This paper analyses how cultural ideas come into play and affect the interpretation on a word’s very complex and layered meaning in Diwuyou(第五游) written by Yujin Sim(沈有鎭) in the Late 18th Century, the earliest systematic etymological Dictionary of Chinese Characters of Joseon period.
Diwuyou contains 1552 main entries written in the "regular script"(kaishu) followed by “Seal Script”(xiaozhuan), and provides the interpretation of formation, meaning, structure, pronunciation, semantic change and some supplementary comments for each character.
We think all dictionaries seem to provide neutral information, but to arrange and interpret various usages of a word consistently, a set of values and attitudes of their editors cannot help being included. However hard editors of dictionaries try to provide objective information, they cannot be value neutral: dictionaries involve both attitudes and values.
The aim of the paper is, thus, to analyses and uncover the hidden consent of dominant ideas and value orientation of Yujin Sim’s age reflected in the interpretations of Chinese characters of Diwuyou. The consent was implicit or hidden because Sim tried to be systematic and consistent in his data collection method concerning brush strocks and make detailed records of origin and history of words. Then, defying the age-old tradition of Shuowenjiezi(說文解字), he defined the meanings of words in 18th century Korean contexts. But by reading Diwuyou more deeply, you can find that the content, methodology, and the very culture of Diwuyou were the product of such a dominant ideology of the age as “neo-confucianism” which drove ruling elites very critical against Buddhist doctrine in the 18th century, an approval of “a divinely sanctioned, hierarchical political and social order as a universal and cosmic order and admiration of the core values of peace, non-violence, harmony and modesty.”
The number of Chinese students who are willing to study Korean as a second language has gradually increased since the treaty of amity in 1992. This article aims to minimize their frequent errors within short term through extracting errors which Chinese students made while studying Korean as a target language and analyzing the reasons in detail, to act up to the longing for learning Korean well. The causes of errors can be roughly divided into 5 types: errors made by native language, over-generalization, lack of knowledge about target language, teaching guidance, and escape strategy. To sum up, the errors of the postposition, the ending of a word and the tense are numerous in an aspect of both the cause and pattern of errors; the patterns of Chinese style expression and character, incorrect expression of idioms are numerous although the causes of errors are few; and the errors of adverb, verb and phrase are numerous although the patterns of errors are few. Therefore, I ask Korean lecturers to teach Korean, focusing on those error points and error sentences with minute preparation in advance.
The "SanGuoZhi" Culture in China have very special meaning. The important part of the "SanGuoZhi" Culture is the GuanYu Culture. The special present of the GuanYu Culture is the worship of GuanYu. Today this present of the GuanYu worship was changed into the cultural phenomena in china and all of the world chinese area. That is called a cultural phenomena of the GuanYu worship. This cultural phenomena of GuanYu Worship have many special meaning in the part of chinese traditional culture and society. We believe that the comprehensive understanding about the cultural phenomena of GuanYu Worship will bring us the right direction to understanding of the "GuanYu Culture" and the "SanGuoZhi Culture" in China.
본 연구에서는 중국의 동북진흥전략, 특히 '5점 1선 연해경제벨트' 전략과 ‘창지투 개발·개방 선도구’ 전략에 따른 “중국의 신 비즈니스 거점화 전략”을 동북지역의 투자환경 평가를 통해 그 가능성 살펴보았다. 연구결과 동북 3성은 러시아, 몽골, 한반도와 국경을 맞대고 있는 입지조건(Location advantage)를 바탕으로 교통․물류의 중심지로 빠르게 부상하고 있는 만큼 동북아 경제협력의 허브(Hub)로서 역할 잠재력이 큰 것으로 평가되고 있다.
첫째, 오는 2020년까지 대련이 동북아국제항운센터와 국제물류센터로 건설될 경우 '5점 1선' 연해경제벨트는 국제경쟁력을 갖춘 臨港 산업글러스터로 부상할 것이기 때문이다.
둘째, ‘창지투 개발·개방 선도구’ 전략은 두만강 개발계획(TRADP)과 연계되는 만큼 두만강지역 배후권역(러시아의 동시베리아 및 극동지역, 몽골, 중국 동북지역, 북한, 한국의 동해안, 일본의 서해안)의 교통 및 물류 발전 잠재력이 크기 때문이다.
셋째, 중앙정부의 동북진흥정책과 함께 동북 3성의 지방정부 역시 각자의 상황을 고려한 지방정부 차원의 개발전략을 적극 추진하고 있다는 사실이다.
이러한 다자간 지역협력 프로젝트를 통해 역내 국가들 간의 경제적 상호보완성이 강화될 경우 동북 3성은 “과거=심천”, “현재=상해 포동”에 이어 “미래=동북”이라는 중국정부의 "신 비즈니스 거점화: NBH(New Business Hub)" 전략은 그 목표에 한발 더 다가설 수 있을 것으로 보여진다.
Since the establishment of Broadcasting Property Rights Institutions (BPRI), it constantly changing at different periods. The term "property" is used in economics and law but less so in the media industry. Therefore, there is a certain amount of academic space left to be discussed. South Korea constantly strengthens their broadcasting technology development, sets up the Broadcasting Act and the corresponding system of property rights, so Korean BPRI are original and native providing the realistic case for study. It is necessary to investigate the path of Korean BPRI development.
Based on current research, we analyze and classify the value concept behind the regulation rules of Korean BPRI. Also we use the Managerial Grid Model (1964) developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton to construct "efficiency" and "fairness" as the ultimate goal of the Korean value system of BPRI. Through this value system of BPRI, we track the value changing path of Korean BPRI.
The analysis' results showed that value changing of the Korean BPRI began from the establishment of private KORCAD (Korea Office RCA Distributor) HLKZ-TV in the 1950s. At that time, Korea paid more attention to the pursuit of efficiency, while the pursuit of fairness was very low. Second, since Korean BPRI’ reform in the 1980s, KBS, MBC totally changed to public owned institutions. So Korea was very concerned about the pursuit of fairness, while reducing the attention to efficiency. Again, after SBS was established in 1990, Korea began to strengthen the pursuit of efficiency again, and still paid attention to fairness. Last, entering 2000 with the rapid development of science and technology, digital technology and the Internet has been widely applied to the entire media field. Integration of radio and television’s phenomenon has become more evident and "fairness" and "efficiency" was become the highest pursuit of the values goal.
Through studying the process of change of Korean BPRI's value goal, the Korean value lines throughout the entire frame from left and right sides on my research. It includes fully pursuit of the efficiency period, fully pursuit of fairness period, as well as both two sides at same period. From the whole development perspective, Korean government has always been pursuit of fairness in the effort, the fairness was taken cared in each stage of economic development. In the whole frame of Korean BPRI, the fairness and efficiency is the eternal absolute value goal. However, at different periods the understanding of the fairness and efficiency focuses on different points. At a deeper perspective of analysis, actually this changing process is constantly adjusted by fairness and efficiency, and is the result of the interaction effect. To balance them is not only very important to South Korea but also for the work towards the future for many other countries. When these two objectives are achieved at a high degree of unity, they will produce positive and infinite effects on the economy, the national welfare and social welfare benefits will also be enormous.
The end of the Cold War has undergone fundamental changes throughout the world. However, Northeast Asia is still a special area because the major issues in the region such as national unity, prevention of nuclear proliferation, national reconciliation, and ideological confrontation have plagued the region for twenty years or even longer, almost without any progress, and until now there are no constructive solutions. The issue of reconciliation has become a thorny issue in the new century. Historical issues brought difficulties to the East Asian countries, but these issues among China, Korea and Japan will not be solved as expected by the three countries respectively. Today, in East Asia, obstacles to reconciliation come not only from history, and the meaning of reconciliation in this region is also different from the past. In the long run, regionalism in this region should be the starting point for national reconciliation. The future of the region eventually lies in the result of mutual concessions concerning many different interests and tendencies.