한국어에는 음소 결합 제약에 의한 음운변동 9종, 노력 경제의 음운변동 19종, 표현을 강화하기 위한 음운변동이 3종으로 모두 31종의 음운변동이 있고, 중국어에는 결정적 변동 6종, 수의적 변동이 12종으로 모두 18종이 있고, 이들 중 성조의 변동이 7종이고, 분절음의 변동이 11종이다.
한국어의 음운변동 중 중국어에도 같은 조건이 형성될 수 있어 중간언어 음운을 형성할 수 있는 변동 규칙은 무척 제한적이며, 이 논문에서는 연음, 두음법칙, 자음접변, ‘ㄹ’과 ‘ㄴ’의 유음화, ‘ㄹ’의 비음화, 그리고 특이한 현상으로 중국어 ‘r/ʐ/’ 음가의 오류에 기인한 유음화 및 비음화, ‘-ㄱ’ ‘-ㄷ’ ‘-ㅂ’의 비음화, 구개음화, 자음 위치 동화 등에 걸쳐 중국어 학습 상에 나타나는 전이 혹은 간섭으로 인해 나타나는 오류를 분석하였다.
한국어 화자가 중국어의 분절음에 대해 일으키는 가장 중요한 오류 원인은 한국어와 중국어의 음절구조가 모두 CVC 체계이지만, 종성 자음이 중국어에는 /n/과 /ŋ/의 두 개 뿐인데 반해, 한국어는 ‘ㅂ/p/’ ‘ㄷ/t/’ ‘ㄱ/k/’ ‘ㅁ/m/’ ‘ㄴ/n/’ ‘ㅇ/ŋ/’ ‘ㄹ/l/’의 7개로 다양하기 때문이다. 한국어에서는 ‘ㅇ/ŋ/’을 제외한 6개의 자음이 뒤 음절이 모음으로 시작하는 경우는 종성 자음은 뒤 음절의 초성으로 연음되어 CVC+V(C)를 CV+CV(C)의 형식으로 조절하지만, 중국어는 단음절적 특성 때문에 이러한 연음은 일어나지 않음에도 불구하고 한국어 화자의 중국어 학습에서 이를 연음하는 오류가 발생하며, 또 뒤 음절의 초성 자음과 연결될 때는 어떤 형태이든 자음끼리의 충돌로 인한 변동이 아주 다양하게 일어난다. 하지만 중국어에는 종성 자음 /-n/으로 인해 일어나는 자음 위치 동화 현상 정도 밖에 없다. 하지만 한국어 화자는 한국어의 종성 ‘ㄴ/n/’이 일으키는 각종 변동을 중국어에 전이하는 오류를 범하는 경우가 많다.
자음 위치 동화 역시 마찬 가지 이유로 한국어에서는 아주 복잡하게 나타나 지만 중국어에서는 비교적 간단하다. 한국어 화자는 한국어 종성 ‘ㄴ/n/’과 마찬 가지로 한국어의 각종 변동을 중국어에 전이하는 오류를 범하는 경우가 많다.
자음 위치 동화는 노력 경제의 수의적 변동이다. 지나친 동화는 의사소통의 문제를 일으킬 수 있으므로 가능한 한 원래의 발음을 준수하도록 교육하는 것 이 중요하다.
중국어의 정확한 교육을 위해서는 이러한 음운변동의 상호 대비적인 이해를
철저히 해야 할 것이다.
Chinese classical literature had a strong influence on Akutagawa Ryunosuke's works. Akutagawa Ryunosuke showed a portrait of intellectual to look for hope among in a desperate situation through his work 「TuTze-chun」. I tried to compare with Tang Dynasty Novel 「DuZi-chun zhuan」and Akutagawa's 「TuTze-chun」to find the meaning of the differences.
First, the seasonal background, 'Winter' and 'Spring' is very important to define Du Zichun's character that is angry about the outside world or Society and only focuses his attention on the inner or individual, then we can find a wandering and weak modern intellectual.
Second, the third meeting with the old man is also significant. Because each DuZi-chun has a different choice at the third meeting, so we can reconfirm a social-oriented and self-centered character through the third meeting. After the third meeting with the old man, Tang Dynasty Novel's DuZi-chun succeeded in constructing an ideal society, then went to the old man to return his favor. But Akutagawa's decided to enter a Mountain to seek the truth.
The last, Tang Dynasty Novel's DuZi-chun was failed to practice, because of mother 's love for her child, Akutagawa's gave up his purpose due to son's love for his mother. And then Tang's old man got disappointed with DuZi-chun's failure, but Akutagawa's old man was delighted to DuZi-chun's abandonment. Each DuZi-chun's reaction is entirely different with their failure; Tang's DuZi-chun was sorry and penitent for his failure, if anything Akutagawa's was just relieved to cry out when he hugged his mother.
This paper inquired into the discourses on material culture in the latter half of Ming dynasty, which including Gao Lian's Eight Discourses on the Art of Living, Xiang Yuanbian's Nine Records from a Banana-shaded Window, Wen Zhenheng's Treatise on Superfluous Things, Tu Lung's Desultory Remarks on Furnishing the Abode of the Retired Scholar, Zhang Yingwen's Pure and Arcane Collecting. The discourses by Jiangnan intellectuals were compiled during the years 1590 to 1630 and dealt with their classification of and the way of seeing material world. Gao Lian and Xiang Yuanbian were rich merchants who cultivated cultural attainments necessary to be a literatus and tried to enter into elite society, Tu Lung passed Jinshi examination as a son of merchant, became an official, and succeeded to enter into elite society. On the other hand, Wen Zhenheng and Zhang Yingwen were members of elite society. Their discourses on material culture can be viewed on the one hand as rich merchant's cultural effort to try to enter into elite society, on the other hand as elite group's cultural capital on which they sought ways to differentiate themselves.
This article is the valuation analysis of the New Narration Styles of Chinese Novels of the new-era(1970’s~1990’s). Narrative Style is the starting point of analysis perspective of novels as well as of expression. In addition to summarized formal system of Narrative Styles, to explain the value of them is also an important part of the analysis. The valuation of these narration styles is mainly reflected in changes. By studying and describing the changes, this article concludes the new approach from the overall series analysis.There are three main points:1, describing the new style contents of induction and their causes;2,reflecting the general characteristics in the structure of the narrative styles;3,describing the substance and significance of the new narration styles.
Business credit means the credit relationship between seller and buyer during the exchanges of goods. It is a result of common exchanges of goods and economic development. The business activities in Tang Dynasty were more active and varied than those in Wei&Jin Dynasties. According to the record of history, although payment in advance and delayed payment appeared during that period, business credit had not become common activities. It is in the northern and southern Song Dynasties that ancient Chinese business credit system came into being and developed into complete form. At that time the founding of this advanced and scientific economic policy promote the business economy of Song Dynasty to it’s prosperous time.
China was a feudal country for about 2,000 years when a number of uprising by peasants took place endlessly because of exploitation by bureaucrats. Those peasants requested reforms in land distribution system that would raise their social position and bring financial profits to them. The Chinese population was about 80 million in the Han period. It was slowly increased to 120 million which was maintained in the T'ang, Song, Win and Ming periods. But the population was explosively increased to 430 million in the Ching period. or this reason, lots of peasants moved to inland, mountainous places where they faced resistance from natives who had been farming there for generations.
Cheongbang' was a private organization that was initially formed in the Ching period by seamen who worked at a large canal in the southern part of China. It was later integrated with Hongbang into 'Chenghongbang'. After the Xinhai Revolution, Cheonghongbang didn't intervene in political incidents any more. But some members of the organization formed another organization, or 'Banghoe' as one of the most representative crime bodies in the modern history of China. Leaders of Cheonghongbang who had been the puppets of the Chinese National Party were later moved to Taiwan along with the party, took refuge to Hong Kong and Macao or hided themselves in the Chinese emigrants of southeastern Asian countries. And there, they formed a pan-Asian crime organization, that is, 'Triad' or 'Samhaphoe'. The other members of Cheonghongbang who were left in the mainland China return to the life of ordinary people after submitting a written oath not to involve in crimes in accordance with the anti-crime guidelines of the Democratic People's Republic of China which was founded in 1949. As Deng Xiaoping implemented policies for national reforms and opening, pseudo-underworld society crime organizations began to gradually emerge in the southeastern coastal cities of the country. Since then, about 30 years have passed. Now, the organizations exist in all regions and business fields of China. They are maintaining mutual cooperative relationships with the security police. The organization is offering bribes to the police. In return, the police is aiding the crime bodies to be firmly established and continuously developed.