
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제51집 (2015년 6월) 17

2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, through the relevant syntactic structure and semantic comparison of Chinese and Korean Studies on Modern Chinese function words “De(的)”, “De(的)” was investigated whether has the character of aspect. Through the investigation discovery, Korean language in common and difference on time. In the concrete analysis, this paper also uses Chomsky Government and Binding Theory theory and Barriers theory, analyzes the tree diagram “De(的)” sentence, and through the investigation of the verb “De(的)” analysis, comparison of Chinese and Korean “De(的)” aspect feature. The results are as follows:
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Seoul Metro has set up a principle of liberal translation on naming its stations that it will use thematic role in naming stations in Korean to reveal the origin of the place name and is abiding by the principle. Busan Humetro also applies the same principle. In the view that it can complement the broad principle of transliteration, the thematic role can be fully considered and used in parallel as well. Especially, when thematic role is used, the place name in Chinese characters should be considered first. Furthermore, accurate understanding on the origin of the place name should be sought. However, when looking at closely, there are mistakes in many cases, such as that, the existing Chinese character place names are not considered in thematic role, or the origin of place names are misunderstood, or Chinese characters are wrongly applied. In case of transliteration, there is no independent standard on writing Chinese characters for Korean pronunciation. Therefore, a definite implementation scheme which fully reflects 「Template(英汉译音表)」should be sought. Particularly, It should be considered that the common noun at the rear should be thematically translated or its original pronunciation be written as is. In common nouns at the rear which reveal the natural topography, there are many cases that the common nouns at the rear have lost the topographic informativity. Therefore, it would be appropriate to do transliteration for the whole place name in case the common noun at the rear does not contain the information of the relevant region. However, looking at the actual translation examples, the place names containing the old topographical information were thematically translated uniformly, for example, 나루(ferry)→渡口, 다리(bridge)→橋, 샛강(side river)→江, 내(stream)→川, 못(pond)→池, etc. In the cases that the station name contains the needed information, for example, 성당못(Catholic church pond)→聖堂池 in Daegu Subway, the thematic role is necessary, however, it should be noted that there is a possibility of conveying unnecessary information, like, 여의나루(Yeouinaru)→汝矣渡口. In contrast to this, for the cases of public offices or institutions, it is basically necessary to transfer into corresponding offices or institutions in China. Presently, it is written literally as 시청(city hall)→市厅 or 구청(borough office)→区厅, but a way to change this to 市政府, or 区政府 should be considered. It would also be proper to write 검찰청(Public Prosecutors’ Office) to 检察院, rather than 检察厅. In cases that the Chinese character writings are not commonly used, like 政府厅舍, It would be also appropraite to try to find words which are commonly used, like 政府办公大楼, rather than writing as 厅舍. However, for the institutions like 国会议事堂, which does not exist in China, should be treated as exceptions. It would be awkward to translate it into 人民大会堂 overly. Because their roles are completely different each other. On the other hand, in case of writing an English word place name into Chinese, it is necessary to judge whether it is a common noun or a proper noun. If it is a common noun, thematic role would be appropriate, and if it is a proper noun, transliteration should be done. The most problematic cases are when Chinese characters are written together while the English word place names are not translated; Centum City and Renecite Station fall under this category. For Centum City, translated words such as 仙登城 or 仙腾城, which have transliteration and thematic role together, could be suggested, and for Renecite, transliterations such as 日内西德 or 日内西特 could be suggested. In translating Chinese words, it is particularly important to have uniformity whether it is by transliteration or by thematic role. For the case of 버스터미널(bus terminal), it would be embarrasing to write differently, like, 巴士客运站, 高速客运站, 客运站, etc. It is necessary to unify into one expression of, for example, 汽车客运站, or something else. Sometimes 삼거리(three way intersection) is written differently as 三岔路口 and 丁字路口, and this should also be unified. Besides, there are cases where the possibility of transliteration was suggested, like, 골(valley)→谷尔, 고개(pass)→谷给, 바위(rock)→巴伊, or 내(inside)→內. In these cases where the common nouns at the rear appear frequently, it seems necessary to form a consensus to unify the transliteration.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With the rapid development of society, the additional requirements of life quality are progressively increasing. The world medical market is the world’s fastest growing with greatest potential and cause the attention of people. Especially South Korea is the world leader in Medical industry tourism in the world. Foreigners come to South Korea to do the various types of medical surgery are gradually increase, particularly in Chinese people. The subject of this study was the Chinese home page. The researcher collected Chinese translation problems in these sites and hope to improve the quality of related sites. So that To provide a good information environment for Chinese medical tourists, but also hope that Chinese websites can well play a role in outreach.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本文的悖论不同于逻辑学中的悖论,而是文学上的悖论,是指有些语句,表面看来内容具有相反性或矛盾性,深层的含义却更加准确合理。事物有表象与本质,语言仅表达事物的概念,不一定是真理或真实,因此,用语言表述事实容易陷入明显的局限。人们洞察事物真实面目后,有时更需要用悖论来揭示本质:不仅使用语言表达表层意味,更需要透过语言表层,运用悖论来表现更加深层的含义。在诸子百家中,老子比其他任何人都更多地使用悖论来展示自己的思想。这篇论文针对老子如何通过悖论提出治国方略进行研究。 『老子』的悖论总共三个类型。第一,我们所认知的现象,经常与事物的本质不一样。老子最典型的句子就是“大巧若拙”。老子用意义完全相反的词语来描述现象和本质,指出人们所认知的只是与本质恰恰相反的表象,以此来告诉君王必须准确地洞察国家现实。第二,老子强调“物壮则老”这一规律。这是中国自古就有的思想,它表明,事物达到极端的一面就会自然产生回归的反作用力,这是所有事物运行的自然循环规则。老子以此来劝勉君王不要追求过度的、做作性的治国方式,并说明这种背道而驰的治国方式将带来灾难性后果。第三,“无为而无不为”,这是老子五千言的最高命题。“无为”在文字上看“不做”,而最终追求的却是“无事不能成”。君王治理国家,所有的政策与措施就应该顺其自然,才能马到成功。这就是老子所希望的最高治国方略。 为了这种治国方略的实现,他进而要求君王积极地退让、谦虚、慈爱及俭约。让君王积极追求雌性的柔软性、婴儿般的赤子心、水流般的自然性、溪谷江海般的包容性。这是使君王和国家平安无事、长存永保的原则。因此老子的这些治国方略是极其现实的,也是非常积极的。在他的悖理语句里,正反两面词语的指向是非常明确的。正面意义的词语是指君王和国家的走向:君王必须成为真正的君王(“大方”、“大器”、“大音”、“大象”),而不是空壳般的君王。为了成为真正的君王,必须善于洞察,把握事物本来的真实面目(“大直”、“大巧”、“大辩”)。以此英明政策来管理国家,君王本人的理想人品(“上德”、“大白”、“广德”、“建德”、“质真”)就会与老百姓浑然一体。君王推动国家政策时,必须透彻地把握现实,用更准确更先进的原则(“明道”、“进道”、“夷道”)施行各种措施。必须以谦让朴素的态度包容天下,细心周到(“疏而不失”)地关怀老百姓。这样的国家就会永不衰亡(“大成不弊”、“大盈不穷”)。君王所希望的(“立”、“行”)国家不断地繁荣成长(“全”、“正”、“盈”、“新”、“得”),君王自己获得真正的成功(“明”、“彰”、“功”、“長”、“知”、“名”、“成”)。这没有任何勉强做作,全是自然而然发展繁荣(“无不为”、“无不治”)。这样的国家,是老百姓人人都幸福、温暖、安全(“民利百倍”、“民复孝慈”、“盗贼无有”)的国家。这就是王弼所谓“崇本息末”的“崇本”方略。 反面词语则集中表达了君王本身要持有的心态和力行的言行。老子要求君王不要做作(“企”、“跨”),不要伪善(“自见”、“自是”、“自伐”、“自矜”),不要过度的“有为”。君王不要顽固地执着,一意孤行(“无隅”、“晚成”、“希声”、“无形”)。君王要谦虚(“不武”、“不怒”、“不与”、“为之下”),少做(“不行”、“不见”、“不为”),淳朴(“屈”、“拙”、“讷”、“曲”、“枉”、“洼”、“敝”、“少”),甚至于愚钝(“不德”、“若谷”、“若辱”、“若不足”、“若偷”、“若渝”、“若昧”、“若退”、“若纇”)。这样他的政策松散而宽裕(“天网恢恢”),也不必处处标榜人伦价值(“绝圣弃智”、“绝仁弃义”、“绝巧弃利”)。如此进行“无为之治”,就是王弼所谓“崇本息末”的“息末”方策。 总而言之,老子的悖论具有以下三个要点。一是其悖论有“正言若反”、“物壮则老”、“为无为”三种类型。 二是老子所说的悖论的确拥有“崇本息末”的含义。三是老子所追求的理想的治国方略具有非常积极而值得肯定的意义与价值。
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper aims to explore the roles of Shijing in the diplomatic relations between the Joseon Dynasty and neighboring countries including China. Section 1 of Chapter 2 examines the good-neighbor policy of the Joseon Dynasty implemented throughout the diplomatic relations with Jurchen and Japan. Section 2 investigates the trends of submissive diplomacy practiced by the Joseon Dynasty and deeply rooted in its relations with the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. Section 1 of Chapter 3 analyzes the roles of Shijing applied to the good-neighbor policy toward Jurchen and Japan from the Confucian perspective. Section 2 of Chapter 3 looks into the roles of Shijing throughout the trends of submissive diplomatic relations with the Ming and the Qing Dynasty. The study learned that the good-neighbor policy towards Jurchen and Japan implied confidence of the Joseon Dynasty being a far more superior Confucian civilization to those two nations. The submissive diplomatic relations with the Ming and the Qing mostly confirmed that the Joseon Dynasty was inclined to accept the environment where distinct discrepancy in national power and culture between the Joseon Dynasty and those two nations was evident.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper through the study of Hyupgoksogun(「夾谷笑君」), which dealt with the incident of the murder of the actor in Je(齊) dynasty when Confucius was in the office during No(魯) dynasty and through the analysis of the speech of the actors in the following ages of Han(漢) and North-south dynasty(南北朝), it could be confirmed that the structure of the conflict between the actors and Confucianism changed from the one-way victory of Confucianism to the gradual strengthening of the actors. In the speeches of the actors of Dang(唐) and Northern Song(北宋) periods the bantering of Confucianism is general, distinct, and different from former times in quantity and content Especially the sharp confrontation of the actors and Confucianism in Northern Song dynasty shows caricature and satire of the contradictions of the society, revealing the discrepancy and pretense deeply. The conflict of the actors and Confucianism from Southern Song period to the Cheong dynasty changed from the performing style of the direct criticism of Confucianism to that of making Confucianism subsidiary subject, emphasizing the spiirit of social participation by revealing the contradictions of the society. The first error of Confucianism is the murder of Usi by Confucius and in the following Song dynasty Juhi also had a misconception about the role of actors deeply rooted in Confucianism, which brought about the protest against Confucianism, the backbone of the ruling class. The birth and growth of the actors' bantering of Confucianism developed into the spirit of social participation of the actors who bravely criticized the illnesses of the society. In this paper it could be confirmed that the actors criticized Confucianism, which couldn't be fused into the real life of people, through performance and achieved the purpose of social indictment.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This work seeks to examine visible traces of Heavenly Horse天馬 through Li Gonglin’s Five Horses「五馬圖」. The conclusions are summarized as follows: First, Li Gonglin’s Five Horses is a painting that consists of more than one painting of a horse. Accordingly, Five Horses is not an official work of Li Gonglin. Second, Heavenly Horse of Song Dynasties was a swift horse born in the Western Region西域 and was a term used to refer especially to the one that the emperors rode. The horses of Five Horses were tributes from foreign countries to the emperors, which were raised in the imperial palace. Therefore, Li Gonglin’s Five Horses shows the appearance of Heavenly Horses of Song Dynasties as they were. Third, Li Gonglin’s paintings made a stylistic standard, so the appearance of Heavenly Horses had no special features. Consequently, it is not false that the horses in Li Gonglin’s Five Horses are illustrations of traditional Heavenly Horse.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the 19 century, the Western naval powers including England overwhelmingly rushed to China since their earlier aggression to India and the other parts of Asia. The English merchants armed with naval forces illicitly sold opium to China to regain its trade balance from the Chinese market. Consequently, China rapidly went to be drawn into the world economic system which was leaded by England and this unstable shift of China caused the collapse of the Qing dynasty at last. Then Wei Yuan, the patriotic intellectual of the late Qing, believed that the reason of the invasion of the Western powers is due to their needs of trade with China and then developed his idea of the benefits from the trade between China and the West could be shared in the mutually beneficial and equal international trade. However, Wei Yuan felt that his belief would be realized only in the condition of China's possession of unbending force to that of the West. Therefore, He developed his idea of China would need to equip with strong defense abilities, well trained armed forces and armaments to protect itself from the West and he also came to realize the necessity of learning from the West which would be able to do so only after getting over from China's superior understanding to the West. This is the idea of the 'Yi-xia concept(夷夏論 the concept of differentiation of Non-Han and Han Chinese)' which had sprouted from 'the studies on Jingshi(經世學 the studies on practical aims of political and social guidance)' and later the Yi-xia developed into his philosophical thoughts. Wei Yuan insisted that China should learn from the West but maintaining its sense of being superior to it. These thoughts became Wei Yuan's motivation of writing the book, 'Haiguotuzhi(海國圖志 Illustrated Treatise of Maritime Nations)', in which he insisted to learn from the West so as to protect China from outer threats. From the understanding of Wei Yuan's patriotism to China with his idea of 'Yi-xia concept' and his academic tendency of the New Text school(今文經學派), we can find the early concept of nowadays Chinese dream connected with the idea of the modernization movement of China.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims to survey the creation process of female figure as a whole by linking features of female association depending on Shen cong wen's creation period with the characteristics of female figures of each time. Female figures at the first creation period are, in many cases, just passive subjects looked into the eyes of the male writer. This is largely because of a woman named Ma, Yao Mei, and Ding ling, who were those Shen associated when he first started writing literatures. They were women who hided their true colors of wicked women under the veil of positive image of girl and seem to have a huge impact on the creation of female figures by Shen at the initial stage of his literature creation process. At the second period, female figures in his literatures are varied and colorful. There are novels in which a woman is a main character and stories, in many cases, are delivered from a point of view of a woman. Ding ling and Zhang zhao he associating with Shen at that time had a great impact on this. Literatures by Shen in this period were a dedication for the love and friendship with friends and lovers. Female figures at the third period have contradictory characteristics; sometimes it is too ordinary and plain, and others it is too abstract and difficult. This is related to the fact that the association with women did not directly motivate his creation at that time due to the reality called marriage and a special circumstance: war. But, in this period, he was absorbed in creation to capture the lively motion and beauty of life that he had constantly envisioned. In conclusion, by investigating the relationship between his association with women and female figures, the author has been able to identify the meaning of coincidence and women when it comes to creation, as the way he had expressed. His creative tendency was determined according to the nature of women he was in association with each time and the female figures did not stray from the shadows of women he was in association with. This feature on the creation of literatures by Shen suggests that his literary world and female figures are to be interpreted and studied in various ways in the fields such as eco-feminism and gender psychology.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article examines the discourses and directions of the Korea-China Initiative for People-to-People and Cultural Ties (PCT) for which the Presidents of Korea and China signed in June 2013. The Initiative has gained public attention because Korea and China, which share cultural commonalities through the long history of mutual exchanges, employed humane and cultural resources in the diplomatic policies in an effort to substantiate the Korea-China Strategic Cooperative Partnership. Despite its successful initialization, however, differing views on the PCT have emerged in regards to the notion of cultural ties/communities and the substances of cultural commonalities. This article, based on a review of the political contexts the two countries reached the agreement, critically examines the differing nuance and positions regarding the Initiative. It pays special attention to the Chinese contexts where traditional cultures, usually represented with Confucianism and Chinese characters, are actively employed as political, ideological and diplomatic devices. In addition, examining the Chinese strategies regarding PCT and foreign policies, this article quests for balanced, reciprocal directions of the Initiative.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study will analyze the problems of the backward (obsolete) textbook contents and the stereotyped (imprisoned) teaching methods in classroom implemented by the Korean universities who teach advanced Mandarin conversation lesson in this digital era, and then put forward one possible solution called the model of “Flipped Learning”(“Flipped Classroom” is also included), which could teach advanced Mandarin conversation lesson by flexibly using Internet E-books. The existing education’s paradigm is discarded by teachers and students, and the textbooks’ role is changing rapidly and dramatically along with the education spread and knowledge diffusion via Internet. Through the flexible usage of the latest Internet E-books, not only the politics, economics, cultures, media and press of Chinese modern society could be known, but also our young generation (post 90s, post 00s)’s thought and vision. In a “Flipped Classroom” which gives conversation lesson, it could be expected that weak study will and motivation could be stimulated; uninterested and dull lessons could be inverted into spirit-lifting ones which contain endless lively activities; and those students who used to learn passively could maximize their ability to solve problems all by themselves in their learning process.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Taboo, as a kind of language taboos, people since ancient times due to religious beliefs, and in the process of human development, the formation of one of the taboo is in social communication between language and social groups or in a particular region or individual by the formation of a mutual understanding of the language taboo morphology. Taboos in Chinese due to the ethnic customs of different kinds and different, alternative forms. This theory focuses on the definition of taboo, the kinds of linguistic taboos in Chinese and some of the taboo language to convey the alternative types of. The scope of the study of Chinese taboo is huge, this paper expounds the one failed. Therefore, the content of deficiencies, please enlighten experts.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In China, a person’s name usually implies many different meaning. It develops in tandem with the advancement of human civilization. This paper is devoted to analyze the cultural implication of Chinese names. It concentrates on finding the cultural factors that influence people’ s naming process in different social and political settings. The paper provides some insight related to the naming conventions developed in recent years.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to examine the appointment process for secondary teachers of Korea and China, and analyze its differences. The characteristics of the appointment process for secondary teachers of Korea are as below. First, the influence of the Ministry of Education is absolute. The Ministry of Education manages everything from appointment notice to appointment examination, and it even controls dispatch of teachers, which proves its absolute influence. Second, the mode of appointment is unified. Korea only allows competitive examination, and thus being a secondary teacher is only possible through appointment examination that is held once a year. Third, secondary teachers are treated as civil servants. Secondary teachers are provided with the ninth-class salary of civil servants as soon as they are appointed, and when they have to do additional work for self-study or evening study, they receive two times the urban workers’ average wage. This treatment makes people consider the teaching job positive and prefer the job at the same time. The characteristics of the appointment process for secondary teachers of China are as below. First, schools have autonomy in appointing teachers to a certain degree. In selecting teachers, schools can decide when to hold appointment examination, how to proceed with the mode of appointment, and how many teachers are to be selected, and then gain approval from the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education gives autonomy to schools in selecting teachers. Second, the mode of appointment is diversified. Schools can decide whether to set the ratio of interview test to 100% or that of interview test and written test to 50% each, and whether to include demonstration class, according to their regions and characteristics. In addition, as schools can set the time of appointment examination differently depending on their regions, it can be said that appointment examination is held several times a year. Third, China is making an effort to realize improvement of treatment. Although it is well known that teachers’ workload is rather heavy compared to other jobs, the level of wage is not that high, and it varies with regions. Thus, 「2014 New Teacher Wage Reform Measure」 was established in March 3, 2014 to raise teachers’ wage considering the heavy workload and standardize the different levels of wage in different regions. Therefore, it is thought that China will constantly try to make the teaching job an ideal one at last.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Animation industry is one of several sections of cultural industry, the major growth industry in china. This study is to analyze the characteristics of development of Chinese animation industry in two categories of governmental policy and economy. First, development of animation industry is characterized by the governmental policy. Chinese animation industry is currently experiencing a rapid developmentbased on the various policies and support. On the statement of ‘Plans for Promotion of Chinese Film & Animation Industry’ by State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) in 2004, governmental support on the section has begun. Starting in 2006, China’s 11th five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (FYP) has enhanced the development of the animation industry. With governmental support, Chinese animation industry has been broadening its boundaries through development of new cultural contents. Second, in economic aspect, derivative products have been developed by the progress ofthe animation industry. Governmental support has brought an industrial conversion focused on Research & Development and Creation, and income increase has resulted in an increased spending on culture. Those changes have led to the development of derivative industries such as animated film, accessory, animated publication industries. Success of the animations has promoted development of the derivative products and enlarged the market size. As a higher value-added business with these huge economic impacts, Chinese animation industry will continue its growth.
2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 문헌목록 (bibliography)은 중국학(sinology) 연구자라면 반드시 갖추어야 하고 가장 빈번하게 사용하는 기본 공구서인 사전(dictionary)을 선정하여 필요에 따라 해제를 가한 것이다. 최근 수십 년 동안 수많은 종류의 중국어 사전이 출판되어 있으나, 중국학의 다양한 연구 분야에 필요한 사전을 모두 소개하기는 불가능하다 할 것이다. 이에, 본고에서는 중국어문학 분야를 중심으로 그에 필요한 중중사전 및 중영사전을 위주로 선정하되, 중국학 연구의 전반에 걸쳐서 가장 유용하게 사용될 뿐만 아니라, 가장 종합적이며 전문화된 사전을 선정하여 수록하였다. 먼저, 종합적이고 광범위한 사전목록서목(Dictionary Bibliographies)을 선정 나열하였다. 그 다음으로, 전통 사전류를 배치한 후, 백과사전, 중중사전, 중-외국어 사전, 음운사전, 허사사전, 문학사전, 신화전설사전 및 관직사전 등의 순서로 선정하였다. 국내 사전을 중심으로 선정되지 않은 점이 있으나, 중국학을 연구하는데 필요한 참고문헌목록(reference)으로서 학술정보를 열람하고 확인하는데 편리한 도움을 제공하고, 학문적 데이터베이스(database)의 역할을 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.