
한국유기농업학회지 KCI 등재 Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture

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Vol.19 No.3 (2011년 9월) 10

2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was carried out to estimate carbon footprint and to establish of LCA of cherry-tomato production system. I have case study in cultivate cherry tomato (1kg) calculate in carbon foot print. LCA carried out to estimate carbon foot print and to establish of LCI (life cycle inventory) database of cherry tomato production system. The data is from Research of Farmer"s income in 2007 (RDA, 2008), and used Pass (4.1.3) program. The value of fertilizer, amount of pesticide input were show the environmental effect and direct emission. Carbon foot printing in agriculture guarantee the choice right th consumer th choose the row carbon goods. Its can make to strengthen of agriculture and food industry"s reduction effort of CO2. Nowadays consumer request food"s safety and environment friendly process. Carbon foot printing needs consumer"s relief and incentives.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The paper analyzed on the level of consumer member"s awareness to green marketing strategies (4P"s; product, price, place and promotion strategies) of Hansalim specialty shops for environmentally friendly agri-products. For the study, Hansalim-Cheonanasan members had been surveyed. Consumers purchase environmentally friendly agri-products because quality and freshness of those is good. The difference in amount of the average monthly purchase between loyal customers and disloyal customers is about 130,000 won. And customer"s awareness is that the first is promotion strategy, the second product strategy, the third place strategy, the last price strategy. The average monthly purchase is related with product strategy in correlations between the 4P"s each other. If Hansalim maintains a product strategy, promotes extensively and keeps their product standard, more consumers will purchase Hansalim products because the most important one of effect of green marketing strategies on consumer behavior is products. Hansalim needs to go into action to increase recognition. Some of consumers have misconcepts or don"t know about the 4P"s well. If Hansalim promotes positively considering interrelationship about 4P"s strategies or other strategies, the consumers awareness will be changed more effectively. This study shows that balanced 4P"s is better than only one superior strategy because of the correlation amomg green marketing strategies.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study empirically analyzes the economic validity of rape farmers. The analysis of economic evaluation is based on the benefit-cost analysis. Previous studies have undoubtedly expanded our understanding of the importance of substitution effects on a rapeseed for bio-fuels. However, earlier studies have mostly dealt with the concept of biodiesel"s economics analysis, but this paper"s attentions have been paid to the economic analysis of farm. The aim of this paper is suggesting the most appropriate policy brings about why farmhouses should cultivate the rape. To answer this question, this paper adopts a scenario analysis and the B/C ratio is used.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This work was studied the effects of spore density and infection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for no-tillage organic cultivation of pepper with wintering green manure crops cultivation in greenhouse field. Spore density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in green manure crops was 189 spores/30g fresh soils in control including alive spore (82 spores). Spore density of AMF in all green manure crops was totally 196~226 spores/30g fresh soil and alive spore was 84~112 spores/30g fresh soil. Spore density of AMF in soils of Pepper crop was range of 48.0~56.7 spores/30g fresh soils after cultivation of green manure crops. Infec-tion structure of AMF was not significantly difference in soils of green manure crops and Pepper crop after cultivation of green manure crops. Infection rate of AMF in roots of green crops was low level by 2.8% in giant chickweed, 7.4% in rye, 9.3% in hairy vetch. Infection rate of AMF in roots of barley was the highest level by 20.3%. Infection rate of AMF in roots of Pepper crop was range of 5.2~7.2% after cultivation of green manure crops Also, infection rate of AMF in roots of Pepper crop was 8.1% after the harvest of barley. Infection structure of AMF in barley very well consisted of network with internal hyphae, while hairy vetch and rye tended to no network. There was not a significant relationship between spore density in soils and infection rate of AMF in rhizosphere of Pepper.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
We carried out the experiment to select the suitable sprout soybean varieties for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field of southern part area, compares of excess moisture injury degree and yield ability among 29 sprout soybean varieties. Plant growth of sprout soybean was generally low in beginning and recovered after flowering due to rainfall. In paddy field cultivation, number of pod per individual and number of seed per individual were less in difference than upland cultivation, and maturing date was delayed 5-14 days than upland cultivation in most species. When environment-friendly cultivation, pest injury was not caused major problem for the growth during the vegetative period of soybean due to ground spider as natural enemy to insect pest. However, damage of stink bugs showed severe during grain filling period, and Dawonkong, Anpyeongkong, Dachaekong and Wonhwang-kong showed susceptible to sting bug. SMV infection was weak and showed some necrosis symptoms in Sokangkong, but black root rot was not infected at all. Bacterial pustule began to be infected slowly from pod enlargement stage in most species, displayed severe symptoms in Dawonkong, Pungsannamulkong, Seonam-kong and Sobaeknamulkong. The symptoms of pod anthracnose, pod blight and purple spot were greatly appeared after flowering. Disease resistance varieties was Paldokong, Kwangankong, Doremikong, Somyeongkong, Pungsannamulkong, Iksa-namulkong, Seonamkong, Sojinkong, Pureunkong, Bosugkong, Namhaekong and Sorokkong. Lodging index showed 3 in Saebyeolkong, and other species displayed slight lodging in 0-3 degree. 100-seed weight is 9.8-17.2g extent and increased 0.1-3.7g than upland cultivation in most species, but decreased in some species. Government purchase standard, species correspond to small-seed-size namulkong (Sizing screen diameter 4.0-5.6 mm) was Dawonkong, Dachaekong, Bosugkong, Seonamkong, Sokangkong, Hannamkong, Somyeongkong and Wonhwangkong. Species which seed yield was higher than Pungsannamulkong (266kg/10a) were Sorokkong, Hannamkong, Bosugkong and Sowonkong. Considering sprout soybean species, disease endurance, insect resistance, lodging resistance, 100-seed weight, yield ability and excess moisture tolerances synthetically, Seonamkong, Hannamkong, Doremikong, Bosugkong, Pungwonkong, Kwangankong, Sowonkong, Dagikong, Paldokong, Eunhakong and Pungsannamulkong were promising for environment-friendly cultivation in paddy field.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This experiment was conducted to investigate the selection of regional double cropping system for production of organic forage in middle part of Korea and investigated their productivity, feed values and stock carrying capacity. The test results proved the Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid was 10.9 ton ․ ha-1, the one of Rye + Red clover and Rye + Hairy vetch were the highest one as 3.3 ton ․ ha-1 and the relative yield about a Rye is higher in the dry matter yield in the field soil. And as for the relative forage values (RFV), Corn is the most excellent ones as 96.6 but there were no the significant difference between the Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid of 84.4 and it. The total digestible nutrient (TDN) content in Rye + Hairy vetch is higher than others as 59.7%. As for the relative feed value, Rye + Red clover is the highest one as 83.8 but there was no significant differences between them. As for the ability to raise livestock in the field soil, the average values of KCP and KTDN are shown as 4.27 head/ha/yr in Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid. As for the same crops, the average values of KCP and KTDN showed the highest ones as 1.74 head/ha/yr, in Rye + Red clover but there were no the significant differences. As for the dry matter yield of the rice field soil, organic rice straw was 3.3 ton ․ ha-1 and Rye + Red clover significantly showed the highest values as 4.1 ton ․ ha-1. In the rice filed soil, the crude protein content of organic rice straw was 3.1% and the TDN content of organic rice straw was 55%. The TDN content in Rye + Red clover was higher than others as 59.7%. As for the relative forage values, Rye + Red clover showed the highest one as 83.8 but there were no significant differences between them. As for the ability to raise livestock in the rice field, the average values of KCP and KTDN in the organic rice straw was 1.04 head/ha/yr and the average values of KCP and KTDNM in Rye + Red clover is the highest one as 1.84 head/ha/yr, but there were no significant differences in all of them.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was carried out to develop environmental friendly control for major diseases and pests on Boxthorn (Lycium chinense Mill.). Outbreak of Eighteen diseases and pests were found at the Boxthorn organic yards in Chung-nam province. Among them Powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni de Cand.), Hypophyllous mold (Pseudocercospora chengtuensis (Tai)), Western flower trips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)), Green peach aphid (Myzus pericae (Sulzer)) and Corn earworm (Helicoverpa armigera) needed to be controled by environmental friendly methods for high fruit yield of organic Boxthorn. In summer(Jun) test Bacilus subtilis QST 713 wettable powder and Sulfur wettable powder were effective and in autumn (Sep.) test Sulfur, Copper hydroxide and Paraffinic oil were relatively effective in Powdery mildew. In Hypophyllous mold control test Paraffinic oil and Bacilus subtilis GB-0365 were effective with above 70% control value. And it was possible to control Western flower trips by natural enemy (Orius laevigatus) by 80% control value. Corn earworm was possible to control by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai GB413 flowable and Bacillus thuringiensis aizawa 0423 wettable powder application above 70%. And Green peach aphid was controllable with environmental friendly materials, such as, Bacillus subtilis (Seoncho), Bacillus subtilis (Jinsami) above 80% and Ginkgo nut extract above 70% control value.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This experiment was performed to study growth and yield of rice (cv. Dongjin-byeo) and soil properties affected by the application of rice straw, compost, and hairy vetch. An application of rice straw and compost led to the decrease in plant heights and tillers compared with chemical fertilizer whereas hairy vetch applica-tion resulted in slight increase. Panicle no per plant was the highest in chemical fertilizer and there was no difference among organic matters. Grain per panicle was no difference among chemical fertilizer, rice straw, and compost whereas was the lowest in hairy vetch application. The 1,000 grain weights did not show any statistic difference and the ripened rate was enhanced in all treatments of organic sources compared with chemical fertilizer. Therefore, an index of rice yield of compost, rice straw, and hairy vetch to chemical fertilizer (100%) was 77, 72, and 103%, respectively. In addition, an application of organic sources led to the increase of soil pore space and this contributed to the improvement of soil physical property.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Organic materials, such as chitin incubated solution (CIS) combined with neem oil (NO), nano silver silica (NSS), and Bordeaux mixture (BDM), were applied with and without agricultural chemicals (AC) (insecticide and fungicide) to investigate scab and mealybug occurrences and fruit qualities on "Niitaka" pear trees in orchards in 2006. Fruits and leaves grown under CIS+NO without AC had less than 30%, scab occurrence, but CIS+NSS or CIS+BDM without AC had higher scab occurrence. Organic materials with AC decreased the scab to less than 20%. All treatments decreased mealybug occurrences to less than 10%, except for the fruits grown under CIS+BDM without AC. Fruit qualities varied among the treatments. Hunter value a, representing for the redness degree, was higher for fruits treated with CIS+NSS and CIS+BDM without AC than those with AC. Fruits treated with organic materials without AC had greater total phenolic and flavonoid compounds as well as antioxidant capacity in flesh and greater total phenolc compounds and antioxidant capacity in peel than those treated with the AC.
2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was conducted to investigate the changes in physicochemical and microbiological properties during fermenting process of farm-made organic liquid fertilizer made of the mixture of organic materials such as blood meal and molasse during fermenting process. The pH level of organic liquid fertilizer during the fermentation decreased from 7.2 to 4.3. The EC of organic liquid fertilizer was increased from 13.9 dS/m to 99.3 dS/m during the fermentation. The total population of aerobic bacteria decreased from 8.2×105 cfu/ml to 3×104 cfu/ml, but Bacillus spp. increased from 2.1×102 cfu/ml to 4.2×103 cfu/ml during the fermenta-tion. Bacterial isolates were obtained from organic liquid fertilizers and identified by fatty acid-base typing. The Genus Bacillus was dominant as fermenting proceeded. The denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profile showed changes of bacterial communities in organic liquid fertilizers.