This research aims to examine consumers’ general types of information search and their unsatisfactory factors in purchasing agricultural products on electronic commerce and analyze consumers’ behavioral characteristics. As study subjects, 802 consumers who have visited the home pages of 14 households or companies, whose home pages are actively managed, were sampled. As a research tool, pop-up post and e-mail were used as research tools and questionnaires were asked three times. The date on research result were analyzed using SPSS 13 statistics package in terms of frequency, percentage, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis.
The cultivation area of rice as staple grains is decreasing in the domestic situation in Korea. Import volume of a duty in foreign rice is 409,000 tons for a year regardless increasing of production per unit area and decreasing of rice consumption. The total stock of rice is increasing cumulatively despite the effort for production mediation of rice. Therefore, maintenance of cultivation area and reduction of production are necessary for national foodstuffs security problems. Development of environment-friendly and low-carbon technology as alternative of global warming and aging of farm labor power is very important responsibility for descendants with creation of sustainable agriculture environment. As alternative for demand and supply stabilization of rice from all angles, first stage: extension of environment-friendly cultivation area as 17% Jeollanam-do level with maintenance of cultivation area under the present circumstances, second stage: extension of environment-friendly cultivation area as 25%, third stage: extension of environmentfriendly cultivation area as 35%. From above mentioned scenario, reduction of rice production (60,000 tons), increases of production cost (59,200,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (201,500,000,000 Won) are estimated in first stage. Reduction of rice production (90,000 tons), increases of production cost (122,100,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (313,700,000,000 Won) are estimated in second stage. Reduction of rice production (380,000 tons), increases of production cost (222,000,000,000 Won), and reduction of income (464,500,000,000 Won) are estimated in third stage. From analysis results for partial tillage in transplanting cultivation complex (10ha), rice production is decreased 1.3~1.5 ton by complex. Production cost of rice is decreased and increases of income cultivation type. Gradual extension of environment-friendly agriculture and low-carbon partial tillage could be expected for environment maintenance of the territorial integrity, confidence of consumer, and high-efficiency of low-cost.
1인 가구 및 핵가족의 증가 등의 소비구조의 변화와 농식품 유통의 다각화로 유통채널별로 적합한 농식품의 포장재가 중요 한 요인이 되고 있다. 물류형태에 따른 포장재 재질과 포장 디자인의 이용실태를 분석하기 위하여 직접유통 농가와 간접유 통 농가 112호를 중심으로 2015년 3월 27일부터 5월 30일까지 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문 문항의 일반적 특성을 파악 하기 위해 빈도분석과 교차분석을 실시하였고, 가설검증을 위해 독립표본 t-검정과 카이제곱(χ2) 검증을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 H1. 유통 채널별로 포장박스를 구별하여 제작하는 것에 대하여 집단 간의 차이가 있을 것이다는 가설이 채택되어서 간접유통 농가집단 보다 직접유통 농가집단이 포장박스 제작을 유통채널별로 보다 더 구별하여 제작하고 있었다. H2. 포 장박스 제작 시 중요 결정요인에 대하여 집단 간의 차이가 있을 것이다는 가정이 채택되어 간접유통 농가집단과 직접유통 농가집단은 제작 시 중요결정 요인은 유통채널별로 구별하여 제작한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 연구결과를 토대로 유 통채널의 다각화에 따른 포장재 활용방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 택배 물류의 농식품은 소비자가 직접유통 중에서 물류시스템이 더 복잡한 전자상거래로 구입이 많기 때문에 좀 더 견고하게 제작되어야 하고, 비택배 물류의 농식품은 마트 나 상점에서 구입하기 때문에 국립농산물품질관리원 규정을 준수하여 제작되어져야 한다. 둘째, 직접유통의 경우에는 소비 자와 생산자의 상호 신뢰와 면대면을 통해서 거래가 이루어지기 때문에 포장 디자인을 크게 부각해야 할 필요는 없지만 간 접유통의 경우에는 소비자와 생산자의 상호신뢰가 형성되지 않았거나 미흡하기 때문에 포장 디자인을 통한 상품의 우수성 을 강조하여 포장 디자인을 차별화해야 한다. 셋째, 유통채널에 따른 포장재 표기방식에서 부각해야 할 부분을 고려해야 한다. 본 연구는 농식품의 유통채널에 따른 포장재 재질과 포장 디자인의 다양화가 필요하다는 근거를 제시하여 향후 농식 품 포장의 선진화에 바탕이 될 것을 기대한다.
Growth of 6-year old ‘Niitaka’ pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) trees and control of insect and disease occurrences were compared between fermented soybean extracts and rain-shelter system for two years. Foliar application of fermented soybean extracts was applied at 6 times as a pre-experiment in the open-field in 2013, with a rain-shelter system in 2014. Fermented soybean extract treatment increased foliar concentrations of approximately 0.46% T-N, 0.17% K, 0.19% Ca, and 0.06% Mg in 2013 compared to the control, with similar macro-nutrients between the control and soybean extract treatment observed in 2014. Rain-shelter system increased foliar concentrations of T-N, Ca, and Mg compared to the open-field. There were no significantly different between the control and soybean extract treatment for number of leaves per fruit, leaf dry weight, phytotoxicity, and completed shoot growth on August during the two years. Rain-shelter system increased leaf dry weight and did not affect phytotoxicity in the leaves. Fruit quality parameters were mostly similar to control and soybean extract treatment for two years, with higher fruit firmness observed for soybean extract treatment. Rain-shelter system advanced 4 days of harvest dates, and increased approximately 7.0 ton fruit yield per ha, 20 g mean fruit weight, and fruit soluble solid contents compared to open-field in 2014. Soybean extract treatment little suppressed occurrence of disease and insect on the leaves and fruits in both years. Rain-shelter system increased occurrence of Venturia nashicola on the leaves and to 63.8% of Gymnosporangium asiaticum on the fruits in 2014. Strong winds and storms in May elevated relative humidity in the rain-shelter system and caused high infection of the disease occurrence, requiring for an additional green control method. Soybean extract treatment little affected tree growth and would have initiated for a long-term study to evaluate tree physiological characteristics. Rain-shelter system improved fruit productivity and advanced harvest dates, which could have been more effective facility at a Thanks Giving Day between middle and end of September.
To investigate the possibility of sustainable agriculture in no-tillage pepper this study was carried out in vinyl greenhouse with organic cultivation having no pesticide certification.
1. Growth and yield in pepper cultivation
General growth in pepper was suppressed with decreasing hill spacing, primary branch length, and stem width. Fruit diameter and fruit weight in no-tillage increased significantly, and yield of pepper increased by 10% compared with conventional tillage. From results organic cultivation in no-tillage improved a quality of pepper compared with conventional tillage.
2. Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage
Production cost of conventional tillage and no-tillage was not different in seed cost, inorganic fertilizer cost, pesticide cost, repair cost, light agricultural tool cost, agriculture facilities depreciation cost and so on. Intermediary goods cost in no-tillage was decreased by 11% for organic fertilizer cost, light and heat expenses and power rate, heavy agricultural tool cost, and repairing expenses compare with conventional tillage. Employment effort cost and work effort cost were decreased, and farm income and farm income rate were increased by 11% and 5%, respectively, in no-tillage. In this work, yield and gross income were increased by 10% and 25%, respectively, in no-tillage. Therefore material cost, intermediary goods cost, working expensive, farm income, and income rate were increased by 34%, 3%, 2%, 52% and 22%, respectively.