200 cm in tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in length ridge were 18 mm and 30 cm in a year of no-tillage. Crack number and crack length in width ridge were 11 and 6~22 cm in a year of no-tillage. Maximum width and maximum depth in width ridge were 22 mm and 18.5 cm in a year of no-tillage. Soil crack was not found at 2 years of no-tillage in sandy Jungdong series (jd) soil. Soil crack was found at 7 years of no-tillage in clayish Jisan series (ji) soil.2. Penetration resistance on soilPenetration resistance was increased significantly at no-tillage in Jungdong series (jd). Depth of cultivation layer was extended at no-tillage soil compared with tillage soil. Penetration resistance of plow pan was decreased at 1 year of no-tillage compared with than tillage soil. Penetration resistance was linearly increased with increasing soil depth at tillage in Jisan series (ji). Penetration resistance on top soil was remarkably increased and then maintained continuously at no-tillage soil.3. Drainage and moisture content of soilMoisture content of ridge in top soil was not significant difference at both tillage and no-tillage. Moisture content of ridge in 20 cm soil was 14% at no-tillage soil and 25% at tillage soil.4. Change of capacity to retain water in soilCapacity to retain water in top soil was not significant difference at 1 bar both tillage and no-tillage. Capacity to retain water in soil was slightly higher tendency in 1 year and 2 years of no-tillage soil than tillage soil. Capacity to retain water in soil was increased at 15 bar both tillage and no-tillage. Capacity to retain water in subsoil was slightly higher tendency at 1 bar and 3 bar in 2 years of no-tillage than tillage soil and a year of no-tillage soil.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage and split irrigation on the growth of pepper plant under green house condition in Jeonnam province. Moisture content of soil at whole quantity irrigation in tillage was increased rapidly regardless of soil depth for initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. Deviation of moisture content in soil was decreased with increasing depth of soil. Moisture contents of top soil and subsoil (20 cm) at whole quantity irrigation in no-tillage were increased with sunrise, and then decreased with sunset. Moisture contents of top soil in tillage, and top soil and subsoil (20 cm) in no-tillage at half quantity irrigation indicated a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of soil was increased after initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. With increasing depth of soil, increases of salinity in soil was delayed. Salinity of top soil in no-tillage was increased between AM 11:00 and AM 12:00, and then showed the highest level between PM 2:00 and PM 6:00 on a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of subsoil (30 cm) in no-tillage was not measured a cyclic diurnal variation. Moisture content and salinity of soil was positive correlation regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. Growth of pepper in no-tillage cultivation was higher than that in tillage cultivation. Main branch Length and stem diameter of half quantity irrigation plot was higher than that of whole quantity irrigation plot regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. After harvesting, the number of pepper fruits of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 49% and47%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively. Pepper yield of no-tillage cultivation plot was higher by 8% than that of tillage cultivation plot. Pepper yield of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 36% and 39%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korean type of no-tillage cultivation method which was applied on this study used the ridge and the furrow and constantly recycling them as it was suitable for Korea’s weather and farming conditions. This no-tillage cultivation was reported to have little negative impact such as reduction of production (Kwon et al., 1997). In addition, it was found to have a lot of benefits as it requires less agro-materials and energy costs as well as shortened working hours because tillage operation is not needed. (Yang et al., 2012). According to an analysis, no-tillage cultivation can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 344.7kgCO2 (58%) in every 10a (1,000㎡) compared to ordinary pepper farming technique (Korea averages). Direct-indirect reduction effects from using fertilizer and using less amount of energy were 92% and 44% respectively both of which can be considered very high. Besides the direct effects of no-tillage cultivation, soil management using no-tillage technique raises carbon sequestration effect on soil as time goes on (West & Marland, 2002), that is why the technique is expected to have constant carbon emission reduction effect. For theses reasons, distribution and expansion of Korean type no-tillage cultivation are expected to play a role as major agro-green technologies for achieving our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural sector.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate the possibility of sustainable agriculture in no-tillage pepper this study was carried out in vinyl greenhouse with organic cultivation having no pesticide certification. 1. Growth and yield in pepper cultivation General growth in pepper was suppressed with decreasing hill spacing, primary branch length, and stem width. Fruit diameter and fruit weight in no-tillage increased significantly, and yield of pepper increased by 10% compared with conventional tillage. From results organic cultivation in no-tillage improved a quality of pepper compared with conventional tillage. 2. Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage was not different in seed cost, inorganic fertilizer cost, pesticide cost, repair cost, light agricultural tool cost, agriculture facilities depreciation cost and so on. Intermediary goods cost in no-tillage was decreased by 11% for organic fertilizer cost, light and heat expenses and power rate, heavy agricultural tool cost, and repairing expenses compare with conventional tillage. Employment effort cost and work effort cost were decreased, and farm income and farm income rate were increased by 11% and 5%, respectively, in no-tillage. In this work, yield and gross income were increased by 10% and 25%, respectively, in no-tillage. Therefore material cost, intermediary goods cost, working expensive, farm income, and income rate were increased by 34%, 3%, 2%, 52% and 22%, respectively.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This work was studied the effects of spore density and infection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for no-tillage organic cultivation of pepper with wintering green manure crops cultivation in greenhouse field. Spore density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in green manure crops was 189 spores/30g fresh soils in control including alive spore (82 spores). Spore density of AMF in all green manure crops was totally 196~226 spores/30g fresh soil and alive spore was 84~112 spores/30g fresh soil. Spore density of AMF in soils of Pepper crop was range of 48.0~56.7 spores/30g fresh soils after cultivation of green manure crops. Infec-tion structure of AMF was not significantly difference in soils of green manure crops and Pepper crop after cultivation of green manure crops. Infection rate of AMF in roots of green crops was low level by 2.8% in giant chickweed, 7.4% in rye, 9.3% in hairy vetch. Infection rate of AMF in roots of barley was the highest level by 20.3%. Infection rate of AMF in roots of Pepper crop was range of 5.2~7.2% after cultivation of green manure crops Also, infection rate of AMF in roots of Pepper crop was 8.1% after the harvest of barley. Infection structure of AMF in barley very well consisted of network with internal hyphae, while hairy vetch and rye tended to no network. There was not a significant relationship between spore density in soils and infection rate of AMF in rhizosphere of Pepper.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This work studied the growth and yield of green crops, changes of mineral composition in greenhouse soil and green crops, and infection with wintering green crops cultivation in greenhouse field. At 74 days after seeding of wintering green crops, dry matter was 710㎏/10a in rye, 530㎏/10a in barley, 230㎏/10a in hairy vetch, and 240㎏/10a in bean or weeds. Total nitrogen content in green crops was 4.5% in pea and hairy vetch, and 3~4% in barley and rye. P₂O₅, CaO, and MgO contents in all green crops were about 1.0%, and K₂O content was the highest level by 4~5% among macro elements. Total nitrogen fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 22.1㎏/10a in rye, 20.6㎏/10a in barley, 10.6㎏/10a in hairy vetch, and 9.6㎏/10a in pea and giant chickweed. P₂O₅ fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 8.4㎏/10a in rye, 6.3㎏/10a in barley, and 2.3 ㎏/10a in hairy vetch and pea. K₂O fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 28㎏/10a in rye, 24.7㎏/10a in barley, and 11㎏/10a in hairy vetch and pea. CaO fixing content in shoot green crops uptaken from soil was 2~3㎏/ 10a in all green crops, and MgO fixing content was 1.7~2.6㎏/10a in all green crops. Pepper growth in no-tillage was not a significant difference at all green manure crops. The number of fruit and fruit weight were higher in control, pea, hairy vetch and harvest barley than rye and barley. Soil mineral compositions in wintering green crops increased at pH, organic matter, CEC compared with control. Soil chemical compositions were stable level at green crops cultivation according as decreases of EC, available phosphoric acid, Ca, and Mg contents. After no-tillage by green manure crops, pH in soils was higher in green manure crops than control. EC content in soils was lower in green manure crops than control, and was remarkably low level in barley harvest. Organic matter content in soils increased in hairy vetch and barley green manure but decreased by 35% in barley harvest. Total nitrogen and avaliable P₂O₄ content in soils remarkably increased but was not a significant difference at all green manure crops. Cation (K, Ca, and Mg) content in soils decreased by 15~20% in K, 2~11% in Ca, and 3~6% in Mg at rye, barley and pea compared with control.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To establish the organic cultivation of pepper using green manure crops, this work studied the growth characteristics and yield of green manure crops, mineral composition of green manure crops, mineral uptake in shoots of green manure crops, chemical composition in soil of green manure crops, and the growth characteristics and yield of pepper in vinyl house. Shoot dry weight of green manure crops was higher level in Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum than in Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max. Also, the roots were spread deeply into soil in Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum. Density of root-knot nematodes in rhizosphere of green manure crops was significantly more decrease in Crotalaria juncea and Sorghum than in Glycine max and Sorghum bicolor. Total nitrogen and CaO content of green manure crops was significantly higher in Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max than in Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum. K₂O content was significantly higher in Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum than in Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max. MgO content was not significant difference at all green manure crops. Cations content ratio of K₂O : CaO : MgO was 3.4 : 1.4 : 1. Total nitrogen uptake in shoots of green manure crops was high level in Glycine max, Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum compared with in Crotalaria juncea. K₂O and MgO uptake was significantly higher in Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum than in Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max. Value of pH in soil of green manure crops was more increase in Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max than in Sorghum bicolor, Sorghum and control, but after cultivation of pepper pH in soil was recovered with initial soil pH before seeding of green manure crops. EC value in control, green manure crops, and pepper cultivation decreased by 44%, 15~18%, and 38~61% level, respectively, compared with initial soil of green manure crops treatment. K content in soil of control, Crotalaria juncea and Glycine max cultivation was increased by 14%, but the K content in soil of Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum decreased by 24~38%. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) in soil of Crotalaria juncea and Sorghum bicolor decreased by 11%, but CEC in soil of Glycine max, Sorghum and control increased by 11%. Harvest fruit yield was higher in Crotalaria juncea, Glycine max, and Sorghum bicolor cultivation than in control and Sorghum.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was carried out to study the effect of mulching materials and weed control methods on weed occurrence and growth of kale on upland and paddy soil of field culture at spring and autumn season. Paddy soil temperature of mulching treatments was high by 0.9~2.0℃ in comparison of non-mulching at autumn season. The control value of weed was over 91% at mulch paper and time required for weed control was reduced by 70% at mulch paper + machine weeding in comparison of non-mulching + hand weeding. The yield of kale was similar to that of conventional culture. Paddy soil temperature of mulch paper was higher on April, but lower on May and June than non-mulching at spring season. Dominant weed was Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino, The control value of weed was over 91% at mulch paper, time required for weed control was reduced by 75% at mulch paper + machine weeding in comparison of non-mulching + hand weeding and the yield of kale increased by 34% than conventional culture. Dominant weed was Alopecurus aequalis var. amurensis Ohwi. on paddy soil at autumn season. The control value of weed was 43% at mulch paper. Time required for weed control was reduced by 80% at mulch paper + machine weeding in comparison of non-mulching + hand weeding. The yield of kale increased by 26% compared with than of conventional culture.