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강원도 지역에서 우분의 시용이 사료작물의 건물수량 사료가치 및 가축사육능력에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/52638
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한국유기농업학회지 (Korea Journal of Organic Agriculture)
한국유기농업학회 (Korea Association Of Organic Agriculture)

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cattle manure application on productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity of forage crops in upland and paddy fields at Gang-Wondo area. In the result, dry matter yield of sorghum x sudangrass hybrids obtained was 15.12 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. Significantly highest values of crude protein and total digestible nutrients (TDN) yields obtained were 0.59 and 5.35 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in the first cutting, and 0.44 and 3.70 ton/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of organic raw cattle manure in the second cutting, respectively. The values of KCP+KTDN/2 and KME of sorghum × sudangrass hybrids obtained was 7.76 and 4.46 head/ha at the level of 150kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. The dry matter yield, crude protein and TDN yields of rice straw were 4.95, 0.16 and 2.75 ton/ha at the level of 100kg N/ha of organic raw cattle manure, and the values of KCP+KTDN/2 and KME of rice straw were 1.89 and 3.43 head/ha. The dry matter yield of winter crops, rye+red clover was 4.36 ton/ha in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch was 4.19 ton/ha in paddy field at the level of 100kg N/ha of composted cattle manure. Crude protein and TDN yields of rye+red clover was 0.29 and 2.38 ton/ha at the level of 100kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch was 0.30 and 2.48 ton/ha at the level of 80kg N/ha of composted cattle manure in paddy field. The values of KCP+Kㄴ/2 and KME of rye+red clover was 2.34 and 2.15 head/ha in upland field, and rye+hairy vetch were 2.27 and 2.11 head/ha in paddy field, respectively. As the result, the productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity of sorghum ×sudangrass hybrids showed higher values with composted cattle manure than organic raw cattle manure. rye+red clover in upland field and rye+hairy vetch in paddy field were most adaptable mixed combinations for roughage production at Gang-wondo area, it may due to their highly productivity, feed value, and stock carrying capacity.

Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법 Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰 Ⅳ. 적요 Reference
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