
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2023.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        산양삼은 산림청 특별관리 임산물로 지정되어 관리되고 있지만 체계적인 연구 나 표준 재배지침이 현장의 재배 현실과는 상이한 부분이 많은 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 평창지역의 산양삼 재배지 환경조건에 따른 진세노사이드 함량이 어 떠한가를 알아보기 위하여 산양삼 시료를 각각 10본씩 채취하여 실험을 통해 확 인하였다. 산양삼 입지환경은 경사, 사면 방향, 해발고, 나무 종류, 흉고 직경과 수 고 등 모두 6가지를 조사하여 국립산림과학원의 분류기준을 참고하여 침엽과 활 엽으로 구분하였다. 산양삼 재배지의 토양산도를 포함한 9가지 토양이화학성 분석 에서는 전체적으로 침엽지역보다 활엽지역에서 높은 함량을 보였다. 통계분석 결 과에서는 A, B, C, 재배지에서 침엽과 활엽지역 간 통계적 유의성이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, D 재배지는 침엽과 활엽지역의 유의차가 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. 진세노사이드 함유량 분석 결과에서는 Re, Rb1, Rg1의 순서로 높은 함량을 나타 내고 있어서 평창 산양삼의 주성분을 확인할 수 있었다. 연구 결과로 산양삼은 산 삼이 잘 생육할 수 있는 환경과 비슷한 곳을 재배지로 선정하여야 고품질의 제품 을 생산할 수 있다고 예상할 수 있다. 향후 본 연구 결과가 임업인 소득증대에 도 움을 줄 수 있는 자료로도 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effect of railway traffic controllers’ negative perception of organizational culture on their job demand and job satisfaction in relation to the moderating effect of self-efficacy. Results showed that the aggressive/defensive culture based on power and competition, had a positive (+) effect on job demand and job satisfaction. On the other hand, in the conditional process model in which self-efficacy affects the relationship between organizational culture, job demand, and job satisfaction, self-efficacy played a significant role in lowering the level of job demand, and it contributed to the increase of job satisfaction through a mediating effect. This results suggest the needs for lowering the level of job demand by changing the present aggressive/defensive organizational culture into the constructive one. And also, much consideration for maintaining the level of their self-efficacy should be spent.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 중국의 동북진흥전략, 특히 '5점 1선 연해경제벨트' 전략과 ‘창지투 개발·개방 선도구’ 전략에 따른 “중국의 신 비즈니스 거점화 전략”을 동북지역의 투자환경 평가를 통해 그 가능성 살펴보았다. 연구결과 동북 3성은 러시아, 몽골, 한반도와 국경을 맞대고 있는 입지조건(Location advantage)를 바탕으로 교통․물류의 중심지로 빠르게 부상하고 있는 만큼 동북아 경제협력의 허브(Hub)로서 역할 잠재력이 큰 것으로 평가되고 있다. 첫째, 오는 2020년까지 대련이 동북아국제항운센터와 국제물류센터로 건설될 경우 '5점 1선' 연해경제벨트는 국제경쟁력을 갖춘 臨港 산업글러스터로 부상할 것이기 때문이다. 둘째, ‘창지투 개발·개방 선도구’ 전략은 두만강 개발계획(TRADP)과 연계되는 만큼 두만강지역 배후권역(러시아의 동시베리아 및 극동지역, 몽골, 중국 동북지역, 북한, 한국의 동해안, 일본의 서해안)의 교통 및 물류 발전 잠재력이 크기 때문이다. 셋째, 중앙정부의 동북진흥정책과 함께 동북 3성의 지방정부 역시 각자의 상황을 고려한 지방정부 차원의 개발전략을 적극 추진하고 있다는 사실이다. 이러한 다자간 지역협력 프로젝트를 통해 역내 국가들 간의 경제적 상호보완성이 강화될 경우 동북 3성은 “과거=심천”, “현재=상해 포동”에 이어 “미래=동북”이라는 중국정부의 "신 비즈니스 거점화: NBH(New Business Hub)" 전략은 그 목표에 한발 더 다가설 수 있을 것으로 보여진다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper analyzes the diachronic change of complement form from the that-clause into the to- infinitive clause, which is headed by a deontic predicative adjective. The rise of to-infinitive clauses and the decline of that-clauses from ME seemed to be caused by analogy and assimilation between verbal and adjectival mandative constructions. The analogical change was triggered by language internal factors such as the loss of inflections, word order reanalysis and the development of control construction as well as the principle of event integration and clause union, complexity principle and accessibility theory. In the deontic adjectival complement clause, the toinfinitive clause has been keeping roughly 3:1 to the that-clause from ModE up to PDE. In addition, adjectival complements with to-infinitives have shown less abrupt and more constrained than verbal complements with to-infinitives. Such developmental process is related to the constraint on the syntactic operation that substitutes to-infinitive clauses for that-clauses. In fact, the that-clause could be changed into the to-infinitive clause only if the thatclause functions as a logical subject in the deontic adjectival complement clause. Futhermore, deontic adjectives can't be merged with an animate subject since predicative adjectives of this type don't connote subject-oriented activity.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the OE absolute participial clause, its subject was usually realized as inherent dative case in the CP‐oriented and focalized element‐prominent structure. During between LME and EModE, dative absolutes were changed into nominative absolutes, which was derived by the reanalysis of SOV as SVO and the change from the OE structure into the TPoriented and subject‐prominent structure. But nominative absolutes were substituted with accusative absolutes from LModE. Such a change as this was triggered by analogy and assimilation with verbal gerunds that became grammaticalized as C-fin-T+def in their internal structures. Nominal gerunds in OE and EME began to acquire verbal properties from LME and onwards. Verbal gerunds in PDE are composed of mixed projections [+N,+V] with functional category Gerund Phrase. The [+N]‐feature selects a gerund's logical subject and the [+V]‐feature licenses its verbal complement. The Gerund as functional head bears both an uninterpretable verbal feature [uV] that is checked against the interpretable feature of a verbal complement and an interpretable nominal feature [iN] that guarantees a gerund's logical subject. As for the case identification of a gerund's logical subject, it is spelled out either as genitive at the DP level when it is selected as the genitive form morphologically or as accusative when EPP attracts a nominal element as a clausal gerund's logical subject onto the CP-fin-TP+def level where the [FinP nonfiniteness] renders a default case feature to be accusative.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to examine hedging expressions expressed by epistemic modal auxiliaries and to analyze their grammatical function, intrinsic meaning and scope in English. Meaning difference in sentences merged with an epistemic modal auxiliary is revealed by the scope parameter between the unmarked and marked interpretation of it. At the C-I interface, the unmarked use of an epistemic modal auxiliary doesn't contribute to the truth-conditional meaning, whereas the marked use of it sometimes contributes to the truthconditional meaning. An epistemic modal auxiliary moves to C from T at the C-I interface, then it functions subjectively as a discourse-related information marker connoting an illocutionary force feature there. But when it functions objectively at T without movement, an epistemic modal auxiliary links thematic relation to its subject. In order to confirm the scope of epistemic modals, 20 native speakers checked the grammaticality of sentences that containing both an epistemic modal auxiliary and a quantifier concurrently. The result shows that all the native speakers interpret the epistemic modal auxiliary as denoting wide scope, but they don’t agree one another on the interpretation of it as denoting narrow scope.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on organic rice cultivation by continuous use of cow manure in the central region of Korea and investigated productivity of organic rice and feed value, stock carrying capacity of organic rice straw. In the results, application of chemical fertilizer showed higher one of 1st and 2nd year in fresh matter yield (15.77, 30.30ton/ha), dry matter yield (9.90, 13.89 ton/ha), dry matter yield of rice straw (4.88, 7.15ton/ha), dry matter weight of kernel per plant (29.81, 39.99g) and number of kernel per plant (1212.58, 1701units), but there were not significantly differences with each experimental plots in 3rd year. And harvest index showed higher one in application of chemical fertilizer (0.52, 0.48, 0.43) until 3 years. But their quantitative difference between application of chemical fertilizer and cow manure was gradually decreased each year. And the average value of KCP and KTDN showed higher one in application of chemical fertilizer (2.01, 2.94, 1.95 head/ha/yr) until 3 years. However, quantitative difference between chemical fertilizer and cow manure was gradually decreased each year. Especially, application of cow manure showed higher value of 3rd year in KME, but there was not significantly difference with each experimental plots. According to the results, continuous use of cow manure will be reduced their quantitative differences between chemical fertilizer as the year progress in the central region of Korea in terms of productivity of organic rice and feed value, stock carrying capacity of organic rice straw.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cattle manure application on productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity of forage crops in upland and paddy fields at Gang-Wondo area. In the result, dry matter yield of sorghum x sudangrass hybrids obtained was 15.12 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. Significantly highest values of crude protein and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields obtained were 0.59 and 5.35 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in the first cutting, and 0.44 and 3.70 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of organic raw cattle manure in the second cutting, respectively. The values of KCP+KTDN/2 and KME of sorghum × sudangrass hybrids obtained was 7.76 and 4.46 head/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. The dry matter yield, crude protein and TDN yields of rice straw were 4.95, 0.16 and 2.75 ton/ha at the level of 100kg N/ha of organic raw cattle manure, and the values of KCP+KTDN/2 and KME of rice straw were 1.89 and 3.43 head/ha. The dry matter yield of winter crops, rye+red clover was 4.36 ton/ha in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch was 4.19 ton/ha in paddy field at the level of 100kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. Crude protein and TDN yields of rye+red clover was 0.29 and 2.38 ton/ha at the level of 100kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch was 0.30 and 2.48 ton/ha at the level of 80kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in paddy field. The values of KCP+Kㄴ/2 and KME of rye+red clover was 2.34 and 2.15 head/ha in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch were 2.27 and 2.11 head/ha in paddy field, respectively. As the result, the productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity of sorghum ×sudangrass hybrids showed higher values with composted cattle manure than organic raw cattle manure. rye+red clover in upland field and rye+hairy vetch in paddy field were most adaptable mixed combinations for roughage production at Gang-wondo area, it may due to their highly productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was carried out to investigate the optimal stocking rate of earthworm populations grown under different stocking rates. The stocking rate in terms of ratio of biomass of earthworms to biomass of feeds(organic resources) is an important factors for biomass productivity of earthworms and vermicast production. The different stocking rates were 1:16(S-1), 1:32(S-2), 1:48(S-3) and 1:64(S-4), as the ratios of biomass of earthworm to biomass of organic dairy cow manure, respectively. The stocking rate of 1:32(S-2) and 1:46(S-3) were obtained a higher values on increasing rates and conversion efficiency of organic matter to earthworm biomass than other stocking rates. Thus, a stocking rates of 1:32 and 1:46 estimated an optimal stocking rates for maximum biomass productivity of earthworms. A stocking rate of 1:16(S-1) showed a significantly highest values of vermicast production and ratios of vermicasts during the rearing periods.(P≦0.05) A stocking rate of 1:48(S-3) showed a highest values of the number of cocoons and vermicasts production per earthworm biomass among the treatment (P≦0.05) The contents of nitrogen, available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations of vermicasts tended to increase with stocking rate and rearing progressed. Vermicasts have a great deal of potential for crop production and protection in sustainable organic cropping systems.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to submit a revised proposal on complementizers in Korean complex sentences. A complementizer as a terminal ending grammatical marker signifies the derivation of a finite or non‐finite complement clause is completed. It is successively merged with a relevant morphological case‐marking particle to make the case‐marked complement clause to be selected by a matrix propositional predicate. In principle there appears to be five different types of complementizers; {‐da, ‐ni/‐nya, ‐la, ‐ja, ‐ma} heading a finite complement clause, {‐eum} heading a non‐finite nominal predicate clause similar to English gerunds, {‐ki} heading a non‐finite nominal verb clause similar to English infinitives, {‐keot} heading a predicative nominal clause, and {‐ji} heading an alternative interrogative clause. When a propositional predicate in the matrix clause is merged with a finite or non‐finite complement clause as its complement, complex uninterpretable locutionary force features denoting sentence type and high/low status marker in C have just agreed with relevant interpretable force features which are carried by a terminal ending grammatical marker in the complement clause.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on growth of rye, triticale with legume and investigated their productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity in order to select the appropriate forage species in the central region of Korea. In the results, Rye+Red clover showed 5.2ton/ha of dry matter yield. But there was no significant difference with Triticale+Red clover and Rye in upland field. In paddy field, Rye+Hairy vetch showed 5.2ton/ha, but there was no significant difference with Triticale+Hairy vetch and Rye. Mixture effects with Rye, Triticale and Red clover, Hairy vetch by relative yield were more than 1.00 compared to monoculture, and their mixture effect was recognized in upland and paddy field. Relative feed value was highest in the applications of Triticale mixture in upland and paddy field. The average value of KCP and KTDN showed the highest one as 2.75head/ha/yr in Rye+Red clover in upland field and 2.84head/ha/yr in Triticale+Hairy vetch in paddy field. According to the results, Rye+Red clover in upland field and Triticale+Hairy vetch in paddy field were considered to be the most appropriate winter forage crops for the central region of Korea in terms of productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on the growth of Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrid by use of various organic fertilizer and investigated their productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity. In the results, the application of fermented poultry manure showed 93.6ton/ha, 19.6ton/ha, 1.12ton/ha, 11.31ton/ha of fresh yield, dry matter yield, crude protein (CP) yield and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yield but there were no significant differences with the application of poultry by-product compost (poultry manure with sawdust) and swine by-product compost (swine manure with sawdust). And the average value of Kcp and Ktdn showed the highest one as 9.45head/ha/yr in the application of fermented poultry manure. However, organic matter content of fermented poultry manure to the lower portion of 32.1% compared to other organic fertilizers could imagine that mineralization of fermented poultry manure was fairly advanced and plant used most of nitrogen in fermented poultry manure, so productivity of Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrid was shown more than other organic fertilizers. If other organic fertilizers use continuous, this difference can be considered to be reduced further. As a result, fermented poultry manure is better than other organic fertilizers in productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity due to the higher content of mineralizable matters. In addition, mixing poultry manure with cow and swine manure is better choice because cow and swine manure will meet a low organic matter in poultry manure.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to examine the diachronic development of gerunds and analyze their internal structure and grammatical function. In OE and Early ME nominal gerunds behaved like nouns describing actions. From Late ME and onwards nominal gerunds began to acquire verbal properties. A verbal gerund in Present-Day English is composed of mixed projections [+N,+V]. The [+N]-feature denoting nominal properties is related to licensing a gerund's logical subject. The [+V]-feature denoting verbal properties is connected with licensing its verbal complement. So, it is necessary to stipulate a functional category Gerund Phrase in the internal projection of gerunds. Thus, the head Ger of the Gerund Phrase makes it possible to combine nominal and verbal features within the 'V+ing'. The Ger bears the uninterpretable verbal feature [+V] that is checked against the interpretable feature [V] of the verbal complement. It also bears the interpretable nominal feature [+N] that functions as a nominalizer and guarantees a gerund's logical subject. As for the Case identification of a gerund's logical subject, it is spelled out as a genitive at the DP level when it is selected as the genitive form morphologically. But it is spelled out as an accusative when EPP attracts a nominal element as a clausal gerund's logical subject onto the FinP-TPdef level where the [FinP-finiteness] renders default Case feature to be accusative.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to investigate the selection of regional double cropping system for production of organic forage in middle part of Korea and investigated their productivity, feed values and stock carrying capacity. The test results proved the Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid was 10.9 ton ․ ha-1, the one of Rye + Red clover and Rye + Hairy vetch were the highest one as 3.3 ton ․ ha-1 and the relative yield about a Rye is higher in the dry matter yield in the field soil. And as for the relative forage values (RFV), Corn is the most excellent ones as 96.6 but there were no the significant difference between the Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid of 84.4 and it. The total digestible nutrient (TDN) content in Rye + Hairy vetch is higher than others as 59.7%. As for the relative feed value, Rye + Red clover is the highest one as 83.8 but there was no significant differences between them. As for the ability to raise livestock in the field soil, the average values of KCP and KTDN are shown as 4.27 head/ha/yr in Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid. As for the same crops, the average values of KCP and KTDN showed the highest ones as 1.74 head/ha/yr, in Rye + Red clover but there were no the significant differences. As for the dry matter yield of the rice field soil, organic rice straw was 3.3 ton ․ ha-1 and Rye + Red clover significantly showed the highest values as 4.1 ton ․ ha-1. In the rice filed soil, the crude protein content of organic rice straw was 3.1% and the TDN content of organic rice straw was 55%. The TDN content in Rye + Red clover was higher than others as 59.7%. As for the relative forage values, Rye + Red clover showed the highest one as 83.8 but there were no significant differences between them. As for the ability to raise livestock in the rice field, the average values of KCP and KTDN in the organic rice straw was 1.04 head/ha/yr and the average values of KCP and KTDNM in Rye + Red clover is the highest one as 1.84 head/ha/yr, but there were no significant differences in all of them.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this paper is to analyze the grammatical status of English core negative element ne and not in the process of diachronic changes. Negation was generally expressed by the negative particle ne throughout OE. It came to be expressed by the weakened ne in combination with the negative adverb not in ME, and as ne disappeared, not started to be used exclusively from around the fifteenth century. There was a temporary tendency to place not before a lexical verb until the verb do became fully grammaticalized as an auxiliary, but negation began to be derived with the syntactic structure of `a finite modal verb/do+not+a lexical verb` from the later period of Early ModE. Contracted negation came to be optionally expressed through negative contraction in terms of encliticization of not to the preceding finite verb from Late ModE.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research was made to propose the improved contents of Practical Business English (PBE) that can be actually commanded by graduates working for trade companies in Busan metropolitan area. In addition to general business English regulated by customary practice, PBE can provide students with specific words, sentences and expressions which are practically used in local trade companies; moreover, both employers and employees engaged in international business in Busan area actively agree to the proposal. Students should given opportunity to take the lecture of PBE not only at the college of commerce but at the department of English language and literature as well, and to experience field work in the local trade companies which reflect the property of Busan industries, as interns according to the requirement of curriculum. PBE should also cover the contents that affords a better understanding of international culture and regional customs, together with the faculty of the fluent command of business English.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rise of multiple negation which bears negative concord can be explained in terms of the word order change from (S)XV having preverbal predicate negation to (S)VX having postverbal predicate negation in the history of English language. In a multiple negative sentence with V2 where a second negative adverb appears in the second stage of the Jespersen`s negative cycle, the first negator performs the grammatical function of focalization in the Spec of CP and the second one confirms the negative meaning in 1P. The linguistic circumstances in which ne.....na ̄/no ̄>na ̄ht/no ̄ht was preferred to ne seem to be closely related to the grammatical function of focalization which was realized in the syntactic structure of V2. The head C in V2 word order has a focus feature as the uninterpretable EPP-feature of OCC, and this feature induces the operation Agree that is accompanied by the internal Merge of a focus element. It is widely recognized that the negator ne in CP has come to be weak and cliticized, but it is still treated as an independent constituent in the multiple negative sentences with V2.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1 2